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                  Friday 30 december 2022
            ‘Corsage’ gives a modern edge to Austria’s Empress Elisabeth

            By LINDSEY BAHR              of  anything  too  nice  and  opened up her letterbox to  rity  culture,”  Krieps  said  of  makes  people  feel  seen
            AP Film Writer               perfect. I was too young to  find a script from Kreutzer.  Elisabeth. “I remember say-  and not based on whether
            LOS ANGELES (AP) — Things  really  rationally  grasp  the  “Dear  Vicky,  I  guess  you  ing to Marie, ‘We are all Sisi  they are important or not,”
            had  gotten  a  little  real  on                                                                                    Kreutzer said. “But I sensed
            the  set  of  “  Corsage,”  but                                                                                     early that this was not good
            nobody expected the star,                                                                                           for her as the empress.”
            Vicky  Krieps,  to  jump  out                                                                                       When  it  came  time  to  film
            the window that day.                                                                                                the  fencing  scene,  Krieps
            The scene involved a fenc-                                                                                          was   feeling   everything
            ing match between Krieps,                                                                                           quite deeply.
            playing  Empress  Elisabeth                                                                                         “That was a very sad day.
            of Austria, and Florian Teich-                                                                                      It  was  actually  very  pain-
            tmeister  as  Emperor  Franz                                                                                        ful to me. I thought, really?
            Joseph.  It’s  a  straightfor-                                                                                      You  make  a  movie  about
            ward match and Elisabeth                                                                                            this  and  this  is  happening
            is supposed to be winning,                                                                                          now,”  she  said.  “That  day
            in the midst of a tense argu-                                                                                       my  pain  had  overgrown
            ment. But Teichtmeister de-                                                                                         anything I could bear and
            cided to change the cho-                                                                                            I  just  needed  to  go  some-
            reography  in  the  moment                                                                                          where  with  it.  That’s  why  I
            so he would win instead.                                                                                            went out the window.”
            The  movie,  which  is  now                                                                                         The  only  other  thought
            playing  in  limited  release                                                                                       in  her  mind  was:  “I  hope
            and  recently  made  the                                                                                            there’s  no  scaffolding  be-
            shortlist for an Oscar nomi-                                                                                        low.”
            nation,  was  intended  to                                                                                          She never really asked her
            be  an  empathetic  exami-                                                                                          co-star,  whom  she  loves
            nation  of  a  misunderstood                                                                                        and  respects  and  knows
            woman,  trapped  in  the                                                                                            is  kind,  why  he  made  that
            prison  of  her  gender,  her                                                                                       decision. Maybe it was un-
            time,  her  position,  her  ce-                                                                                     conscious? Maybe his ego
            lebrity and her beauty. This                                                                                        took over? But it made her
            was  a  moment  where  she   This image released by IFC Films shows Vicky Krieps as Empress Elisabeth in a scene from   feel  connected  to  some-
            got  to  be  a  little  stronger   “Corsage.”                                                                       thing bigger than the film.
            than  the  man  and  a  man                                                                        Associated Press   Kreutzer  had  kind  of  for-
            had just taken it away.                                                                                             gotten  about  the  window
            It hit Krieps hard.          whole thing but I felt relat-  were  right,”  an  accompa-  now because we have Ins-   jump  somewhere  in  the
            When Teichtmeister exited,  ed to this woman and I felt  nying postcard read.          tagram and Facebook and  blur of filming and postpro-
            the  scene  was  technically  like  she  was  trapped,”  Kri-  The film is not your standard  we have become our own  duction. They had actually
            over, but Krieps was still in it.  eps  said.  “They  described  costume  picture,  or  even  victims of our own image.’”  even shot another window
            The director, Marie Kreutzer,  her  as  being  very  eccen-  a  straightforward  biopic  The  filming  was  quite  dif-  jumping  scene    that  one
            kept the cameras rolling as  tric, riding a lot, wearing a  for both practical and the-  ficult.  For  one,  Krieps  de-  was  scripted.  Then,  in  the
            she  sometimes  does  and  corset all the time, not eat-  matic reasons.               cided to wear a corset the  edit,  she  rediscovered  it.
            suddenly Krieps was crying.  ing,  using  exercise  equip-  “I  knew  it  would  have  entire  time  to  really  feel  The lighting wasn’t perfect,
            Then  she  walked  over  to  ment.  I  kept  thinking,  but  to  have  another  style,”  what Elisabeth was feeling.  but  it  was  raw.  And  in  the
            the  window  and  jumped.  why? I had a suspicion that  Kreutzer said. “We wanted  This, she admits now, was a  end,  the  unscripted  one
            Everyone gasped.             she  was  sad  or  angry  but  it to look not as decorated  mistake, but one she com-  made the cut.
