Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20210624
P. 26
a26 obituario/u.s. news
Diahuebs 24 Juni 2021
When it comes to heated divorce, pets
aren’t people too
(AP) — In the eyes of the
law, pets are property
when it comes to divorce,
but new ways of working
out custody of the dog, Laga tur loke ta spera mi ta bunita
cat or parrot have sprung Laga tur locual cu mi encontra na
caminda ta bunita
up with special mediators Laga tur locual cu mi laga atras
and “petnups” to avoid keda bunita y
courtroom disputes. Laga esakinan termina den tur
Alaska, California and Illinois Cu profundo tristeza na nos curazon,
are among states that have pero gradicido na Dios pa tur locual el
enacted laws giving judges a significa pa nos, ta anuncia
fayecimento di:
leeway to consider the best
interests of pets, not unlike
what they do for children. A Sra. Theresita Thijzen-Harms
bill is pending in New York * 17 juni 1939 +19 juni 2021
state to take the same ap- during the marriage. Memphis divorce lawyer
proach. Miles Mason Sr. has seen Viuda di Louis Thijzen
More laws specifically ad- the worst-case scenario writ
“Someone’s cat or someone’s dressing the interests of pets large. Several years ago, a Na nomber di su:
dog is a part of their fam- are needed, he said, because couple went to war over their Yuinan:
Susy Thijzen
ily and should not be treated custody issues over furry, two German shepherds. The Judith Thijzen
like a piece of furniture or feathered or scaled loved wife had taken training to Eric y Esther Thijzen-Croes
their Honda Civic,” said Sen. ones are far more emotional handle the dogs, while the Christine y Dathan Blanca-Thijzen
Mila y Tito Tromp-Thijzen
James Skoufis, chief sponsor and difficult to resolve than husband had not. Tuka y Willem Paesch-Harms
of the New York measure claims over a set of china or
and proud dad to a cat named the wedding silver. Before the divorce, while on Nieto(a)nan:
Jonathan y Maria Monica Tromp- van den Bosch
Ruth, for the late Ruth Bader a walk with the husband, one Stephanie Helder y James Verschuur
Ginsburg. In states that haven’t taken of the dogs bit and killed an- Ludwig Tromp
the new approach, Citron other dog. The wife claimed Ramses Helder
Some judges around the suggests agreeing at the time a it was because the husband Tamarah Thijzen y Lenno Martina
Ruzischka Tromp y Richnell Rozenberg
country have been taking the pet is acquired during a mar- failed to give the “stand Berti Thiel
approach on a case-by-case riage whose name will ap- down” command in Ger- Arabella Blanca y Gabriel Vrolijk
basis, Skoufis and matrimo- pear alone on registration or man as the dog was trained. Chris Thijzen y Daphne Tania
Rashella Thiel
nial attorneys said. But cou- adoption papers. That person During a divorce proceeding, Rashida Tromp
ples are left to the whims of should pay any costs out of a he sought visitation rights. A Nathalie Blanca
whichever judges they’re as- separate bank account. Such judge barred him from unsu- Jason Blanca
Genevieve Paesch
signed should they choose to measures are especially help- pervised time with the dogs
go to trial. ful if one party is trying to outside the wife’s home, but Bisanieto(a)nan:
weaponize a pet in exchange reserved the right to recon- Nathan, Niamh, Isabelle, Julian, Elijah, Zoë-Mae, Sven y Mick
Adam Citron, a New York for other coveted property. sider if he took the schutz- Rumannan:
lawyer who has handled doz- hund training. + Luisa van der Biezen y famia
ens of divorces, said pets are While some mediators work Linda Harms
“constantly an issue.” He’s to settle pet disputes through Karis Nafte has been an ani- Hipolito Harms y famia
+ Victorina Harms y famia
among lawyer who’ve some- joint custody, others said mal behaviorist for nearly + Augustina Harms y famia
times see the worst in people that’s not always best for the 26 years. Two years ago, she Jacinto y Maria Harms y famia
in divorce court and advo- animal, particularly dogs. started working as a pet cus- Bernadeta y Poli Stamper y famia
+ Panfilio Harms
cates for prenups covering Dogs are most often at the tody specialist for couples Chico Harms y famia
pets. A “petnup” is especially center of pet custody dis- seeking divorces through Capi y Sela Harms y famia
helpful for animals acquired putes. pre-trial mediation. Maria y Franklin Boekhoudt y famia
Stanley y Ligia Eduarda y famia
Swa y cuñanan:
+ Isi Thijzen
+ Abelino y Ida Thijzen y famia
+ Juan Thijzen
Vda. Chana Boerland-Thijzen y famia
Regenita y Eric Tchong y famia
Chita y +Modesto Croes y famia
Janchi y Mildred Thijzen y famia
Chito y Mirna Thijzen y famia
Bon Ayudantenan:
Marlene Almary y Liliana Velasquez
Amiganan di cas:
Margie Pinas y Rose Tromp-Nisbet
Subrino y subrinanan, primo y primanan, Omo, ihanan,
suegro y suegranan, bisiñanan, ayudantenan di Wit Gele
Kruis y demas famia y conocirnan kier a invita un y tur pa
asisti na e acto di entiero cual lo tuma lugar diahuebs 24
juni 2021 di 2or pa 3:30 di atardi na Pray Funeral Home na
San Nicolaas y sali pa santana Catholico na Savaneta
Acto di condolencia lo ta diaranson 23 juni 2021 di 7or pa
9or di anochi na Pray Funeral Home na San Nicolaas.
Si en caso den nos tristeza nos por a lubida algun persona of
famia, nos ta pidi nos mas sincero disculpa.
Pa motibo di e situacion actual cumpliendo cu reglanan stipula
door di DVG, nos ta pidi pa mantene distancia social, no ta
duna man ni brasa y uso di tapaboca ta obligatorio.