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                                                                                                       sports Dialuna 4 aPRil 2022

                               North Carolina to face Kansas in blue blood title game

            (AP)  —  The  Big  (blue)  Four appearances, pulled out  the Blue Devils in their first
            Easy  has  one  more  bit  of  a  back-and-forth  81-77  vic-  NCAA Tournament meeting
            bedazzling in store.         tory over Duke to end Coach  in 258 all-time games. Caleb
                                         K’s 47-year career with a loss  Love continued his star turn,
            North  Carolina  and  Kansas,  to his biggest rival. The Jay-  hitting a key 3-pointer down
            basketball  blue  blood  run-  hawks (33-6) have more wins  the  stretch  and  scoring  28
            ning deep in their veins, are  than  any  Division  I  team  points in a game that featured
            headed to the national cham-  in  history,  up  to  2,356  after  18 lead changes and 12 ties.
            pionship game.               beating  Villanova  81-65  in
                                         the  first  national  semifinal  Kansas  and  North  Carolina
            The  Tar  Heels  got  there  by  Saturday night.          will  meet  in  the  champion-
            spoiling  Mike  Krzyzewski’s                              ship  game  for  the  first  time
            fairytale ending with a gritty  They’ll  meet  Monday  night  since 1957, a triple-overtime
            performance in an historic ri-  in the Big Easy with a chance  classic won by the Tar Heels
            valry game. Kansas put coach  to  add  to  their  storied  lega-  54-53 over Wilt Chamberlain
            Bill  Self  in  position  to  win  cies. North Carolina will be  and the Jayhawks.
            the second title he’s waited so  playing  for  its  seventh  na-                       game,  another  in  the  Final  an  inside  game  that  out-
            long  for  with  a  3-point  bar-  tional championship. Kansas  Now,  the  Tar  Heels  get  a  Four,  five  other  trips  to  at  scored the Wildcats by 16 in
            rage against another national  is looking for No. 4.      chance to add yet another ti-  least the Sweet 16.        the paint. Ochai Agbaji keyed
            powerhouse.                                               tle to the one they won under                             the 3-point barrage, hitting 6
                                         “I felt like over the last two or  Roy Williams in 2017.  The  2019-20  Jayhawks  may  of 7 to score 21 points. Kan-
            The first course was delight-  three  years,  North  Carolina                          have  been  Self’s  best  team,  sas went 13 for 24 from be-
            ful.  The  main  could  be  ex-  wasn’t  relevant,”  Tar  Heels  “I don’t know if it was belief  but they never got a chance to  hind the arc, nearly doubling
            traordinary.                 coach  Hubert  Davis  said.  or it was just us being delu-  prove it when the pandemic  its 3-point shooting percent-
                                         “North Carolina should nev-  sional. I mean, at every point  wiped out the NCAA Tour-  age during the regular season.
            “You come to Kansas for big  er be irrelevant.”           of the season we knew if we  nament.
            games,  but  you  don’t  come                             came together as a team that                              “Even  after  this  game,  even
            to Kansas to play in the Elite  The Tar Heels got their first  we could get to the champi-  This year’s version does not  after last weekend, the week-
            Eight,”  said  Jayhawks  guard  season  under  Davis  off  to  a  onship,”  said  North  Caro-  have quite the same wow fac-  end  before  that  —  every-
            Christian Braun, who had 10  shaky start, looking as though  lina big man Armando Bacot,  tor, but was one of the most  one’s attitude was, on to the
            points against Villanova. “You  they  weren’t  even  going  to  who had 11 points and 21 re-  efficient  offensive  teams  in  next  one,”  Agbaji  said.  “And
            don’t come to Kansas to play  make  the  bracket.  North  bounds despite spraining his  the country.                not  looking  too  far  ahead  at
            in the Final Four. You come  Carolina found the right gear  right ankle in the second half.                         what’s going on Monday.”
            to play for a championship.”  at  the  right  time,  though,  “And that’s what we did.”  The  Jayhawks  flexed  their
                                         rolling into the biggest game                             inside-out game to near per-  Now they can.
            Same at North Carolina.      in Tobacco Road rivalry his-  The Jayhawks won the 2008  fection in the national semifi-
                                         tory.                        title  in  Self’s  fifth  season  in  nals against Villanova.  It  will  be  unforgettable  for
            The  Tar  Heels  (29-9),  third                           Lawrence, but it’s been a lot                             one  team  and,  possibly,  ev-
            on the wins list and the all-  North Carolina saved its best  of deep  title-less  runs  since:  David  McCormack  bulled  eryone else, too.
            time  leader  with  21  Final  for next-to-last, taking down  a  loss  in  the  championship  his way to 25 points and led

