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A28    u.s. news
                       Dialuna 4 aPRil 2022

                         National park battlefield irises may mark razed Black homes

                                                                      soldiers and sailors rest with  was used at night as a dance  road.
                                                                      later U.S military members.  hall.                        In February of last year, Sal-
                                                                                                                                athe  and  other  members  of
                                                                      “We may never know for cer-  For decades families lived and  his  Louisiana  Iris  Conserva-
                                                                      tain”  that  the  flowers  were  worked in the small commu-  tion  Initiative  were  planting
                                                                      planted  by  residents,  but  it  nity  built  where  American  a small group of blue iris in
                                                                      seems  very  likely,  said  Gary  forces had defeated the pow-  another part of the park. Sal-
                                                                      Salathe, who created a group  erful British military on Jan.  athe,  whose  group  seeks  to
                                                                      to  rescue  native  irises  and  8, 1815.                 save  Louisiana  irises  from
                                                                      who  first  noticed  those  on                            areas  slated  for  develop-
                                                                      the battlefield.             In  the  early  1960s,  with  an  ment and plant them in vis-
                                                                                                   eye  toward  unifying  the  na-  ible spots in nature preserves
                                                                      The community, called “The  tional  park  in  time  for  the  and  parks,  noticed  long,  tall
                                                                      Village” by people who lived  battle’s  150th  anniversary  in  leaves  growing  in  the  grass
                                                                      there,  was  founded  around  1965,  the  park  service  tried  a  distance  from  the  road.
                                                                      1870 by Jean-Pierre Fazende,  to buy the land. Owners re-  They  looked  like  irises.  A
                                                                      a grocer from a family promi-  fused.  Eventually,  Congress  closer look confirmed it. He
                                                                      nent in the social class known  approved  expropriation  and  and park rangers went back a
            (AP)  —  Nearly  60  years  grandson of the community’s  as  free  people  of  color,  said  the  community  was  demol-  month  later when the flow-
            ago, a historic Black com-   founder, says he thinks it’s a  Bill Hyland, the official his-  ished.                 ers bloomed and got two sur-
            munity founded as a home  tragedy that Fazendeville was  torian  for  St.  Bernard  Par-                            prises.
            for newly freed slaves was  torn  down  and  wonderful  ish,  where  the  national  park  Homeowners   were   paid
            demolished  to  expand  a  that the dark purple irises and  is  located  southeast  of  New  about $6,000 at a time when  First,  the  irises  were  dark
            national  park  commemo-     white and pink crinum lilies  Orleans along the Mississippi  new  homes  in  the  area  cost  purple, not the better known
            rating  the  Battle  of  New  have been discovered.       River.                       $16,000, according to a 2014  light blue iris that is the state
            Orleans and Civil War ca-                                                              article  in  the  “64  Parishes”  flower.  Then  came  a  more
            sualties.  Now  park  rang-  The  flowers  were  first  no-  Fazende  wanted  to  give  re-  magazine  published  by  the  startling discovery — crinum
            ers  and  iris  enthusiasts  ticed  last  spring,  nearly  60  cently freed slaves a place to  Louisiana  Endowment  for  lilies.  Volunteer  Paul  Chris-
            believe  they  may  have  years  after  the  tiny  com-   live. So he subdivided an in-  the  Humanities.  In  later  tiansen recognized them as a
            found a botanical remind-    munity  was  expropriated  herited strip of land that was  years,  the  park  service  ad-  species from Africa, possibly
            er — Louisiana irises and  to  join  the  national  park’s  wide enough only for a single  dressed  the  expropriation  in  brought  by  enslaved  people,
            African lilies that the vil-  two  sections.  One  part  was  row of houses into 33 lots for  an article on its website.  that  could  not  have  been
            lage’s  residents  may  have  the land where the Battle of  a  “freedmen’s  colony.”  The                           growing wild there.
            planted.                     New Orleans was fought; the  land  eventually  included  30  In 2010, a marker commem-
                                         other was a national cemetery  homes, a church, bars, a gro-  orating  Fazendeville  was  “They would have had to be
            Woody  Keim,  a  great-great-  where  about  7,300  Union  cery  store  and  a  school  that  erected  near  the  battlefield  planted by people,” he said.

