P. 7

                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 16 June 2018

            Boy tells police that driver shot family in road rage run-in

            By KATHLEEN FOODY            minster.                     a  photo  of  the  driver's  li-
            DENVER  (AP) — A 12-year-    He said the driver followed  cense plate on her phone
            old boy told police he saw  the  family's  car  into  the  before they got out of the
            a  driver  open  fire  on  his  parking  lot  and  argued  car.  Authorities  used  the
            family  during  a  road  rage  briefly  with  his  mother  be-  photo to look up the vehi-
            confrontation  in  Colora-   fore  opening  fire,  accord-  cle's owner and compared
            do,  killing  his  older  brother  ing  to  the  warrant  filed  in  it to witness descriptions.
            and critically wounding his  court Friday.                Webster was arrested Thurs-
            mother and younger broth-    Other witnesses told police  day  evening  when  police
            er, authorities said Friday.  that they saw Webster park  spotted his car traveling on
            Police   arrested   Jeremy  his  black  Toyota  Corolla  a  freeway  near  Colorado
            Webster,  23,  hours  after  behind  the  woman's  vehi-  Springs.  In  the  warrant  to
            the  shooting  that  killed  a  cle in the middle of the lot.  search  Webster's  car  and
            13-year-old  boy  and  also  They said Webster shot the  home,  Westminster  Police
            wounded  a  bystander  not  woman,  then  turned  and  Detective  Matt  Calhoon
            related to the family. Web-  shot  two  of  her  children  wrote that Webster agreed
            ster  acknowledged  shoot-   "multiple  times,"  according  to speak with police.
            ing four people in a subur-  to the warrant.              "Jeremy stated that he has   Law enforcement officials escort a man away from the front door
            ban Denver parking lot and  Police  have  not  identified  mental  health  issues  and   of a dental clinic as police investigate the scene of a shooting
                                                                                                   in  a  parking  lot  behind  the clinic, Thursday,  June  14,  2018, in
            told officers he "has mental  the  victims.  The  mother,  just  (started)  a  new  pre-  Westminster, Colo.
            health  issues,"  according  41, and brother, 8, were in  scribed medication today,"                                            Associated Press
            to a search warrant, which  critical condition, while the  the  warrant  said.  "Jeremy
            did  not  specify  his  mental  bystander was less seriously  admitted  that  he  used  his  tempt to commit a felony.  a criminal history in Colora-
            status.                      wounded,  authorities  said.  Glock 19 handgun to shoot  He is being held in jail with-  do, according to court and
            The  12-year-old,  who  was  The  man  was  shot  while  the above people and that  out bond, according to on-      law  enforcement  records.
            not  injured,  told  police  driving  with  his  9-year-old  he  secured  the  firearm  in  line records. Jail records do  It's  not  clear  how  long  he
            that  his  mother  and  an-  daughter in a pickup truck,  the trunk of his vehicle after  not indicate if Webster has  has lived in Colorado. He is
            other  driver  were  involved  but  she  was  not  hurt,  the  the shooting."          an attorney to speak on his  due in court Monday.
            "in some type of road rage  warrant said.                 Webster  faces  charges  of  behalf.                      The  family  of  the  mother
            incident"  near  a  business  The  12-year-old  boy  told  first-degree  murder,  first-  Webster  was  born  in  New  and children requested pri-
            complex in the city of West-  police that his mother took  degree  assault  and  at-   Jersey  and  does  not  have  vacy, police said.q

            Firefighter, 4 others badly hurt in Oklahoma gas line blast

            TULSA,  Okla.  (AP)  —  An  appeared  to  be  the  clos-  homes threatened.            and  service  has  been  re-  tor  struck  the  line  around
            Oklahoma  firefighter  who  est to the leak when it went  Ballard said the line was re-  stored.  Police  say  the  rup-  1:30  p.m.  Thursday  on  the
            was among five people in-    off."                        paired  late  Thursday  night  ture occurred when a trac-  city's west side.q
            jured in an explosion after a  Four  Oklahoma  Natural
            natural gas pipeline rupture  Gas  employees  were  also
            in  Tulsa  was  in  stable  con-  injured in the blast, accord-
            dition Friday, a fire depart-  ing  to  utility  spokeswoman
            ment spokesman said.         Cherokee  Ballard.  Ballard
            Capt. Stan May said Capt.  said she could not disclose
            Greg  Delozier,  54,  was  the  names  or  conditions
            burned  in  the  Thursday  of  the  workers,  or  whether
            afternoon  blast  and  was  they remain hospitalized.
            moved     overnight   from  Initial  reports  said  one  of
            emergency  care  into  a  the injured was a bystand-
            hospital  room,  where  he  er and all five were first de-
            was being monitored.         scribed  by  authorities  has
            "(Doctors)  are  waiting  for  having critical injuries.
            the  swelling  to  go  down  Officials  say  gas  was  shut
            to  determine  the  degree"  off and the fire extinguished
            of the burns, May said. "He  at about 4:30 p.m., with no
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