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                                                                                                           local Friday 30 december 2022
            Four female monarchs crowned during the Children and Youth

            Dande Festival 2022

            ORANJESTAD       –     Last
            Wednesday  at  the  Centro
            di Bario Tanki Leendert, the
            Children and Youth Dande
            Festival  took  place  with
            the  presentation  of  seven
            musical group and 19 con-
            testants, who gave their all
            on  this  night  to  show  that
            Aruba’s  Dande  tradition  is
            still alive.

            The  most  traditional  cul-
            tural  intangible  heritage
            Aruba  has  throughout  the  singer’s  hat  is  considered  by one passes to every per-  For more information about  Category 7-9 years:
            Christmas  season  is  called  a  sign  of  respect  he/she  son present. Besides visiting  year-end  celebrations  in  Dande  Queen  2022:  Kitai
            Dande. The Dande is a lo-    is  expressing  to  the  family  local houses on New Year’s  Aruba,  please  visit  https://  de Jongh.
            cal  oral  tradition  where  and  person  they  are  sing-  Eve  and  the  day  after,         Finalists: Elizee Bislip, Ksijaily
            the  song  “ay  nobe”  (aña  ing to and blessing. Instead  the Dande tradition is very  culture-for-christmas/      Croes and Jaymerson Kelly.
            nobo) – “new year” is per-   of money, back in the day,  popular  on  the  last  work-
            formed  as  the  New  Year  the  singer  would  receive  ing  day  of  the  year.  Local  Children and Youth Dande  Category 10-12 years:
            is  approaching  or  has  ar-  food (for example pan du-  businesses  invite  a  Dande  Festival 2022               Dande  Queen:  Lizienne
            rived.  Dande  stems  from  shi  “sweet  bread”)  in  their  group  to  come  and  bless  Under  organization  of  the  Webb.
            the  word  Dandalia,  which  hat as a token of gratitude  their workers and the com-   Commission  for  the  Cel-   Second  Place:  John-May-
            loosely  translates  into  “to  for their long trip. The singer  pany as the New Year ap-  ebration  of  National  Days  nard Wever.
            party,  he  who  parties,  or  starts by blessing the head  proaches.                  of  the  Department  of  Cul-
            simply  paranda”.  The  first  of the house and then one                               ture,  UNOCA  and  Chico  Category 13-17 years:
            sentence  of  the  Dande                                                               Harms  foundation  –  which  Dande  Queen:  Jorienne
            song “oh dande nos a jega                                                              organized the Festival itself  Angela
            na  bo  porta”  –  Ay  Nobe,                                                           last Tuesday at the Centro  Second  Place:  Stephanie
            translated  means  “Oh  the                                                            di  Bario  Brazil  –  the  night  Quant and Third Place: Re-
            party  has  arrived  at  your                                                          began around 7pm to give  anne Ras.
            door”  –  New  Year.  The                                                              opportunity to every partic-
            origin  of  the  Dande  is  not                                                        ipant to show their talent.   The  Commission  for  the
            known,  however  there  are                                                                                         Promotion of Culture sends
            many  theories  such  as;  1.                                                          The winners were as follow:  congratulations  to  all  chil-
            Its  starting  in  the  district  of                                                   Category 4-6 years:          dren,  musicians,  typical
            Savaneta,  2.  Its  starting  in                                                       Dande Queen 2022: Alyna  groups,  band  directors,
            the  district  of  Noord,  3.  Its                                                     Henriquez.                   composers,  arrangers  and
            popularity  strengthened  in                                                           Finalists:  Zaden  Werleman  the entire family, not leav-
            the district of St. Cruz, or 4.                                                        and Sophia da Silva.         ing  out  the  excellent  work
            Its  starting  after  the  aboli-                                                                                   of  the  organizing  team  for
            tion  of  slavery  in  1863  by                                                                                     a great event.q
            the Dutch King.

            A  group  of  five  or  some-
            times even six people (one
            singer  accompanied  by
            numerous  musicians)  usu-
            ally  performs  the  most
            known  Aruban  end  of  the
            year  tradition.  These  peo-
            ple, usually family members
            accompany  a  singer  and
            travel  door-to-door  to  ex-
            press  their  best  wishes  for
            the  New  Year  in  repetitive
            phrases  (blessings),  with  a
            chorus  that  includes  the
            phrase  “ay  nobe”  (aña
            nobo) – “new year” – sung
            after  each  blessing.  Cur-
            rently, the celebratory trav-
            el usually leads to the hous-
            es  of  the  singers’  friends
            and family, where the sing-
            er collects money in his hat
            to give to the group. Tradi-
            tionally the removal of the
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