                          Missouri regulates boarding schools after abuse allegations

            (AP)  -  Maggie  Drew’s  dad  sent  is charged with child sex crimes and
            her to Circle of Hope Girls’ Ranch  five employees are accused of assault,  Supporters  of  religious  boarding  Messages  left  with  the  Household-
            in Missouri in 2007, hoping strict  though  Missouri’s  attorney  general  schools  say  they  provide  structure  ers’  attorney  were  not  returned.  In
            Christian  teachings  would  stop  thinks  many  more  workers  should  to  troubled  young  people.  Megan  an  August  interview  with  the  Star,
            his  14-year-old  daughter’s  teen-  have been charged.                 Stokes, executive director of Nation-  the couple said the accusers made up
            age rebellion.                                                          al Association of Therapeutic Schools  their stories.
                                                The schools are unrelated and are not  and  Programs,  said  the  wrongdoing
            Instead, Drew said, she found herself  affiliated  with  any  particular  Chris-  alleged at Agape and Circle of Hope
            in  a  nightmare,  sexually  abused  by  tian denomination. But both opened  is exceedingly uncommon.
            one of the boarding school’s found-  in southwest Missouri under a 1982
            ers and left with permanent spinal in-  state law that gave religious boarding  Yet unlike Missouri and many other
            juries after a fall from a hay barn for  schools free rein and the state no way  states,  her  trade  association  requires
            which she received no medical atten-  to monitor how kids were educated.  state licensing for all of its 150 mem-
            tion.                               Even  the  health  department  had  no  ber  schools,  including  the  religious
                                                oversight, including for schools that  ones. Agape is not a member, nor was
            Just 25 miles away at another Chris-  claimed to address mental health, be-  Circle of Hope.
            tian  boarding  school,  Brett  Harper  havioral and addiction issues.
            says he endured abuse that included                                     Boyd  and  Stephanie  Householder
            staff members stomping on his back.  The new law approved last year fol-  opened Circle of Hope in 2006 in the
            He said his injuries required two spi-  lowed extensive reporting from The  remote  town  of  Humansville.  “We
            nal surgeries and left him disabled.  Kansas City Star that found that sev-  use  the  BIBLE  to  teach  (girls)  that
                                                eral faith-based boarding schools, in-  they are to obey their Parents and the
            They  are  among  dozens  of  people  cluding Agape, relocated to Missouri  authority  over  them,”  the  school’s
            who  say  they  were  abused  at  either  after being investigated or shut down  website, which has been taken down,
            Circle  of  Hope  or  Agape  Boarding  for abuse or neglect elsewhere.  stated.
            School  —  allegations  that  helped
            prompt a new Missouri law aimed at  Legislators heard testimony from for-  The  school  closed  amid  a  2020  in-
            reining in religious boarding schools  mer  students  such  as  Chanel  Mare,  vestigation;  25  girls  were  removed.
            that  for  decades  went  without  any  who  told  of  girls  at  Circle  of  Hope  In  March  2021,  Boyd  Householder,
            oversight by the state.             being forced to eat their own vomit;  72, was charged with 79 crimes and
                                                and  James  Matthew  Lawson,  who  Stephanie, 56, was charged with 22.
            “I  still  have  nightmares  about  these  said he was raped at Agape and called
            people and the things they did to us,”  “seizure boy” because of his epilepsy.  Sixteen  former  residents  alleged
            Drew said.                                                              they were restrained with handcuffs,
                                                The Associated Press generally does  whipped  with  belts,  and  punched.
            The  founders  of  Circle  of  Hope  not name victims of sexual abuse, but  Nearly  two  dozen  counts  against
            face  around  100  charges,  some  al-  Larson and Drew both came forward  Boyd  Householder  accuse  him  of
            leging  sexual  abuse.  Agape’s  doctor  publicly to discuss the allegations.  sexual contact with girls.
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