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                                                                                         world news Diamars 3 November 2020

                        Merkel cautious on US vote comment, says she values science

            (AP)  —  German  Chan-       Monday  by  saying:  “Don’t  many's close ally should heed
            cellor  Angela  Merkel  de-  tell anybody but let me wait  the word of scientists, Merkel
            clined  Monday  to  com-     until a little bit after the elec-  made  clear  she  wouldn't
            ment directly on the U.S.  tion."                         comment on the vote.
            election, but said that she  Dr. Anthony Fauci, a leading
            values the advice of scien-  member of the White House  “I certainly won't do that one
            tists  —  hours  after  Presi-  coronavirus  task  force,  has  day before the election in the
            dent  Donald  Trump  took  clashed with Trump over his  United States,” she said.
            another  shot  at  the  top  administration's  handling  of  But  she  added  that  “you
            U.S. infectious disease ex-  the  pandemic,  which  has  so  know  that  simply  because
            pert.                        far killed more than 231,000  of  my  education  as  a  physi-
                                         people in the United States.  cist I naturally attribute great
            Trump  responded  to  sup-                                weight  to  scientific  advice,
            porters' chants to “fire Fauci”  Asked  about  her  views  on  and make use of it myself.”
            during a rally in Florida early  whether  the  leader  of  Ger-

                         Poland protests leader: Abortion court ruling must be waived

            (AP)  —  Poland's  prime  es began Monday, the head of                                 tive abortion laws in the pre-
            minister  appealed  Mon-     the  right-wing  government,  The  appeal  didn't  stop  pro-  dominantly Roman Catholic  Support  for  the  ruling  party
            day  for  talks  with  the  Prime  Minister  Mateusz  testers  with  signs  calling  for  nation.                   started shrinking even before
            leaders of massive protests  Morawiecki,  made  a  video  abortion  rights  from  block-                            the abortion ruling. The gov-
            that were triggered by the  appeal  to  protesters  and  op-  ing  streets  and  traffic  circles  When  it  is  published  and  ernment’s  moves  to  control
            tightening  last  month  of  position leaders.            in  Warsaw,  Poland's  capital,  takes effect, the court ruling  the judicial system, a new an-
            the  nation's  strict  abor-                              and other cities like Krakow  will  mean  that  an  abortion  imal  rights  law  and  remarks
            tion law and are continu-    “I ask you to sit down togeth-  and  Bialystok  for  the  12th  is  only  permitted  in  Poland  against  LGBT  rights  by  top
            ing  despite  a  resurgence  er for talks. May our disputes  straight day.             when  a  pregnancy  threatens  officials created political divi-
            of COVID-19.                 not  be  held  in  the  streets                           the mother's health or is the  sions and sparked protests.
                                         and  may  they  not  be  the  Earlier  Monday,  a  leader  of  result  of  crime  like  rape  or  Some  surveys  show  most
            Just  hours  before  the  latest  cause  of  more  infections,”  the  protests  said  the  con-  incest.            people want the party leader
            round of nationwide march-   Morawiecki said.             tested  court  ruling  that  un-                          and  deputy  prime  minister,
                                                                      leashed public anger must be  “The ruling by the so-called  Jaroslaw  Kaczynski,  to  step
                                                                      withdrawn.                   Constitutional Tribunal must  down,  especially  after  he
                                                                                                   be  withdrawn,”  Suchanow  called  last  week  on  his  sup-
                                                                      Klementyna Suchanow, lead-   said,  stressing  that  the  le-  porters  to  counter  the  pro-
                                                                      er  of  the  rights  organization  gal  status  of  the  court  itself  testers  and  defend  churches
                                                                      Women’s  Strike,  said  that  is  being  contested.  Critics  against attacks.
                                                                      more protests will come dur-  question  the  independence
                                                                      ing  the  week,  despite  a  ban  of the tribunal after the rul-  Suchanow  said  she  didn't
                                                                      on public gatherings of more  ing right-wing Law and Jus-  blame protesters who at some
                                                                      than  five  people  because  of  tice  party  put  its  loyalists  in  point  last  month  disturbed
                                                                      the  coronavirus  pandem-    the court shortly after it took  Masses or sprayed graffiti on
                                                                      ic.  Poland  reported  almost  power in 2015. Some say the  churches,  saying  leaders  of
                                                                      15,780 new cases Monday.     move was a breach of the law.  Poland's  influential  Catholic
                                                                                                                                Church  should  hear  believ-
                                                                      Nationwide protests by hun-  Suchanow said that Poland's  ers' critical voice.
                                                                      dreds of thousands of people  abortion law needs liberaliza-
                                                                      have  been  held  daily  since  tion, but admitted it may not  Protests were also planned by
                                                                      Oct.  22  when  a  constitu-  be possible under the current  health  care  employees  who
                                                                      tional court barred abortions  conservative   government,  say their sector is poorly or-
                                                                      of  fetuses  with  congenital  which has a narrow majority  ganized  and  has  reached  its
                                                                      defects,  further  narrowing  in the lower house of parlia-  limit in the fight against the
                                                                      one of Europe’s most restric-  ment.                      coronavirus.

