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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diahuebs 24 Juni 2021

                        US gives more asylum-seekers waiting in Mexico another shot

            (AP)  —  Asylum-seekers  to appear in court and 6,686
            whose  claims  were  dis-    whose cases were dismissed.
            missed  or  denied  under  Many are believed to have left
            a  Trump  administration  the  Mexican  border  region,
            policy that forced them to  thinking their cases were fin-
            wait  in  Mexico  for  court  ished,  raising  the  possibility
            hearings will be allowed to  that they will make the dan-
            return for another chance  gerous trek to return. The of-
            at  humanitarian  protec-    ficial said the administration
            tion,  the  U.S.  Homeland  is aware of those dangers and
            Security Department said  considering  bringing  people
            Tuesday  in  a  move  that  to the United States, like it is
            could benefit tens of thou-  doing to reunite families that
            sands of hopefuls.           remain  separated  years  af-
                                         ter Trump’s “zero tolerance”
            Registration   will   begin  policy on illegal border cross-
            Wednesday for asylum-seek-   ings.
            ers  who  were  subject  to  the
            “Remain  in  Mexico”  policy  The  move  is  another  sig-
            and either had their cases dis-  nificant  effort  at  redress  for
            missed  or  denied  for  failing  Trump  policies  that  Biden  ministration has been silent,  who  didn’t  appear  in  court  from  more  enforcement-
            to appear in court, The Asso-  administration  officials  and  leaving them in legal limbo.  another opportunity.   minded  advocates  who  say
            ciated Press has learned.    their allies say were cruel and                                                        Biden’s policies have encour-
                                         inhumane and defenders say  Many asylum-seekers whose  About  6,700  asylum-seekers  aged more people to seek asy-
            Under that criteria, it is un-  were  extremely  effective  at  claims were denied for failure  had cases dismissed, the vast  lum.
            clear  how  many  people  will  discouraging  asylum-seekers  to  appear  in  court  say  they  majority  in  San  Diego,  of-
            be eligible to be released into  from coming to the U.S.  were  kidnapped  in  Mexico.  ten  after  judges  found  the  Eleanor Acer, Human Rights
            the United States pending a                               Others were too sick or afraid  government  made  a  mistake  First’s senior director of ref-
            decision  on  their  cases,  ac-  President  Joe  Biden  halted  to travel to a border crossing  in applying the policy or the  ugee  protection,  called  it  a
            cording to a senior Homeland  the Remain in Mexico poli-  in  a  dangerous  city,  some-  migrants failed to appear.  “welcome  step”  that  would
            Security  official  who  spoke  cy his first day in office and  times  with  appointments  as                       provide  access  to  asylum  to
            on  condition  of  anonymity  soon  allowed  an  estimated  early  as  4:30  a.m.  Advocacy  In all, about 70,000 asylum-  people who missed hearings
            because  the  announcement  26,000  asylum-seekers  with  group  Human  Rights  First  seekers  were  returned  to  due to kidnappings and other
            had not been made public.    active  cases  to  return  to  the  tallied more than 1,500 pub-  Mexico under the policy in-  dangers.
                                         United  States  while  their  licly  reported  attacks  against  troduced  in  San  Diego  in
            But Michele Klein Solomon,  cases play out, a process that  people subject to the policy.  January  2019  and  expanded  Chad Wolf, an acting Home-
            the  International  Organiza-  can take years in a court sys-                          across the border after then-  land  Security  secretary  who
            tion for Migration’s director  tem  backlogged  with  more  Difficulty  finding  attorneys  President  Donald  Trump  oversaw the policy, said giv-
            for  North  America,  Central  than 1.3 million cases. More  from Mexico meant few had  threatened   Mexico   with  ing  asylum-seekers  another
            America  and  the  Caribbe-  than  12,300  people  with  ac-  legal  representation,  con-  higher  tariffs  if  it  didn’t  do  chance  after  they  lost  their
            an, told the AP that she ex-  tive cases have been admitted  tributing  to  a  measly  1.6%  more to reverse a major spike  cases was “absurd.”
            pected at least 10,000 people.  to  the  U.S.  since  February,  grant  rate  among  cases  that  in border crossings.
            Her organization is working  while others who have regis-  were  decided.  U.S.  authori-                           “This  administration  simply
            closely  with  the  Biden  ad-  tered but not yet entered the  ties gave asylum-seekers a list  The  policy  was  highly  ef-  refuses  to  put  the  American
            ministration  to  bring  people  country  bring  the  count  to  of low- or no-cost attorneys,  fective  at  deterring  asylum  people  first  when  formulat-
            to the border and ensure they  about 17,000.              but  phones  would  ring  un-  claims  but  widely  criticized  ing their immigration policy.
            test  negative  for  COVID-19                             answered and messages went  for  exposing  asylum-seekers  This is just more evidence,”
            before being allowed into the  That  still  leaves  out  tens  of  unreturned.         to  dangerous  conditions  in  said Wolf, now a visiting fel-
            country.                     thousands of asylum-seekers                               Mexican border cities and vi-  low at The Heritage Founda-
                                         whose claims were denied or  The  Biden  administration  olating their rights under do-  tion.
            The estimate seems low. Syr-  dismissed  under  the  policy,  has  not  decided  whether  to  mestic law and international
            acuse  University’s  Transac-  known officially as “Migrant  admit people who showed up  agreements, advocates say.  U.S.  Customs  and  Border
            tional Records Access Clear-  Protection  Protocols.”  Ad-  for court and had their claims                          Protection  recorded  more
            inghouse said the move could  vocates  have  been  pressing  denied, the official said. The  Those who were denied un-  than  180,000  encounters  on
            benefit  34,528  migrants  —  for  months  for  them  to  get  logic  behind  the  expanded  der  the  policy  can  register  the  Mexican  border  in  May,
            27,842 who denied for failing  another  chance,  but  the  ad-  eligibility  is  to  give  people  on a website operated by the  the  most  since  March  2000.
                                                                                                   U.N. refugee agency in col-  But the numbers were boost-
                                                                                                   laboration  with  the  Interna-  ed by a pandemic-related ban
                                                                                                   tional  Organization  of  Mi-  on  seeking  asylum  that  en-
                                                                                                   gration.                     couraged  repeat  attempts  to
                                                                                                                                cross  because  getting  caught
                                                                                                   It  is  unclear  where  eligible  carried no legal consequenc-
                                                                                                   asylum-seekers  are  but  the  es.
                                                                                                   migration  group  will  work
                                                                                                   to bring them to the border,  The  Biden  administration
                                                                                                   Klein  Solomon  said.  The  says it is working to build a
                                                                                                   Mexican  government  has  “humane” asylum system but
                                                                                                   moved many people from the  has released few details.
                                                                                                   border  to  other  parts  of  the
                                                                                                   country,  arguing  that  it  was  The  United  States  was  by
                                                                                                   safer  to  remove  them  from  far  the  most  popular  desti-
                                                                                                   areas more in the grip of or-  nation  for  asylum-seekers
                                                                                                   ganized crime.               last  year,  with  250,800  new
                                                                                                                                claims,  more  than  twice
                                                                                                   The  news  was  cheered  by  as  many  as  Germany,  with
                                                                                                   pro-immigration groups that  102,600  claims,  the  U.N.
                                                                                                   have  denounced  Trump’s  refugee  agency  reported  last
                                                                                                   policies  as  cruel  and  inhu-  week. Spain, France and Peru
                                                                                                   mane while inviting criticism  rounded out the top five.
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