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A30    world news
                      Diahuebs 24 Juni 2021

                       Russia says warning shots deter UK warship; London denies it

            (AP) — Russia said one of                                                                                           force  to  reclaim  control  of
            its  warships  in  the  Black                                                                                       the  country’s  eastern  indus-
            Sea  fired  warning  shots                                                                                          trial heartland, where a con-
            and  a  warplane  dropped                                                                                           flict with Russia-backed sep-
            bombs Wednesday to force                                                                                            aratists has killed more than
            a British destroyer out of                                                                                          14,000 people in seven years.
            an area near Crimea that                                                                                            Moscow  withdrew  some  of
            Moscow  claims  as  its  ter-                                                                                       its  forces  after  maneuvers,
            ritorial  waters,  but  Brit-                                                                                       but  Ukrainian  officials  say
            ain  denied  that  account                                                                                          many of them remain.
            and insisted its ship wasn’t
            fired upon.                                                                                                         Speaking  earlier  Wednes-
                                                                                                                                day  via  video  to  participants
            It was the first time since the                                                                                     of  the  security  conference,
            Cold  War  that  Moscow  ac-                                                                                        President  Vladimir  Putin
            knowledged  using  live  am-                                                                                        expressed  concern  about
            munition  to  deter  a  NATO                                                                                        NATO forces near Russia.
            warship, reflecting the grow-
            ing risk of military incidents                                                                                      “We aren’t striving for a de-
            amid  soaring  tensions  be-                                                                                        cisive, unilateral military ad-
            tween Russia and the West.                                                                                          vantage to tip the balance of
                                         val ships.                                                sa,  where  Ukrainian  and  forces  in  our  favor,”  Putin
            The  Russian  Defense  Min-                               “We  saw  the  reports  this  British  officials  and  indus-  said.  “But  we  will  never  al-
            istry  said  a  patrol  ship  fired  “We  believe  the  Russians  morning,” said Max Blain, a  try representatives signed an  low  anyone  else  to  tip  that
            warning shots after the HMS  were  undertaking  a  gunnery  spokesman for Prime Minis-  agreement  to  collaborate  on  balance.”
            Defender had ignored a no-   exercise in the Black Sea and  ter Boris Johnson. “It’s incor-  boosting Ukraine’s naval ca-
            tice  against  intrusion  and  provided the maritime com-  rect to say either that it was  pabilities.              Russia’s  relations  with  the
            sailed 3 kilometers (1.6 nauti-  munity  with  prior  warning  fired  on  or  this  ship  was  in                   West  have  sunk  to  the  low-
            cal miles) into Russia’s terri-  of  their  activity,”  the  British  Russian  waters.  HMS  De-  NATO  members  Turkey,  est levels since the Cold War,
            torial waters near Sevastopol,  Ministry  of  Defense  said.  fender  was  taking  the  most  Romania and Bulgaria border  following Moscow’s annexa-
            the main Russian naval base  “No  shots  were  directed  at  direct  and  internationally  the Black Sea. Warships from  tion  of  Crimea,  accusations
            in Crimea. It said a Russian  HMS  Defender  and  we  do  recognized  route  between  the  U.S.,  U.K.  and  other  of Russian interference with
            Su-24  bomber  also  dropped  not recognize the claim that  Ukraine and Georgia.”      NATO allies also have made  elections, hacking attacks and
            four bombs ahead of the ves-  bombs  were  dropped  in  her                            increasingly frequent visits in  other tensions.
            sel to persuade the Defender  path.”                      He  emphasized  that  Britain,  support of Ukraine.
            to  change  course.  Minutes                              and much of the internation-                              In a speech at the same con-
            later, the Defender left Rus-  British  Defense  Secretary  al community, does not rec-  Speaking before the incident,  ference  before  Wednesday’s
            sian waters, the ministry said.  Ben  Wallace  said  the  De-  ognize Russia’s annexation of  Gen.  Valery  Gerasimov,  the  incident,  Defense  Minister
                                         fender “carried out a routine  Crimea.                    chief of the General Staff of  Sergei Shoigu said “the situ-
            Russian  Foreign  Ministry  transit from Odessa towards                                the  Russian  armed  forces,  ation in Europe is explosive,”
            spokeswoman  Maria  Zakha-   Georgia  across  the  Black  Ukraine’s  Foreign  Minister  sharply criticized the deploy-  and accused NATO of stone-
            rova  denounced  the  “rude  Sea.”                        Dmytro  Kuleba  said  it  was  ment  of  NATO  warships  walling Russian proposals to
            British  provocation  that  de-                           “clear  proof  of  Ukraine’s  near Russian waters.        enhance  security  by  refrain-
            fies  international  law,”  and  “As is normal for this route,  position:  Russia’s  aggressive                     ing  from  military  exercises
            said  London’s  ambassador  she  entered  an  internation-  and  provocative  actions  in  “The  moves  by  warships  of  near  the  borders  of  Russia
            was  being  summoned.  The  ally  recognized  traffic  sepa-  the  Black  and  Azov  seas,  its  the  U.S.  and  its  allies  have  and alliance members.