            “Why  is  she  going  out  the  I  couldn’t  read  anything  and more simple.”         mitted to.                   “It was the first movie I hat-
            window?”  the  director  of  about  that.  It  stayed  with  “Corsage”  begins  as  Elisa-  “I’m  that  stubborn,”  said  ed doing, but I love watch-
            photography exclaimed.       me.”                         beth  turns  40  and  the  film  Krieps,  who    thanks  to  ing. When I watch it, I have
            She was fine, mind you. The  In  2016,  after  working  with  has  modern  flourishes  and  long  days  on  set    ended  goosebumps  every  time
            room was on the first floor.  Kreutzer  on  the  film  “We  a  soundtrack  with  music  up  wearing  the  corset  for  because I feel this liberation
            But it wasn’t in the script.  Used  to  Be  Cool,”  Krieps  from the likes of French pop  many more hours than any  that  we  are  all  so  in  need
            The film was actually, tech-  asked  her  if  she’d  want  star  Camille.  Some  have  woman  of  the  era,  even  of,”  Krieps  said.  “Women
            nically,  Krieps’  idea.  She  to  do  a  Sisi  movie  of  their  compared it to Sofia Cop-  Sisi, would have.      have  such  deep,  deep
            had  been  fascinated  by  own together. Kreutzer de-     pola’s  “Marie  Antoinette,”  It  was  hard  to  sit,  ride,  wounds  over  the  genera-
            the  19th  century  empress  clined.                      though, as one person told  fence  and  breathe.  She  tions. And we have to talk
            since she was a young girl,  “Marie  thought  it  was  a  Kreutzer, “less ironic.”     couldn’t  eat  or  drink  cof-  about  it  and  we  have  to
            when  unbeknownst to her  very bad idea,” Krieps said.  “If I were to put it into music  fee  with  it  on  and  mostly  heal it and we have to get
            feminist  mother  who  re-   “She  literally  said,  ‘What?  terms,  ‘Marie  Antoinette’  stuck  to  smoothies  and  out of it.”q
            pelled “princess things”  she  No, that’s stupid.’”       is  pop  and  ‘Corsage’  is  nighttime  eating.  She  and
            watched  Ernst  Marischka’s  Kreutzer,  who  is  Austrian,  acoustic,” Kreutzer said.  Kreutzer also decided that
            “Sisi”  trilogy  at  a  friend’s  had  grown  up  with  the  And it came at just at the  she  should  remain  a  little
            house. The 1950s films star-  kitschy  trilogy  and  Elisa-  right  time  for  Krieps,  who  isolated  and  distant  from
            ring  Romy  Schneider,  re-  beth’s  face  on  merchan-   had  just  become  much  the cast, which was difficult
            ferred  to  by  Elisabeth’s  dise  everywhere.  In  her  more famous after the suc-    in different ways.
            nickname,  are  a  holiday  memory,  she  wasn’t  even  cess of “Phantom Thread,”  “Normally,  she  would  al-
            broadcast staple in Europe.  sure Krieps was serious, but  and felt like she’d had her  ways  talk  to  everybody
            As a teenager, Krieps went  she  did  know  she  wanted  own  peek  behind  the  cur-  and  be  very  close  with
            a  little  further  and  picked  to  do  a  period  film.  So  it  tain.               people.  It’s  really  one  of
            up a biography.              came as a shock to Krieps  “To me, she really seemed  her strengths. She’s able to
            “I  was  always  suspicious  when, a few years later, she  like the first victim of celeb-  connect  with  people  and
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