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A28    u.s. news
                    Diahuebs 17 Maart 2022

                           Disney workers plan walkout to protest ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill

                                                                                                   As the state’s largest private-  standing  relationships  with
                                                                      Statements by Disney leader-  sector  employer  —  Walt  those  lawmakers,”  Chapek
                                                                      ship over the Florida legisla-  Disney  World  outside  Or-  told  Disney  shareholders  a
                                                                      tion  “have  utterly  failed  to  lando had more than 75,000  few days later.
                                                                      match  the  magnitude  of  the  workers before the coronavi-
                                                                      threat to LGBTQIA+ safety  rus pandemic — Disney has  With  his  public  responses
                                                                      represented  by  this  legisla-  contributed  huge  amounts  being  panned  by  some  Dis-
                                                                      tion,” the group said.       of money to Florida’s politi-  ney workers and supporters,
                                                                                                   cal parties and politicians and  Chapek  last  Friday  apolo-
                                                                      The  bill  bars  instruction  on  has wielded incredible influ-  gized  and  said  the  company
                                                                      “sexual  orientation  or  gen-  ence  on  the  state’s  govern-  was  pausing  all  political  do-
                                                                      der identity” in kindergarten  ment.                      nations in Florida.
                                                                      through  grade  3.  Republi-
                                                                      can  lawmakers  pushing  the  At the beginning of last week,  “I truly believe we are an in-
                                                                      legislation  had  argued  that  Chapek  sent  a  message  to  finitely  better  and  stronger
                                                                      parents, not teachers, should  Disney workers affirming the  company because of our LG-
                                                                      be  the  ones  talking  to  their  company’s  support  for  LG-  BTQ+ community,” Chapek
            (AP)  —  Disney  workers  are  ers  at  Disney  worksites  in  children about gender issues  BTQ  rights  but  also  saying  said  in  a  message  to  Disney
            planning  walkouts  during  California,  Florida  and  else-  during  their  early  formative  that corporate statements of-  workers. “I missed the mark
            their  breaks  every  day  this  where,  the  group  of  Disney  years. The legislation has at-  ten don’t do much to change  in this case but am an ally you
            week  to  protest  CEO  Bob  employees said this week on  tracted  scrutiny  from  Presi-  minds and can be “weapon-  can count on — and I will be
            Chapek’s  slow  response  in  their website.              dent  Joe  Biden,  who  called  ized” by either side.     an  outspoken  champion  for
            publicly  criticizing  Florida                            it  “hateful,”  as  well  as  other                       the protections, visibility, and
            legislation  that  critics  have  Organizers  asked  Disney  Democrats who argue it de-  Rather  than  make  an  early  opportunity you deserve.”
            dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay”  workers  to  check  in  online  monizes LGBTQ people.      public  statement  against  the
            bill.                        with their plans to participate                           legislation, company officials  Disney on Wednesday didn’t
                                         in  the  full-scale  walkout  for  The legislation has been sent  had been working behind the  respond  to  an  email  inquiry
            The  act  of  protest  will  cul-  next  week.  “We  must  make  to  Republican  Florida  Gov.  scenes with Florida lawmak-  about  whether  the  walkouts
            minate  next  Tuesday  with  a  sure  we  have  large  enough  Ron DeSantis, who is expect-  ers “to achieve  a  better out-  during  breaks  were  having
            general walkout by LGBTQ  numbers  to  be  successful,”  ed to sign it.                come,” but they hadn’t been  any impact on operations this
            workers  and  their  support-  they said.                                              successful, despite “our long-  week.

