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world news Diahuebs 24 Juni 2021
EU chief vows action, says ‘shame’ on Hungary for LGBT law
(AP) — The European der Leyen said. “This bill
Union’s chief executive clearly discriminates against
vowed Wednesday to take people based on their sexual
any action necessary to orientation. It goes against
thwart a new law in Hun- the fundamental values of
gary that would ban con- the European Union: human
tent portraying or pro- dignity, equality and respect
moting homosexuality or for human rights.”
sex reassignment to chil-
dren. “I believe in a European
Union where you are free
The Hungarian parliament to be who you are and love
passed the bill last week, but whomever you want,” she
it must be endorsed by the said in a statement. “I will use
president to take effect. It all the powers of the commis-
prohibits sharing content on sion to ensure that the rights
homosexuality or sex reas- of all EU citizens are guaran-
signment to people under teed. Whoever they are and
18 in school sex education wherever they live within the
programs, films or advertise- European Union.”
ments. The government says
it’s meant to protect children Von der Leyen said she had
but critics of the law say it instructed her commission- countries and ensures that The issue is due to be raised me.”
links homosexuality with pe- ers to send a letter to Hun- the rules are respected. at Europe’s top table on
dophilia. gary laying out her legal con- Thursday night, when EU Earlier this month, EU law-
cerns before the bill formally The Hungarian government, leaders meet in Brussels for a makers threatened to sue the
“This Hungarian bill is a becomes law. The commis- for its part, said von der Ley- two-day summit. commission if it fails to act
shame,” European Commis- sion proposes legislation on en’s statement “is a shame against countries like Hun-
sion President Ursula von behalf of the 27 EU member because it is based on false In Berlin, German Chan- gary if they flout democratic
allegations” and “because it cellor Angela Merkel told standards. EU Parliament
publishes a biased political lawmakers that she think’s President David Sassoli said
opinion without a previously “this law is wrong, and it’s Wednesday that he had writ-
conducted, impartial inqui- incompatible with my idea ten to von der Leyen insisting
ry.” of politics -- if you allow ho- on action.
mosexual, same-sex partner-
“The recently adopted Hun- ships but restrict information “We are convinced that there
garian bill protects the rights about them elsewhere, that have been flagrant viola-
of children, guarantees the also has to do with freedom tions of the principles of the
rights of parents and does of education and the like.” rule of law by certain mem-
not apply to the sexual ori- ber states, which need to be
entation rights of those over She said that proceedings sanctioned,” Sassoli said. “If
18 years of age, so it does not against Hungary on the leg- there is no reaction from the
contain any discriminatory islation were a matter for the commission within the time-
elements,” a government European Commission to frame specified in the trea-
statement said. decide on “but in any case ties, we will take action in the
it draws clear criticism from (EU) court of justice.”
Belarus leader: We won't stop migrants from heading to EU
(AP) — Belarus’ authori- crossing the border. sixth term in an August 2020
tarian President Alex- election that was widely seen
ander Lukashenko has “They are wailing: “Ah, Be- as rigged. The authorities re-
warned that his country larusians are not protecting sponded to the demonstra-
will not try to stem a flow them — thousands of illegal tions with a massive crack-
of illegal migrants to the immigrants are rushing into down that saw more than
European Union, a move Lithuania, Latvia and Po- 35,000 people arrested and
that comes after the EU land,” he said in the city of thousands beaten by police.
tightened its sanctions on Brest on the border with Po-
the country. land. “They demand that we On May 23, Belarusian
protect them from smuggling flight controllers ordered a
The EU and the United and drugs. I just want to ask, Ryanair jet traveling from
States have slapped Belarus are you mad? You have un- Greece to Lithuania to land
with tough sanctions after it leashed a hybrid war against in Minsk, where authorities
diverted a passenger jet last us and now you demand that arrested Raman Pratasevich,
month to arrest a dissident we protect you as we did be- a 26-year-old dissident jour-
journalist. fore.” nalist who was on board.
Lukashenko on Tuesday Earlier this month, officials Outraged EU leaders re-
night denounced the sanc- in Lithuania accused Belarus sponded by barring the Be-
tions as what he called a “hy- of opening the doors for mi- larusian flag carrier from EU
brid war” waged by the West grants to cross their shared airspace and airports and di-
against Belarus and warned 680-kilometer (420-mile) recting European carriers to
the country’s EU neighbors border. avoid Belarus’ airspace. They
— Latvia, Lithuania and Po- also warned of more sanc-
land —that they shouldn’t Belarus has been rocked by tions to come targeting the
expect Belarusian authorities months of protests fueled by main export sectors of the
to stop illegal migrants from Lukashenko’s re-election to a Belarusian economy.