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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 16 June 2018

            Judge jails ex-Trump campaign chair Manafort ahead of trial

                                                                      In  response,  prosecutors  representation.”  One  of  designed  a  program  that
                                                                      filed additional documents  the documents was a 2013  used  the  Hapsburg  mem-
                                                                      showing  extensive  lobby-   memo  from  Manafort  to  bers to lobby U.S. lawmak-
                                                                      ing contacts by the group  former  Ukrainian  President  ers and influence American
                                                                      in the U.S., which they said  Viktor  Yanukovych.  It  de-  public  opinion  including
                                                                      showed  “the  falsity  of  his  scribed how Manafort had  meetings on Capitol Hill.q

            Paul  Manafort  goes  through  security  as  he  arrives  at  federal
            court, Friday, June 15, 2018, in Washington.
                                                     Associated Press
            By CHAD DAY                  to  obstruct  justice,  add-
            Associated Press             ing  to  the  multiple  felony
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-     counts  he  already  faced.
            dent  Donald  Trump’s  for-  The  charges  do  not  relate
            mer  campaign  chairman  to  his  work  on  the  Trump
            Paul  Manafort  is  going  to  campaign  or  involve  alle-
            jail.                        gations of Russian election
            On  Friday,  Manafort  was  interference.
            ordered into custody after  Manafort,  69,  and  Kilimnik
            a federal judge revoked his  are accused of attempting
            house  arrest,  citing  newly  to tamper with witnesses in
            filed  obstruction  of  justice  the  case  by  trying  to  get
            charges. The move by U.S.  them  to  lie  about  the  na-
            District Judge Amy Berman  ture of their Ukrainian politi-
            Jackson  made  Manafort  cal work.
            the  first  Trump  campaign  Prosecutors  say  Manafort
            official to be jailed as part  and  Kilimnik  tried  to  get
            of  special  counsel  Robert  the  two  witnesses  to  say
            Mueller’s investigation.     that lobbying work carried
            Already    under    intense  out  by  clandestinely  paid
            pressure to cooperate with  former  politicians  only  oc-
            prosecutors in hopes of se-  curred  in  Europe  and  not
            curing  leniency,  Manafort  the  U.S.,  a  contention  the
            now loses the relative free-  two  witnesses  said  they
            dom  he  enjoyed  while  he  knew to be false.
            prepared  for  two  criminal  The  distinction  matters  be-
            trials in which he faces the  cause unregistered foreign
            possibility  of  spending  the  lobbying  in  the  U.S.  is  a
            rest of his life in prison.  crime, while lobbying solely
            In issuing her ruling, Jackson  in Europe would be outside
            said  she  had  “struggled”  the  special  counsel’s  juris-
            with  the  decision  but  she  diction.
            couldn’t “turn a blind eye”  Manafort’s  attorneys  have
            to his conduct.              accused  prosecutors  of
            “You have abused the trust  conjuring  a  “sinister  plot”
            placed  in  you  six  months  out  of  “innocuous”  con-
            ago,” she said.              tacts.  They  filed  a  memo
            A  federal  grand  jury  in-  written  by  one  of  the  wit-
            dicted  Manafort  and  a  nesses  for  Manafort  that
            longtime  associate,  Kon-   his attorneys say shows the
            stantin  Kilimnik,  last  week  work  of  the  group,  known
            on  charges  of  obstruction  as  the  Hapsburg  group,
            of  justice  and  conspiracy  was European focused.
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