                                  MLB looking at electronic system for calling pitches

            (AP)  —  Imagine  Clayton  Ker-     catcher wears a wristband with nine  eral potential changes MLB is explor-  stealing scandal.
            shaw on the mound in Game 7 of  buttons for calling the pitch and lo-   ing  this  year.  There  will  be  bigger
            the World Series, peering in at his  cation.  There  is  a  receiver  in  the  bases, pitch clocks and limits on pick-  MLB’s investigation found Houston
            catcher at a big moment. And his  pitcher’s cap, and another one in the  off attempts for every full-season af-  used a video feed from a center-field
            catcher flashes ... no sign at all.  catcher’s helmet. Multiple languages  filiate in the minors. Defensive shifts  camera  to  see  and  decode  the  op-
                                                are available for the encrypted chan-  have  been  banned  for  each  Class  A  posing  catcher’s  signs  during  home
            That day could be coming very soon.  nel.                               level and Double-A.                 games. Players banged on a trash can
                                                                                                                        to signal to batters what was coming,
            Major  League  Baseball  is  stepping  New  York  Yankees  manager  Aaron  College  baseball  is  already  using  an  believing  it  would  improve  the  bat-
            up its experimentation with an elec-  Boone even tried a little experiment  electronic system for calling pitches.  ter’s odds of getting a hit.
            tronic  communication  channel  for  with the experiment. An hour before  With Game Day Signals, the calls are
            pitchers and catchers. After trying out  Saturday’s  game  against  Atlanta,  he  relayed from the dugout to a receiver  Cease  said  sign-stealing  has  been  a
            the PitchCom system at Low-A West  told  starting  pitcher  Luis  Severino  on the pitcher’s wrist.         concern for him for the past couple
            in the second half of last season, big  they would try the system with catch-                               of years, especially with a runner on
            league  clubs  are  tinkering  with  the  er Kyle Higashioka.           MLB  also  wants  to  speed  up  play.  second.
            technology during spring training.                                      The  average  time  of  a  nine-inning
                                                Severino  seemed  fine,  too,  pitching  game during the 2021 regular season  With PitchCom, “it’s basically I only
            If the development is met with wide-  four innings of one-hit ball.     was  a  record  3  hours,  10  minutes,  have to worry about what I’m doing
            spread acclaim, the system could be                                     7  seconds,  up  from  3:07:46  for  the  in  terms  of  if  I’m  giving  away  any-
            used in the majors this year. But the  As far as using it someday in the reg-  pandemic-shortened 2020 season and  thing with tipping, as opposed to ‘Are
            current  plan  is  to  work  it  in  at  the  ular season, “I want to keep flushing  3:05:35 in 2019.       they breaking the code?’ like it’s war,”
            Double-A level this summer.         that out the best we can. But my first                                  Cease said.
                                                impression of it, I feel like we’re on  When players are on base, especially
            With  the  PitchCom  system,  the  to something. I thought it was really  at second, the game can bog down as  Any chance of using the system in the
                                                good,” Boone said.                  pitchers and catchers switch up signs  majors this year could be hurt by the
                                                                                    in  an  effort  to  shield  the  calls  from  abbreviated  spring  training  after  the
                                                Baltimore  Orioles  pitcher  Bruce  their  opponent.  With  an  electronic  99-day lockout. Teams don’t have as
                                                Zimmermann concurred.               channel, that would no longer be an  much time to try it out as they would
                                                                                    issue.                              normally.
                                                Orioles  catcher  Anthony  Bemboom
                                                also offered a positive report, with a  The system also could eliminate sign-  Chicago Cubs manager David Ross,
                                                few concerns.                       stealing  altogether,  a  major  perk  for  a  former  big  league  catcher,  said  he
                                                                                    MLB after the Houston Astros’ 2017  isn’t sure it will speed up the pace of
                                                The PitchCom system is one of sev-  championship was tainted by a sign-  the game.
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