P. 2

                     Saturday 16 June 2018


            Continued from Front         said. “That’s how you save
                                         the economy a billion dol-
            Banks like this sell “wetlands  lars.”
            mitigation  credits”  to  de-  The  EPA  said  the  pro-
            velopers for up to $300,000  posal  now  faces  months
            apiece,  offsetting  the  de-  of  reviews  before  being
            struction  of  marshes  by  released  for  public  com-
            construction  projects  else-  ment, but experts in mitiga-
            where. It’s a billion-dollar in-  tion are already alarmed.
            dustry  that  has  slowed  the  “It  would  destroy  wetland
            loss of U.S. wetlands, half of  mitigation  banking  at  the
            which are already gone.      federal  level,”  said  Royal
            This uniquely American mix  Gardner,  a  professor  at
            of  conservation  and  capi-  Florida’s  Stetson  University
            talism has been supported  College of Law.
            by  every  president  since  The Associated Press is the
            George H.W. Bush pledged  first  outlet  to  comprehen-
            a  goal  of  “no  net  loss”  of  sively  report  on  the  po-
            wetlands,  growing  a  mar-  tential  harm  this  proposal
            ket  for  mitigation  credits  could  bring  to  the  billion-
            from about 40 banks in the  dollar  wetlands  mitigation
            early  1990s  to  nearly  1,500  banking industry.        An emergent marsh reflects the sky at the Panther Island Mitigation Bank, Thursday, June 7, 2018,
            today.  Investors  include  The EPA did not specifically   near Naples, Fla.
            Chevron  and  Wall  Street  address AP questions about                                                                         Associated Press
            firms, working alongside the  how  redefining  waterways  was lost or lacked plans to  have taken root and are fill-  would  limit  Clean  Water
            Audubon Society and oth-     could affect it.             maintain them.               ing in. We are showing that  Act  protections  for  non-
            er environmental groups.     Wetlands  are  protected  The  Corps  and  EPA  re-       it can be done.”             navigable  waterways  to
            Now the market is at risk.   under the Clean Water Act  vamped the system in 2008,  The country is still losing wet-  those that remain covered
            Administrator  Scott  Pruitt’s  because  they  are  vital  to  requiring developers to col-  lands. There is no national-  by  water  year-round  and
            Environmental    Protection  the  nation’s  water  qual-  laborate with conservation  level data that shows how  connected  to  navigable
            Agency  has  completed  a  ity.  Their  dense  vegetation  experts, and to get the sci-  close  mitigation  banks  are  rivers, lakes or streams. This
            proposal  for  implementing  helps filter out toxins as wa-  ence  right  before  selling  to  achieving  the  “no  net  could remove many waters
            President  Donald  Trump’s  ter flows through. Wetlands  any credits. Since then, the  loss” goal.                  from federal oversight, and
            executive order to replace  provide  key  fish  and  bird  market has seen its biggest  But  Corps  permit  data  hit mitigation banking hard,
            the  Waters  of  the  United  habitat, and protect coast-  growth,  with  innovative  show  that  from  2002-2015,  experts say.
            States rule, or WOTUS, with  al land from hurricanes.     projects proving to be both  when the agency allowed  Protecting  fewer  wetlands
            a much more limited defini-  Mitigation banks are not a  profitable and ecologically  about  350  square  miles  and  streams  would  mean
            tion  of  what  constitutes  a  panacea, but they are the  sustainable.                (906  square  kilometers)  of  fewer impacts to these re-
            protected  federal  water-   government’s      preferred  Panther  Island  was  de-    wetlands  to  be  filled,  de-  sources  will  be  regulated,
            way.                         method of protecting wet-    signed  with  the  help  of  velopers  were  required  to  and less mitigation required
            The  current  definition  is  an  lands  from  damage  from  Audubon, which manages  purchase about 800 square  to  compensate  for  them,
            overreach that claims fed-   development,  a  prefer-     the neighboring Corkscrew  miles  (2,070  square  kilom-  said  Jessica  Wilkinson,  a
            eral  jurisdiction  over  “dry  ence  that  has  fueled  the  Swamp Sanctuary, and the  eters)  of  compensatory  senior  policy  adviser  at
            creek  beds”  and  “prairie  market for mitigation cred-  society  will  continue  man-  mitigation  credits,  mostly  The  Nature  Conservancy,
            puddles”  that  are  better  its. The system began dec-   aging the land after all the  from banks.                 which  sponsors  13  wet-
            regulated  by  the  states,  ades  ago  under  the  U.S.  credits have been sold.      The  Obama  administra-      land and stream mitigation
            Pruitt told a group of farm-  Army  Corps  of  Engineers,  “The  devil’s  in  the  de-  tion sought to include even  banks in five states.
            ers  and  businesspeople  in  but  it  initially  wasn’t  well  tails  with  these  mitigation  more  wetlands  as  protect-  “That’s  not  good  for  trying
            Lincoln,  Nebraska,  Thurs-  designed,  and  the  market  banks  and  their  offsetting  ed  waterways  under  the  to  achieve  the  objectives
            day night.                   failed to take off.          impacts.  If  you’re  not  do-  WOTUS  rule,  and  investors  of  the  Clean  Water  Act  in
            “We’re  going  to  say  what  That began to change af-    ing  it  in  a  way  that  offsets  responded  positively,  be-  general  if  we’re  no  longer
            it is, but we’re also going to  ter 2001, when the National  the  natural  water  storage  cause  sustained  govern-  protecting  these  waters,”
            say what it isn’t. We’re pro-  Research Council identified  losses,  then  you’re  passing  ment support reduced the  Gardner said.
            posing that prairie puddles  a chief problem: The Corps  the buck to future genera-    market’s risk.               “If the Trump administration
            in  North  Dakota  are  not  was letting developers who  tions,”  sanctuary  director  Trump’s  order  directs  the  goes forward with a defini-
            waters of the United States  lacked  the  necessary  ex-  Jason Lauritsen said.        EPA and Corps to consider  tion of WOTUS that severely
            and  we’re  proposing  that  pertise design and build the  “What  you  see  now  is  this  adopting the late Supreme  restricts  what  waters  are
            ground  water  is  not  water  restoration  projects.  Some  beautiful  landscape  of  di-  Court Justice Antonin Scal-  protected,  then  their  mar-
            of the United States,” Pruitt  failed  to  replace  what  verse  native  species  that  ia’s  2006  definition,  which  ket evaporates.”q
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