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                                                                                                       sports Diamars 3 November 2020

                       Ravens' Humphrey says he has virus; Packers also have 1 case

            (AP)  –  Baltimore  Ravens  The  NFL  administers  daily  began to self-quarantine, and  be  conducted  virtually.  The  been  no  positive  test  results
            All-Pro  cornerback  Mar-    testing,  including  game  day  our  organization  is  now  in  player who tested positive has  among  players,  coaches  or
            lon  Humphrey  says  he  and  during  bye  weeks.  Re-    the NFL's intensive protocol.  self-quarantined.          staff members, the team de-
            has  the  coronavirus,  and  sults  of  the  tests  generally                                                       cided  to  host  meetings  re-
            several  other  NFL  teams  come in overnight. Tests tak-  "In  coordination  with  the  This  marks  the  first  time  motely to exercise the appro-
            reported  positive  tests  en  the  day  before  the  game  league,  we  have  started  the  a  Packers  player  has  tested  priate level of caution."
            Monday,  providing  new  determine  if  the  player  can  process of contact tracing and  positive  during  the  season.
            concerns for a league try-   play on game day.            are  following  the  guidelines  Green Bay (5-2) has a short  The  Houston  Texans  have
            ing  to  complete  a  season                              of intensive protocol."      week  before  playing  at  San  had  no  other  positive  CO-
            amid a pandemic.             On game day, they have their                              Francisco (4-4) on Thursday  VID-19 tests since one posi-
                                         temperatures  taken  by  con-  Humphrey  is  a  key  player  night.                    tive  test  forced  the  closure
            The  Green  Bay  Packers  re-  tactless  thermometers,  are  on  a  Baltimore  defense  that                        of  their  facility  during  last
            ported  that  a  player  tested  screened for loss of smell or  has  forced  a  turnover  in  20  The  Browns,  meanwhile,  week's bye week.
            positive for COVID-19, and  taste  and  have  other  symp-  straight  games.  He  had  four  announced  that  they  would
            Arizona  coach  Kliff  Kings-  toms  checked  prior  to  en-  tackles against Pittsburgh.  conduct their football meet-  Interim coach Romeo Cren-
            bury  confirmed  that  two  tering  the  stadium,  NFL  Baltimore  faces  Indianapolis  ings remotely on Monday.    nel said the facility underwent
            Cardinals tested positive over  spokesman  Brian  McCarthy  on the road this Sunday.                                a deep cleaning last week and
            the weekend.                 said.  Players  and  personnel                            The team said: "This morn-   that operations were back to
                                         also have to report any symp-  The  Steelers,  after  being  ing, an active player who has  normal  on  Monday  as  the
            In addition, the Browns con-  toms.                       made  aware  of  a  Baltimore  not been in the facility today  Texans  returned  to  work  to
            ducted  meetings  remotely                                player  testing  positive,  re-  reported  that  he  is  experi-  prepare  for  Sunday's  game
            Monday  after  a  player  re-  That explains why players can  leased  a  statement  that  said  encing  COVID-19  related  against  the  Jacksonville  Jag-
            ported that he is experiencing  play on Sunday, then have a  the  tests  on  their  players  all  symptoms. While there have  uars.
            "COVID-19-related"  symp-    Sunday  morning  test  come  came  back  negative.  The
            toms.                        back positive on Monday.     team said it would follow all
                                                                      NFL protocols and take pre-
            In  a  post  on  Twitter,  Hum-  The Ravens confirmed Mon-  cautionary  measures  at  its
            phrey wrote: "I got the Rona  day that a player tested posi-  training complex.
            hopefully I'll be back healthy  tive for COVID-19, but did
            soon."                       not  release  the  name  of  the  The  Green  Bay  Packers  on
                                         individual.                  Monday  also  sent  out  a  re-
            Humphrey  missed  practice                                lease that said a player tested
            last Wednesday with what the  The  statement  read:  "We  positive. According to multi-
            team described as an "illness"  were  informed  early  this  ple reports, that player is run-
            but  returned  Thursday  and  morning that a Ravens player  ning back AJ Dillon.
            played in Sunday's 28-24 loss  has  tested  positive  for  CO-  Packers officials said all play-
            to Pittsburgh.               VID-19.  He  immediately  er  meetings  Monday  would