                        Chinese operative accused in plot to undermine US candidate

            (AP) — Five men accused  on  pro-democracy  activists,  ernment  operative  sought  MSS  even  if  ostensibly  re-  would not describe any con-
            of acting on behalf of the  sought to illegally obtain and  to  undermine  the  candidacy  tired.”                  versations  that  officials  may
            Chinese government have  disseminate  the  federal  tax  of  a  congressional  candidate                            have  had  with  Yan,  but  said
            been charged with brazen  returns  of  a  dissident  and  by plotting to locate, or even  The  candidate  is  described  that  the  Justice  Department
            and wide-ranging schemes  also  plotted  to  destroy  the  manufacture,  derogatory  in-  in court papers as a Chinese  takes seriously its obligations
            to  stalk  and  harass  Chi-  artwork  of  a  dissident  artist,  formation.           dissident  and  student  leader  to  warn  victims  of  potential
            nese  dissidents  living  in  prosecutors said. A sculpture                            of  the  Tiananmen  Square  threats and to avert violence.
            the United States, includ-   depicting  Chinese  President  The  operative,  identified  as  protests in 1989. Though the
            ing  by  seeking  to  derail  Xi  Jinping  as  a  coronavirus  Qiming  Lin,  is  accused  of  candidate is not identified by  Yan,  who  has  lived  in  the
            the election bid of a little-  molecule was demolished last  having  contacted  a  private  name  in  the  complaint,  the  U.S. for 30 years, said in an
            known congressional can-     year, though no one has been  investigator  seeking  infor-  biographical  details  in  the  interview with The Associat-
            didate, the Justice Depart-  charged in that, according to  mation about the candidate’s  document  match  those  of  ed Press that he did not know
            ment said Wednesday.         the Justice Department.      phone  number,  address  and  Yan  Xiong,  who  announced  any  details  about  the  allega-
                                                                      vehicle.  He  later  asked  the  his candidacy as a Democrat  tions and learned about them
            The cases underscored what  Two of the three men in that  investigator to “dig up things  for  a  congressional  seat  in  after reporters reached out to
            American  officials  described  case,  Fan  “Frank”  Liu  and  from 1989 to now” in search  New York City in this year’s  him  Wednesday.  He  said  he
            as increasingly aggressive ef-  Matthew  Ziburis,  were  ar-  of flaws against the candidate  election.             had not witnessed any harass-
            forts by the Chinese govern-  rested  Tuesday  on  charges  to hurt his candidacy.                                  ment or intimidation and had
            ment  —  sometimes  involv-  that  include  conspiring  to                             Lin remains at large, officials  not  been  contacted  by  the
            ing  the  use  of  hired  private  commit interstate harassment  At  one  point,  according  to  said. He faces charges that in-  FBI  or  Justice  Department,
            investigators  —  to  seek  out,  and criminal use of a means  charging  documents,  Lin  clude  conspiracy  to  commit  and  that  he  did  not  know
            silence and threaten pro-de-  of  identification.  They  were  told  the  investigator  that,  in  interstate harassment.  why  the  Chinese  govern-
            mocracy activists abroad.    due in court later Wednesday.  the end, “violence would be                             ment would be interested in
                                         A  third  man,  Qiang  “Jason”  fine  too”  and  suggested  that  The  top  federal  prosecutor  his campaign for Congress.
            The  criminal  cases,  filed  in  Sun,  who  prosecutors  say  he could be beaten “until he  in  Brooklyn,  Breon  Peace,
            federal court in Brooklyn, al-  tasked the others, remains at  cannot run for election.”
            lege  months-long  efforts  to  large.
            embarrass dissidents and sti-                             The  investigator  Lin  is  ac-
            fle their  speech.  The  Justice  In another plot that U.S. of-  cused of contacting was actu-
            Department in 2020 charged  ficials  say  was  orchestrated  ally a source for the FBI, who
            eight people with working on  by China’s Ministry of State  reported  the  initial  outreach
            behalf of the Chinese govern-  Security, an author who once  to agents and said he believed
            ment in a pressure campaign  helped start a pro-democracy  Lin  to  be  a  retired  agent  of
            aimed  at  coercing  a  New  organization  gathered  intel-  China’s Ministry of State Se-
            Jersey man who was wanted  ligence  on  dissidents  and  curity.
            by  Beijing  into  returning  to  activists,  Uyghurs,  Tibet-
            China to face charges.       ans  and  advocates  for  Hong  In an affidavit, an FBI agent
                                         Kong’s  independence.  The  conducting  the  investigation
            In one of the new cases, two  man,  Shujun  Wang,  73,  was  wrote  that,  “Based  on  the
            New  York  men  operating  arrested Wednesday.            conduct  summarized  herein
            under  the  direction  of  an                             and my experience and train-
            employee  of  a  China-based  A  third  scheme  by  a  man  ing, I assess that LIN contin-
            technology  company  spied  described  as  a  Chinese  gov-  ued  to  act  on  behalf  of  the
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