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                                                                                         world news Dialuna 4 aPRil 2022

                        Ex-president, treasury minister compete in Costa Rica runoff

            (AP)  —  A  former  presi-                                out of the World Bank.
            dent  and  a  treasury  min-  More than 3.5 million Costa
            ister  from  Costa  Rica’s  Ricans were eligible to vote,  Figueres has been questioned
            outgoing  administration  but  with  many  voters  un-    over  a  $900,000  consult-
            were facing off Sunday to  derwhelmed  by  the  options,  ing  fee  he  received  after  his
            become the country’s next  turnout could be even lower  presidency  from  the  tele-
            leader.                      than the 60% in February.    communication     company
                                                                      Alcatel while it competed for
            José  María  Figueres,  who  Lines  formed  before  voting  a  contract  with  the  national
            led Costa Rica from 1994 to  started at some polling places  electricity  company.  He  was
            1998, represents the National  in San Jose, the capital, while  never charged with any crime
            Liberation  Party  like  his  fa-  others appeared nearly empty.  and denied any wrongdoing.
            ther,  three-time  president
            José Figueres Ferrer. Rodrigo  Juan  Morales,  a  68-year-old  While Costa Rica has enjoyed
            Chaves  was  the  surprise  of  retiree,  voted  early  to  avoid  relative  democratic  stability
            the  first  round  of  voting  in  any crowds.            compared  with  other  coun-
            February.  He  served  briefly                            tries in the region, the pub-
            in the administration of out-  “ I hope that everyone comes  lic has grown frustrated with
            going  president  Carlos  Al-  out  to  vote  today,”  he  said.  public  corruption  scandals
            varado  and  represents  the  “I know that they don’t like  and high unemployment.
            Social  Democratic  Progress  the candidates much, but we
            Party.                       have to elect a president and  In  the  February  vote,  Al-
                                         voting  is  to  take  care  of  de-  varado’s  party  was  practi-
            Both  men  waged  a  bruising  mocracy.”                  cally  erased  from  the  politi-
            campaign  that  highlighted                               cal  landscape,  receiving  no
            past  controversies.  Neither  Chaves’  campaign  is  under  seats  in  the  new  congress.
            approached  the  40%  of  the  investigation by electoral au-  At the time of that first vote,
            vote necessary to avoid a run-  thorities  for  allegedly  run-  the country was riding a new
            off in the first round of vot-  ning an illegal parallel financ-  wave  of  COVID-19  infec-
            ing.  The  latest  polling  had  ing  structure.  He  has  been  tions, but infections and hos-
            them in a technical tie head-  dogged  by  a  sexual  harass-  pitalizations have fallen con-
            ing into Sunday’s vote.      ment scandal that drove him  siderably since.

