P. 8

                     Saturday 16 June 2018

            When, not if: US poised to quit UN's human rights council

            By JAMEY KEATEN                                                                                                     and evasion." She accused
            EDITH M. LEDERER                                                                                                    member  countries  such  as
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Venezuela,  Cuba,  China,
            GENEVA (AP) — The United                                                                                            Burundi  and  Saudi  Arabia
            States  is  about  to  quit  the                                                                                    of  failing  to  fulfill  their  du-
            United  Nation's  main  hu-                                                                                         ties  to  "uphold  the  highest
            man  rights  body,  primar-                                                                                         standards" of human rights,
            ily over Washington's claim                                                                                         while  emphasizing  what
            that  the  Human  Rights                                                                                            she  said  was  the  council's
            Council  is  biased  against                                                                                        its anti-Israel bias.
            Israel, a Western and a U.S.                                                                                        Haley  said  then  that  the
            diplomat say.                                                                                                       United  States  didn't  want
            The  move  would  be  the                                                                                           to  leave  the  council,  but
            Trump  administration's  lat-                                                                                       would  do  so  if  it  did  not
            est snub of the international                                                                                       change.
            community.  The  U.S.  State                                                                                        "It is up to any state to deter-
            Department said Friday no                                                                                           mine  whether  they  would
            decision has been made to                                                                                           like to be a member of the
            leave.                                                                                                              council,"  council  President
            But  diplomats  who  re-                                                                                            Vojislav  Suc  said  Wednes-
            quested  anonymity  said                                                                                            day.  "The  U.S.  has  been
            it  appears  more  a  matter                                                                                        very active in the council in
            of when, not if, the pullout                                                                                        the  previous  years,  includ-
            threatened  last  year  by                                                                                          ing this year, with many ini-
            the U.S. ambassador to the                                                                                          tiatives."
            United Nations, Nikki Haley,                                                                                        Suc  said  he  had  received
            will happen.                                                                                                        no  information  to  indicate
            Never  in  the  12  years  of                                                                                       that the United States was
            the Human Rights Council,                                                                                           poised  to    pull  out  of  the
            which  is  tasked  with  spot-                                                                                      council, which he said ben-
            lighting  and  approving  in-                                                                                       efits  from  the  "continued
            vestigations  of  suspected                                                                                         constructive  engagement
            rights abuses, has a serving                                                                                        of all delegations — includ-
            member  dropped  out  vol-                                                                                          ing the United States."
            untarily.  Seven  years  ago,   This is a Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2008 file photo, showing a general view of the Human Rights Room at the   Human   Rights   Council
            in  the  midst  of  the  Arab   European headquarters of the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.                 spokesman  Rolando  Go-
            Spring,  Moammar  Gad-                                                                             Associated Press  mez said there have been
            hafi's Libya was kicked out                                                                                         "a  lot  of  rumors  and  a  lot
            with  the  approval  of  the  countries to keep it in, but  critical  situations  for  politi-  deal, and to slap tariffs on  of  speculation"  about  a
            U.N.  General  Assembly,  that the timing of the move  cal  reasons  —  and  under-    steel and aluminum against  U.S.  pullout,  but  "we  have
            which has final say.         was "elastic." The diplomat,  mines its own credibility," it  key trading partners.    no indication" that the U.S.
            The  47-member  council  speaking  on  condition  of  added.                           It  previously  withdrew  the  might not attend the three-
            opens  the  second  of  its  anonymity because discus-    A  full  pullout  by  the  U.S.  United States from the U.N.  week  session  that  begins
            three annual sessions Mon-   sions  have  been  private,  would  leave  the  council  cultural  and  educational  Monday.
            day,  when  U.N.  human  said  Haley  was  the  driving  without one of its traditional  agency, UNESCO, and an-    A  pullout  could  be  largely
            rights  chief  Zeid  Ra'ad  al-  force behind the exit.   defenders of human rights.  gered  many  with  its  deci-  symbolic: The United States'
            Hussein  makes  his  last  ad-  Diplomats and activists say  In recent months, the Unit-  sion to recognize Jerusalem  current  term  on  the  coun-
            dress to a regular meeting  the  U.S.  has  apparently  ed States has participated  as  Israel's  capital,  defying  cil ends next year, when it
            before  stepping  down  in  given up on its efforts since  in  attempts  to  pinpoint  an international consensus.  could revert to the observer
            August.  The  United  States  Haley's  trip  to  Geneva  a  rights  violations  in  places  The  United  States  has  opt-  status held by other coun-
            could  announce  its  deci-  year  ago  to  convince  the  like  South  Sudan,  Congo  ed  to  stay  out  of  the  Hu-  tries that are not members.
            sion as early as Tuesday, a  council to end its systemat-  and Cambodia.               man Rights Council before:  In  that  situation,  the  U.S.
            U.S. official said.          ic scrutiny of Israel's alleged  The U.S. leaving also could  the  administration  of  Presi-  would be able to speak out
            The  official,  who  was  not  abuses against Palestinians.  ease  pressure  on  China.  dent  George  W.  Bush  did  on rights abuses, but not to
            authorized  to  publicly  dis-  Israel is the only country in  At  times  singlehandedly,  so  when  the  council  was  vote.
            cuss  the  matter  and  re-  the  world  whose  rights  re-  the U.S. has been the main  created in 2006. Item 7 on  A  key  question  will  be
            quested  anonymity,  said  it  cord  comes  up  for  discus-  country  willing  to  stand  "Israel  and  the  Occupied  where a U.S. pullout would
            was  "all  but  decided"  that  sion  at  every  council  ses-  up  against  China,  which  Palestinian  Territories"  has  leave Israel if its biggest and
            the U.S. will pull out.      sion, under "Item 7" on the  has  been  flexing  its  diplo-  been  part  of  the  council's  most  powerful  defender
            U.S. Secretary of State Mike  agenda.                     matic muscle and growing  regular  business  almost  as  abandons  its  voting  rights
            Pompeo could opt for a full  "As  we  have  said  numer-  more  assertive  internation-  long as it has existed.    or drops out of the council
            withdrawal from the coun-    ous times, the U.N. Human  ally  —  even  as  it  intensi-  Efforts  by  Haley  and  other  altogether.
            cil—  the  option  preferred  Rights  Council  must  be  re-  fies a crackdown on rights  American diplomats to end  The  State  Department's
            by Haley — or remain in the  formed to ensure it has the  defenders  at  home,  rights  or  to  water  down  the  rou-  web site says protection of
            room as an observer, with-   ability  to  realize  its  impor-  groups say.            tine  scrutiny  of  Israel  have  fundamental  human  rights
            out the right to vote on the  tant mission," the State De-  The  "America  First"  Trump  failed  in  recent  months  at  was  a  "foundation  stone"
            dozens  of  resolutions  the  partment said Friday.       administration  has  already  the U.N. General Assembly  for  the  United  States'  cre-
            human rights body consid-    "At  its  best,  the  HRC  calls  run afoul of the internation-  in New York.          ation  over  two  centuries
            ers each session.            out  human  rights  violators  al  community  over  its  de-  During  her  visit  to  Geneva  ago and that promoting re-
            A  Western  diplomat  said  and  encourages  positive  cisions  to  quit  agreements  a  year  ago,  Haley  de-     spect for human rights since
            the U.S. will leave the coun-  action.  However,  all  too  like  the  Paris  climate  ac-  nounced  the  council  as  a  has  been  a  "central  goal"
            cil  despite  the  efforts  of  frequently it fails to address  cord  and  the  Iran  nuclear  "forum for politics, hypocrisy  of U.S. foreign policy.q
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