                       South African firm and Johnson & Johnson strike vaccine deal

            (AP)  —  South  African  ern Cape province.               statement issued by Aspen.   on Nov. 1.                   ple  chosen  as  volunteers  for
            pharmaceutical  firm  As-    The company said the facility                                                          the  trials  were  from  impov-
            pen  Pharmacare  has  an-    has a capacity to manufacture  Aspen  chief  executive  Ste-  The  country  has  a  total  of  erished backgrounds and not
            nounced a  deal with U.S.  more than 300 million doses  phen Saad said the company  726,823  cases,  representing  fully  aware  of  the  potential
            firm  Johnson  &  Johnson  of the vaccine a year.         has invested more than 3 bil-  more  than  40%  of  all  cases  risks  associated  with  clinical
            to  manufacture  its  CO-                                 lion  rand  ($184  million)  in  recorded in Africa, according  trials.  However,  academics
            VID-19 vaccine candidate,  Johnson  &  Johnson's  test  its South African facility and  to the Africa Centers for Dis-  running  the  trials  said  that
            if it is approved in South  vaccine,  Ad26.COV3-S,  is  has a track record of supply-  ease Control and Prevention.  all  those  participating  were
            Africa and internationally.  one of four different vaccines  ing  drugs  for  the  treatment                        given  considerable  informa-
                                         currently undergoing clinical  of HIV/Aids and multi-drug-  In  July  protesters  demon-  tion  about  the  trial  and  had
            In  a  statement  issued  on  trials in South Africa.     resistant TB.                strated   in   Johannesburg  to take an examination about
            Monday,  Aspen  said  that  if                                                         against vaccine trials of a vac-  the trial and pass with a rate
            ongoing trials bring interna-  Johnson & Johnson would be  The 7-day rolling average of  cine being tested by the Uni-  of 80%
            tional  health  authorities  to  responsible for supplying the  daily new cases in South Af-  versity  of  Oxford,  in  which
            endorse the J&J vaccine as ef-  vaccine  in  large  batches  and  rica did not increase over the  about 2,000 people were ex-  Experts  told  a  United  Na-
            fective and safe, it would be  Aspen would put it into vials  past  two  weeks,  going  from  pected to participate.  tions  webinar  in  June  this
            produced  at  Aspen's  manu-  and package it for individual  2.73  new  cases  per  100,000                         year  that  misinformation
            facturing facility in Port Eliz-  doses,  pending  a  final  com-  people  on  Oct.  18  to  2.64  The protesters told The As-  about testing fueled anti-vac-
            abeth in South Africa's East-  mercial  agreement,  said  the  new cases per 100,000 people  sociated Press then that peo-  cine sentiment in Africa.
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