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                                                                                                 u.s. news Dialuna 4 aPRil 2022

                          Civilian Army leader led child porn ring, risked US security

            (AP)  —  David  Frodsham  ing child pornography to the  Public  relations  officials  at
            was  a  top  civilian  com-  internet. Among the victims  Fort  Huachuca  confirmed
            mander at a U.S. air base  was  one  of  Frodsham’s  ad-  that Frodsham was a program
            in  Afghanistan  when  he  opted sons                     manager for NETCOM be-
            “jokingly”  asked  an  IT                                 fore he was arrested on child
            technician  for  access  to  Frodsham  pleaded  guilty  to  sex abuse charges. They de-
            YouPorn,  the  video-shar-   sex abuse charges in 2016 and  clined  to  say  whether  Frod-
            ing pornographic website.    is serving a 17-year sentence.  sham  was  disciplined  after
                                         But records reviewed by the  returning  from  Afghanistan,
            During  his  time  in  the  war  AP show that the U.S. Army  or  whether  the  Army  ever
            zone,  Frodsham  told  one  and  the  state  of  Arizona  considered  him  a  security
            woman that he hired her be-  missed  or  ignored  multiple  risk.
            cause he “wanted to be sur-  red  flags  over  more  than  a
            rounded  by  pretty  women,”  decade, which allowed Frod-  Frodsham, former Sgt. Ran-
            and  routinely  called  others  sham  to  allegedly  abuse  his  dall Bischak and a third man
            “honey,”  “babe,”  and  “cou-  adopted  son  and  other  chil-  not associated with the Army
            gar”  before  he  was  ordered  dren  for  years,  all  the  while  are  all  serving  prison  terms
            home after the military veri-  putting  national  security  at  for  the  roles  they  played  in
            fied  multiple  allegations  of  risk.                    the child sex abuse ring. But
            sexual harassment.                                        the  investigation  is  continu-
                                         The  state  permitted  Frod-  ing  because  Sierra  Vista  po-
            “I  would  not  recommend  sham  and  his  wife,  Barbara,  lice  believe  additional  men
            placing him back into a posi-  to  foster,  adopt  and  retain  took part.
            tion  of  authority  but  rather  custody  of  their  many  chil-
            pursuing disciplinary actions  dren despite nearly 20 com-  Now, the criminal investiga-  abuse.                    putting  hot  sauce  in  their
            at  his  home  station,”  wrote  plaints,  and  attempted  com-  tion is spilling over into civil                   mouths, pulling them by the
            one  commanding  officer  plaints,  of  abuse,  neglect,  court,  where  two  of  Frod-  Trever’s  allegations  echo  hair,  bending  their  fingers
            when  recommending  that  maltreatment  and  licensing  sham’s  adopted  sons  have  those  featured  in  an  earlier  back  to  inflict  pain,  forcing
            the Army order Frodsham to  violations.  Meanwhile,  the  filed separate lawsuits against  lawsuit filed by his older bio-  them to hold cans with their
            leave his post at Bagram Air-  Army  gave  Frodsham  secu-  the state for licensing David  logical  brother,  Ryan  Frod-  arms extended for long peri-
            field and return to Fort Hua-  rity  clearances  and  sensitive  and Barbara Frodsham as fos-  sham, and one filed by Neal  ods time,” and refusing to let
            chuca, a major Army installa-  jobs at a time when his illicit  ter parents in a home where  Taylor,  both  of  whom  were  them  use  the  bathroom  un-
            tion in Arizona, according to  sexual  practices  made  him  they say they were physically  also  adopted  into  the  Frod-  less the door remained open.
            a U.S. Army investigative file  vulnerable to blackmail.  and sexually abused through-  sham household.             In  his  AP  interview,  Ryan
            obtained  by  The  Associated                             out their lives.                                          said  Barbara  never  sexually
            Press.                       “He would have been an ob-                                In  an  interview  with  the  abused him but walked into
                                         vious target of foreign intelli-  A  third  adopted  son  filed  AP,  Ryan  Frodsham  said  his  the  room  where  David  was
            But  when  Frodsham  re-     gence services because of his  suit Tuesday in Arizona state  adoptive  father  began  sexu-  abusing him at least twice.
            turned  to  his  home  station  role  and  his  location,”  said  court  in  Cochise  County,  ally  abusing  him  when  he
            in fall 2015, he rejoined the  Frank  Figliuzzi,  the  former  said attorney Lynne Cadigan,  was  9  or  10  years  old  and  “She  knew  what  was  going
            Network  Enterprise  Tech-   assistant  director  of  coun-  who  represents  all  three.  In  the abuse continued into his  on,” he said.
            nology  Command,  the  Ar-   terintelligence  for  the  FBI.  the latest complaint, 19-year-  teens,  when  David  Frod-
            my’s information technology  “Fort Huachuca is one of the  old  Trever  Frodsham  says  sham began offering his son’s  The  lawsuits  and  related  le-
            service  provider,  where  he  more  sensitive  installations  case workers missed or over-  sexual services to other men.  gal filings also say investiga-
            had served as director of per-  in  the  continental  United  looked  numerous  signs  that  “Makes me throw up think-  tors with the Department of
            sonnel for a global command  States.  People  with  security  David and Barbara Frodsham  ing about it,” Ryan said.  Child Safety and case work-
            of  15,000  soldiers  and  civil-  issues  should  not  be  there.”  were unfit parents. These in-                  ers  with  Catholic  Commu-
            ians,  according  to  his  Army  In  addition  to  NETCOM,  cluded a 2002 sex abuse com-  In  his  lawsuit,  Ryan  Frod-  nity Services, which subcon-
            resume.                      where  Frodsham  worked,  plaint  filed  with  local  police  sham  said  the  state  was  in-  tracts  foster  and  adoption
                                         Fort Huachuca is home to a  by one of the Frodshams’ bi-  formed  that  David  and  Bar-  work  from  the  state,  failed
            By  spring  of  the  following  contingent of the Army’s In-  ological daughters against an  bara  Frodsham  were  physi-  to  effectively  follow  up  on
            year, he was arrested in Ari-  telligence and Security Com-  older biological brother, and  cally  abusing  their  children  19  complaints  and  attempt-
            zona  for  leading  a  child  sex  mand, according to its web-  the fact that David and Bar-  “by  slapping  them  in  the  ed  complaints  regarding  the
            abuse  ring  that  included  an  site.                    bara  Frodsham  were  them-  face,  pinching  them,  hitting  Frodsham  home  spanning
            Army sergeant who was post-                               selves  victims  of  child  sex  them with a wooden spoon,  more than a decade.