                             Liverpool manager Klopp ready to see Atalanta up close

            (AP)  —  Liverpool  manager  Jür-   "I  enjoyed  the  analyzing.  I  enjoyed  because  the  crematorium  couldn't  season.
            gen Klopp has enjoyed watching  watching them because it's really in-   keep  up  were  beamed  around  the
            Atalanta play on tape. He'll now  teresting. In this life if you see some-  world.                           "I take each year as on opportunity,"
            get to see them up close.           thing  interesting  you  should  try  to                                 Zapata said. "Last year I missed a lot
                                                learn a little bit of it and that's what  None of the Atalanta players left the  of these matches because of injury so
            The English champions will face Ata-  we always try but in this case for sure  city  during  one  of  the  most  severe  now I'm making the most of this mo-
            lanta  in  the  Champions  League  on  its possible for us."            lockdowns in Europe, and they con-   ment,  this  chance  that  I  didn't  have
            Tuesday, only a few months after the                                    stantly talked about bringing joy back  last year because of the injury."
            Italian club made a surprising run to  Klopp said he has even more admira-  to their supporters.
            the quarterfinals in last season's com-  tion for Atalanta after the way it dealt                            Liverpool  leads  Group  D  with  six
            petition.                           with  returning  to  soccer  following  "We  know  how  difficult  last  season  points,  two  more  than  Atalanta  and
                                                the coronavirus-enforced shutdown,  was for everyone and for sure in Ber-  five  more  than  Ajax.  Midtjylland  is
            "Very  good,  very  good.  Top  players,  despite hailing from one of the cities  gamo it wasn't easy, in the beginning  last with zero points.
            top recruitment, very, very well orga-  in Italy worst-affected by the virus.  for sure more difficult," Klopp said.
            nized," Klopp said. "Play their system                                  "They  dealt  with  the  situation,  all  Atalanta coach Gian Piero Gasperini
            with 100% conviction, they know ex-  The small city of Bergamo was a hot-  these  things.  They  have  all  our  re-  expects Liverpool to finish at the top
            actly what everyone has to do. They  spot for COVID-19 cases and deaths,  spect."                            of the group and for his team to battle
            use the skills of the individuals in an  and  images  of  a  convoy  of  military                            with  Ajax  —  a  surprise  semifinalist
            incredibly smart way.               trucks driving coffins out of the city  And it will be Bergamo, the city nes-  two  seasons  ago  —  for  the  second
                                                                                    tled  in  the  hills  a  short  drive  from  qualifying spot.
                                                                                    Milan, that welcomes Liverpool.
                                                                                                                         After the double-header against Liv-
                                                                                    Atalanta played its Champions League  erpool,  Atalanta  hosts  Midtjylland
                                                                                    matches at the San Siro in Milan last  before traveling to Amsterdam for the
                                                                                    season while Gewiss Stadium was be-  final group match against Ajax.
                                                                                    ing renovated, but it has been given
                                                                                    clearance  to  use  its  own  venue  this  "For us these next two matches against
                                                                                    year.                                Liverpool are fundamental," Gasperi-
                                                                                    The club came back from two goals  ni said. "It's clear that we're facing the
                                                                                    down for a 2-2 draw against Ajax last  strongest team in the group.
                                                                                    week in the first Champions League
                                                                                    match in Bergamo.                    "For us it's fundamental to get a result
                                                                                                                         in  one  or  both  of  these  matches  to
                                                                                    Duván  Zapata  scored  twice  in  that  have an advantage over Ajax and get
                                                                                    match to take his tally to five goals in  to the last match with a small advan-
                                                                                    10  Champions  League  matches,  in-  tage. That's the theory on paper but
                                                                                    cluding three in the two matches this  then the matches have to be played."
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