                         Ukraine accuses Russia of massacre, city strewn with bodies

            (AP)  —  Bodies  with  cently  retaken  from  Russian  of  Russian  troops,  with  the  immediately.”               tee  of  the  Red  Cross  said
            bound  hands,  close-range  forces, Ukraine’s prosecutor-  president  calling  them  evi-                           Sunday that a team sent Sat-
            gunshot wounds and signs  general,  Iryna  Venediktova,  dence of genocide. But Rus-   Officials in France, Germany,  urday  to  help  evacuate  resi-
            of torture lay scattered in  said.                        sia’s Defense Ministry reject-  Italy,  Estonia  and  the  U.K.  dents had yet to reach the city.
            a  city  on  the  outskirts  of                           ed the accusations as “provo-  separately  condemned  what
            Kyiv after Russian soldiers  Associated  Press  journal-  cation.”                     was  being  described  and  Ukrainian  authorities  said
            withdrew  from  the  area.  ists saw the bodies of at least                            vowed that Russia would be  Russia agreed days ago to al-
            Ukrainian  authorities  on  21  people  in  various  spots  The discoveries followed the  held accountable.         low  safe  passage  from  the
            Sunday  accused  the  de-    around  Bucha,  northwest  Russian retreat from the area                               city,  but  similar  agreements
            parting forces of commit-    of the capital. One group of  around  the  capital,  territory  “This is not a battlefield, it’s a  have broken down repeatedly
            ting war crimes and leav-    nine,  all  in  civilian  clothes,  that  has  seen  heavy  fighting  crime scene,” Estonian Prime  under continued shelling.
            ing behind a “scene from a  were  scattered  around  a  site  since troops invaded Ukraine  Minister Kaja Kallas tweeted.
            horror movie.”               that  residents  said  Russian  from three directions on Feb.                          A  supermarket  parking  lot
                                         troops  used  as  a  base.  They  24. Troops who swept in from  Authorities  said  they  were  in the Ukrainian city of Za-
            As images of the bodies — of  appeared to have been killed  Belarus  to  the  north  spent  documenting  evidence  to  porizhzhia,  meanwhile,  has
            people  whom  residents  said  at  close  range.  At  least  two  weeks trying to clear a path to  add to their case for prosecut-  become  the  staging  ground
            were  killed  indiscriminately  had  their  hands  tied  behind  Kyiv, but their advance stalled  ing  Russian  officials  for  war  for helping people who have
            — began to emerge from Bu-   their backs and one of those  in the face of resolute defense  crimes.                 made it out.
            cha, a slew of European lead-  was shot in the head; anoth-  from Ukraine’s forces.
            ers condemned the atrocities  er’s legs were bound.                                    As  Russian  forces  retreated  Peycheva Olena, who fled the
            and called for tougher sanc-                              Moscow now says it is focus-  from the area around the cap-  besieged  city,  told  Britain’s
            tions against Moscow.        Ukrainian  officials  laid  the  ing its offensive on the coun-  ital, they pressed their sieges  Sky News she was forced to
                                         blame  for  the  killings  —  try’s east, but it also pressed  in other parts of the country.  leave  the  body  of  her  hus-
            The  bodies  of  410  civilians  which they said happened in  a siege on a city in the north  Russia has said it is directing  band unburied when he was
            have  been  removed  from  Bucha  and  other  Kyiv  sub-  and  continued  to  strike  cit-  troops to the Donbas in east-  killed in shooting.
            Kyiv-area towns that were re-  urbs  —  squarely  at  the  feet  ies  elsewhere  in  a  war  that  ern  Ukraine,  where  Russia-
                                                                      has already forced more than  backed separatists have been  “There was shelling, and we
                                                                      4  million  Ukrainians  to  flee  fighting Ukrainian forces for  tried to drag him away but it
                                                                      their country and many more  eight years.                 was  too  much,  we  couldn’t
                                                                      to leave their homes.                                     do it,” explained her daugh-
                                                                                                   In  that  region,  Mariupol,  a  ter, Kristina Katrikova.
                                                                      Kyiv  Mayor  Vitali  Klitschko  port on the Sea of Azov that
                                                                      called on other nations to im-  has  seen  some  of  the  war’s  The  mayor  of  Chernihiv,
                                                                      mediately  end  Russian  gas  greatest  suffering,  remained  which  also  has  been  under
                                                                      imports,  saying  they  were  cut off. About 100,000 civil-  attack for weeks, said Sunday
                                                                      funding the killings.        ians  —  less  than  a  quarter  that relentless Russian shell-
                                                                                                   of  the  prewar  population  of  ing has destroyed 70% of the
                                                                      “Not  a  penny  should  go  to  430,000 — are believed to be  northern  city.  Like  in  Mari-
                                                                      Russia  anymore,”  Klitschko  trapped there with little or no  upol, Chernihiv has been cut
                                                                      told German newspaper Bild.  food,  water,  fuel  and  medi-  off  from  shipments  of  food
                                                                      “That’s  bloody  money  used  cine.                       and other supplies.
                                                                      to slaughter people. The gas
                                                                      and oil embargo must come  The  International  Commit-
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