                             Battle heats up over remaining federal rental assistance

            (AP)  -  In  her  office  at  a  non-  cause they have so few renters — but  Treasury  announced  earlier  this  either voluntarily returned money or
            profit in central Nebraska, Karen  only Nebraska has flat out refused the  month that over $1 billion of ERA1  had  it  taken.  Some,  like  South  Da-
            Rathke routinely encounters resi-   aid.                                funds  would  be  moved,  for  a  total  kota, Wyoming and New Hampshire,
            dents still stung by the pandemic                                       of  $2.3  billion  reallocated  this  year.  unsuccessfully  pitched  to  use  the
            and hoping to get help with their  The debate is playing out across the  Larger  states  like  California,  New  money  for  other  things  like  afford-
            rent.                               country as the Treasury Department  York, New Jersey and Texas are get-  able housing.
                                                begins reallocating some of the $46.5  ting hundreds of millions of dollars
            Rathke,  president  of  the  Heartland  billion in rental assistance from places  in  additional  money.  Native  Ameri-  Treasury officials, housing advocates
            United Way, was hoping to tap into  slow to spend to others that are run-  can tribes, including the Oglala Sioux  and  many  Republican  governors  ar-
            an additional $120 million in federal  ning out of funds.               Lakota  in  South  Dakota  and  Chip-  gue there is still plenty of money to
            Emergency Rental Assistance to help                                     pewa Cree in Montana, are also re-  help  renters  in  these  states  and  that
            them. But that money, part of what’s  States  and  localities  have  until  Sep-  ceiving tens of millions of dollars in  the  reallocation  gets  money  where
            known as ERA2, is at risk after Re-  tember  to  spend  their  share  of  the  additional help.             it’s  most  needed.  Montana,  for  ex-
            publican  Gov.  Pete  Ricketts  said  he  first  $25  billion  allocated,  known  as                        ample,  returned  $54.6  million  but
            doesn’t want it.                    ERA1,  and  the  second  $21.55  bil-  Those  losing  money  are  almost  all  still has $224.5 million. West Virginia
                                                lion,  known  as  ERA2,  by  2025.  So  smaller  Republican  states with large  returned more than $42.4 million but
            Many  other  states  have  in  recent  far, Treasury says $30 billion has been  rural populations and fewer renters.  still has $224.7 million, according to
            months returned tens of millions of  spent or allocated through February.  Many were slow to spend their share  Treasury.
            dollars in unused rental assistance be-                                 as required by program rules, so they
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