            Defense Ministry said it also  ration corridor,” he tweeted,  occupation  and  militariza-  been  clearly  provocative,”
            called  in  the  U.K.  military  adding  that  HMS  Defender  tion of Crimea pose a lasting  Gerasimov  said  at  an  inter-  He said “the world is rapidly
            attache  in  Moscow  to  pro-  exited  the  corridor  safely  at  threat to Ukraine and allies.”  national  security  conference  sinking  in  a  new  confronta-
            test  the  destroyer’s  “danger-  9:45  a.m.  BST  (0845  GMT;                         in Moscow organized by the  tion,  which  is  much  more
            ous move” and urged British  4:45 a.m. EDT).              “We need a new quality of co-  Defense Ministry. “It creates  dangerous  than  during  the
            authorities to investigate the                            operation  between  Ukraine  preconditions  for  incidents  Cold War times.”
            crew’s actions.                                           & NATO allies in the Black  and  doesn’t  help  ease  ten-
                                         “As is routine, Russian vessels  Sea,” Kuleba tweeted.    sions in the military sphere.”
            Britain’s Ministry of Defense  shadowed  her  passage  and
            denied  the  Defender  had  she was made aware of train-  In  November  2018,  Rus-    He  charged  that  the  British
            been fired on or was in Rus-  ing exercises in her wider vi-  sian  coast  guard  ships  fired  destroyer  HMS  Dragon  in-
            sian waters, but had been in  cinity,” he added.          on three Ukrainian gunboats  truded  into  Russian  waters
            Ukrainian waters.                                         trying to pass from the Black  near Crimea in October, and
                                         Speaking to Parliament’s de-  Sea  into  the  Azov  Sea  and  the U.S. destroyer USS John
            “No warning shots have been  fense  committee,  Wallace  captured them along with 24  S. McCain violated the Rus-
            fired  at  HMS  Defender,”  again denied Russia’s version  crewmembers.  It  returned  sian border in the Sea of Ja-
            it  said  in  a  statement.  “The  of events.             the  crew  and  the  boats  the  pan in November.
            Royal Navy ship is conduct-                               following year.
            ing innocent passage through  “These  are  the  things  that                           In April, Russia imposed re-
            Ukrainian  territorial  waters  come and go with Russia,” he  HMS  Defender,  a  Type  45  strictions  on  foreign  naval
            in  accordance  with  interna-  said. “Disinformation, misin-  destroyer, is part of the U.K.  movements  near  Crimea
            tional law.”                 formation  is  something  that  Carrier Strike Group heading  until  November  in  a  move
                                         we have seen regularly. We’re  to the Indo-Pacific region. It  that  drew  strong  complaints
            Russia  annexed  Ukraine’s  not  surprised  by  it;  we  plan  was  announced  earlier  this  from Ukraine and the West.
            Crimean Peninsula in 2014, a  for it.”                    month that it would be tem-  Russia  rejected  the  criticism
            move not recognized by most                               porarily breaking away from  and  noted  the  restrictions
            countries,  gaining  access  to  Asked if Defender’s crew had  the  group  to  carry  out  its  wouldn’t interfere with com-
            its long Black Sea coast. Rus-  seen  or  heard  anything,  he  “own set of missions” in the  mercial shipping.
            sia has chafed at NATO war-  said  “initial  reports  say  they  Black Sea.
            ships  visiting  near  Crimea  did  hear  or  observe  train-                          Earlier  this  year,  Russia  also
            as  destabilizing.  In  April,  it  ing noises somewhere to the  Just  before  Wednesday’s  in-  bolstered  its  troops  near  the
            declared  a  broader  area  off  rear of her but beyond visual  cident,  Defender  stopped  in  border  with  Ukraine  and
            Crimea closed to foreign na-  range.”                     the Ukrainian port of Odes-  warned  Kyiv  against  using
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