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                                                                                                       sports Diahuebs 17 Maart 2022

                       Former CEO, law firm partner has Longwood hoops on the rise

            (AP) — In this small cen-                                                                                           countability  program  where
            tral  Virginia  town  called                                                                                        ... we are on them constant-
            Farmville,  the  claim  to                                                                                          ly, whether it’s June 24th or
            fame  has  been  massive                                                                                            whether it’s March 3rd. You
            furniture warehouses that                                                                                           are what you repeatedly do.”
            promise  to  satisfy  any
            shopper’s preferred style.                                                                                          A repeat performance as a gi-
                                                                                                                                ant slayer would certainly put
            It  isn’t  known  as  an  NCAA                                                                                      a smile on Aldrich’s face. He
            Tournament town.                                                                                                    was a part of the biggest upset
                                                                                                                                in men’s tournament history.
            This  week,  both  things  are
            true.                                                                                                               Aldrich  was  in  his  second
                                                                                                                                season  with  UMBC  when
            Welcome to Longwood Uni-                                                                                            the  Retrievers  became  the
            versity, where Griff Aldrich, a                                                                                     first  No.  16  seed  to  beat  a
            former lawyer and CEO, and                                                                                          No.  1  overall  seed  in  the
            Rebecca Tillett — both hired                                                                                        men’s tournament, knocking
            the  same day  four  years  ago                                                                                     off Virginia 74-54.
            —  have  the  Lancers  men’s
            and  women’s  teams  in  the                                                                                        Aldrich had joined the staff of
            NCAA  Tournament  for  the  a good team,” Tillett said of  ment  win.  The  men  face  a  which explains the quote on a  former teammate and friend
            first  time  in  each  program’s  her  team’s  determination  to  tougher task, though Aldrich  wall outside the men’s locker  Ryan  Odom  at  UMBC  in
            history.                     match the men’s accomplish-  has  seen  firsthand  what  can  room: “You are what you re-  2016  after  a  16-year  hiatus
                                         ment.  “And  so  I  think  there  be  accomplished  by  an  un-  peatedly do.”         from  the  sport  while  work-
            Aldrich’s  journey  to  Farm-  was  some  of  that  competi-  derdog  with  a  solid  founda-                       ing  in  Houston.  He  took  a
            ville is an intriguing tale.  tiveness for our women, like  tion.                      “Excellence  is  not  an  event.  job  as  director  of  basketball
                                         we want to be at the level that                           It’s a habit,” Aldrich tells his  operations  that  paid  $32,000
            Six  years  ago,  the  former  they’re achieving as well.”  He’s  big  fan  of  Aristotle,  players.  “We’re  a  high  ac-  annually.
            partner  at  a  major  Houston
            law  firm  who  became  CEO  Yes, March 6 was a big day for
            of  a  private  equity  company  Farmville.
            he  founded,  walked  away
            from  that  success  to  pur-  It was so big that on March 7,
            sue  his  long-held  dream  of  although it was spring break
            coaching college basketball.  on  campus,  about  200  peo-
                                         ple gathered to welcome the
            “I think it’s not just the game.  teams back to town.
            I  think  we  really  felt  called
            to  do  this,”  Aldrich,  47  and  That   greeting,   complete
            a devout Christian, said in a  with a police, fire and rescue
            recent interview. “And there’s  vehicles  escort  with  sirens
            a  real  spiritual  component  blaring, was hastily arranged
            that’s  involved  here  because  by  Mayor  David  Whitus,  a
            when  I  was  in  the  private  Longwood  alum  and  season
            sector, everything was about  ticket-holder  for  both  pro-
            climbing and promotion and  grams.  As  the  buses  turned
            things like that.”           onto  campus,  players  for
                                         both  teams  exited  the  buses
            Peers at the firm of Vinson &  and celebrated with the fans.
            Elkins were not entirely sur-
            prised by his decision.      “Allowing the people to touch
                                         the players and the players to
            “It  was  one  of  those  things  touch the people was magic,”
            where  everybody  said,  `Oh  said  Whitus,  who  estimates
            yeah, the writing was on the  the city’s population is about
            wall,’”  said  V&E  colleague  8,000.  “The  community  is
            Stephen Gill, who noted that  absolutely thrilled.”
            Aldrich  was  very  effective
            at dealing with “sharks” as a  Fittingly, both Lancers teams
            lawyer, but clearly loved bas-  will  make  their  tourney  de-
            ketball. “We just didn’t see it  buts on Thursday.
            because you think about it in
            terms of monetary issues and  Longwood  (26-6),  a  14th
            whatnot.                     seed,  will  face  third-seeded
                                         Tennessee (26-7) in the first
            “I mean, he just loved coach-  round  of  the  men’s  tourna-
            ing  and  he  loved  working  ment  in  Indianapolis.  The
            with young kids.”            women  (21-11)  will  face
                                         Mount St. Mary’s (16-12) in
            The  Longwood  women’s  a matchup of No. 16 seeds in
            team also made history, win-  the  inaugural  women’s  First
            ning its first Big South Tour-  Four in Raleigh, North Car-
            nament title several hours af-  olina.
            ter the men.
                                         Tillett and the women have a
            “So  as  they’re  rising,  you  good chance to notch Long-
            know, there’s like, well, we’re  wood’s first NCAA Tourna-
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