Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20220317
P. 29

                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 17 Maart 2022

                           US holds Chinese goods, cites possible North Korean labor

            (AP) — The U.S. customs  Chinese Olympic gymnast of
            agency  says  it  is  holding  the same name, is one of Chi-
            imported goods from Chi-     na’s most prominent athletic
            nese sports brand Li Ning  shoe and clothing brands.
            after  an  investigation  in-
            dicated they were made by  Phone  calls  Wednesday  to
            North Korean labor.          its  Beijing  headquarters  and
                                         investor  relations  office  in
            U.S. law prohibits imports of  Hong  Kong  weren’t  an-
            goods made in North Korea  swered.
            or by North Korean citizens
            without  proof  they  weren’t  When asked, a Chinese For-
            made by forced labor, accord-  eign  Ministry  spokesman,
            ing to a notice from the U.S.  Zhao Lijian, said he was not
            Customs and Border Protec-   aware of that “specific situa-
            tion in Washington.          tion.”

            The  goods  will  be  forfeited  “China  is  firmly  opposed  to
            if  Li  Ning  Co.  cannot  pro-  any  form  of  long-arm  juris-
            vide  “clear  and  convincing  diction  and  unilateral  sanc-
            evidence” within 30 days that  tions,” Zhao told reporters at
            it  wasn’t  made  by  convict,  a briefing.
            forced  or  indentured  labor,
            the agency said.             Li  Ning  is  among  a  group
                                         of Chinese and foreign shoe
            It gave no details of the inves-  and  clothing  brands  that  Xinjiang.  There,  the  ruling  abuses.              the  “unacceptable  risk  that
            tigation, what goods were af-  have been caught up in con-  Communist Party is accused                              the  company  contributes  to
            fected or their value.       troversy  over  using  materi-  of  detaining  Muslim  ethnic  This month, Norway’s sover-  serious  human  rights  viola-
                                         als  and  labor  from  China’s  minorities  and  engaging  in  eign wealth fund announced  tions” in Xinjiang.
            Li Ning, founded by a former  northwestern   region   of  forced  abortions  and  other  it sold Li Ning shares due to

                        Saharan dust storm covers Spain, spreads out across Europe

            (AP) — A huge dust storm swirl-     ange-hues in the Swiss Alps, caused  While  Spain  is  bearing  the  brunt  of
            ing over Europe from the Sahara  by the tiny particles that had traveled  the storm, dust was flung far beyond,  The area of Spain rated by its national
            desert made it hard to breathe in  thousands  of  kilometers  across  the  dumping  ochre-colored  blobs  on  air  quality  index  as  “extremely  un-
            large parts of Spain for a second  Mediterranean Sea.                   cars in a rainy Paris and sifting a fine  favorable” — its worst rating — ex-
            straight  day  on  Wednesday  and                                       powder down on a huge swath of the  panded from the start of the Europe-
            gave  cleaning  crews  extra  work  The  European  Union’s  Copernicus  continent.                          an event on Tuesday to include most
            as far away as Paris, London and  Atmosphere Monitoring Service said                                        of the nation’s southern and central
            Belgrade  to  remove  the  film  of  it was tracking the large mass of dust  Experts,  including  Spain’s  national  regions, including Madrid and other
            dirt falling on cars and buildings.  that has “degraded air quality across  weather service, described the event  major cities like Seville.
                                                large  parts  of  Spain,  Portugal  and  as “extraordinary” for the amount of
            Europeans  woke  up  to  eerie  skies,  France.”                        dust in the air but noted that it had  Authorities recommended for people
            from the grimy gray in Madrid to or-                                    not broken any records.             to wear face masks — still in wide use
                                                                                                                        because of the pandemic — and avoid
                                                                                                                        outdoor exercise, especially for those
                                                                                                                        people suffering respiratory diseases.
                                                                                                                        Emergency services for Madrid told
                                                                                                                        the AP that so far there had been no
                                                                                                                        increase  in  calls  for  care  to  people
                                                                                                                        with breathing problems.

                                                                                                                        Visibility was reduced for a large part
                                                                                                                        of  Spain.  Municipal  cleaners  swept
                                                                                                                        up  the  dust  from  city  streets.  In
                                                                                                                        Spain’s  south,  the  dust  mixed  with
                                                                                                                        rain to produce mud.

                                                                                                                        Curious photos and videos of the dust
                                                                                                                        popped up on social media, including
                                                                                                                        snowboarders cutting beautiful white
                                                                                                                        lines through the red-tinged snow in
                                                                                                                        the Pyrenees Mountains.
                                                                                                                        Rubén  del  Campo,  spokesman  for
                                                                                                                        Spain’s weather service, said that larg-
                                                                                                                        est quantities of air-born dust will ac-
                                                                                                                        cumulate on Wednesday afternoon in
                                                                                                                        Spain’s southeast and central regions.

                                                                                                                        “The air will then begin to clear little
                                                                                                                        by little, although some floating dust
                                                                                                                        will reach the Canary Islands (in the
                                                                                                                        Atlantic  Ocean)  over  the  weekend,”
                                                                                                                        Del Campo said.
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