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                  Friday 30 december 2022

            New year expected to bring more changes to state voting laws

            Continued from Front                                                                   lawmakers    continue   to  but it’s imperative that we
                                                                                                   push for restrictions.       give  people  doubting  the
            But  experts  have  never                                                              The  state  is  likely  to  draw  results of our elections rea-
            seen  an  explosion  of  leg-                                                          national   attention   next  son to participate in them.”
            islation  like  that  which  fol-                                                      year after Republicans indi-  Voting  rights  advocates
            lowed the 2020 presidential                                                            cated they might try again  were outraged.
            election,  when  more  than                                                            to place on the May ballot  “This  legislation  will  make
            3,600 election bills were in-                                                          a measure requiring a 60%  voting  unnecessarily  hard-
            troduced, according to the                                                             majority for any future con-  er  for  seniors,  students,  ru-
            Voting  Rights  Lab,  which                                                            stitutional  amendments  to  ral  Ohioans,  active-duty
            tracks the legislation.                                                                pass.  That  provision  could  military  and  other  eligible
            Liz Avore, senior adviser to                                                           limit  the  ability  of  Ohio  Ohioans,”  said  Jen  Miller,
            the  group,  said  22  states                                                          voters  to  rein  in  GOP  ger-  executive  director  of  the
            in  the  last  couple  of  years                                                       rymandering  or  otherwise  League  of  Women  Voters
            expanded  access  to  the                                                              counter  the  majority-Re-   Ohio.
            ballot,  10  created  new  re-                                                         publican  Legislature,  such  The  office  of  Republican
            strictions  and  five  expand-  Election worker Ramona Ortiz places a sign outside a polling   as by codifying the right to  Gov. Mike DeWine said he
                                         station at Fire Station 3 on E. Rio Grande Ave in El Paso, Texas,
            ed  access  in  some  ways   just before polls open on Nov. 8, 2022.                   an abortion.                 was  reviewing  the  legisla-
            while creating new barriers                                           Associated Press   Republicans failed to mus-  tion.
            in others. This, she said, has                                                         ter  enough  votes  during  Democrats  are  readying
            created a divide in the U.S.  Another  would  assign  a  tion  rates  of  mail  ballots  December’s    lame-duck  their own pushes, especial-
            in which “your ZIP code de-  group of peace officers to  and  ballot  applications  session  to  place  the  high-  ly in two states where they
            termines your access to our  serve  as  election  marshals  due  to  widespread  confu-  er  threshold  for  passing  won  control  of  the  legisla-
            democracy.”                  who  investigate  claims  of  sion  on  the  identification  amendments on the ballot,  tures and retained the gov-
            That  divide  seems  likely  to  election-related  missteps.  numbers necessary.       but they did pass a sweep-   ernorship  —  Michigan  and
            grow  next  year.  Legisla-  That would follow the lead  “It is certainly the case that  ing  election  law  overhaul.  Minnesota. “There will need
            tures  won’t  convene  until  of  Florida,  where  officers  Texas elections do not have  The  bill  adds  a  photo  ID  to be quite a bit of imple-
            January  at  the  earliest,  so  in  a  special  unit  assigned  widespread  fraud,”  Simp-  requirement for voters and  mentation  legislation  next
            it’s unclear how many bills  to  elections  have  already  son said. “These bills, these  provides  them  for  free,  term, and I look forward to
            are  being  drafted  and  on  made  a  handful  of  arrests  concerns  that  are  raised,  codifies  a  directive  requir-  working with the Legislature
            which  subjects.  But  Tex-  — including of people who  are solutions in search of a  ing  one  ballot  drop  box  and the governor’s office to
            as,  where  the  Legislature  mistakenly  thought  they  problem.”                     per  county  and  eliminates  enact this,” Ingham County
            meets only once every two  were  eligible  to  vote  un-  The  reliability  of  Texas’  early  voting  on  the  Mon-  Clerk Barb Byrum, a Demo-
            years  and  lawmakers  can  der  a  2018  constitutional  elections was underscored  day  before  Election  Day  crat,  said  in  an  interview.
            “pre-file”  drafts  of  legisla-  amendment  restoring  vot-  by  the  release  earlier  this  — county officials had said  Jake  Rollow,  a  spokesman
            tion  for  the  upcoming  ses-  ing  rights  to  some  felons.  month  of  an  audit  by  the  it  interfered  with  their  final  for  the  Michigan  Depart-
            sion, offers a preview.      Critics  have  labeled  the  secretary  of  state’s  office.  preparations.  The  legisla-  ment  of  State,  said  Secre-
            The  Associated  Press  has  unit  a  political  tool  of  the  The  359-page  audit  of  the  tion also shrinks the window  tary  of  State  Jocelyn  Ben-
            identified  nearly  100  elec-  governor.                 2020 election in the state’s  for receiving mail-in ballots  son  will  likely  ask  lawmak-
            tion-related  legislative  pro-  Matt  Simpson,  a  senior  at-  two  largest  Democratic  after  the  election  from  10  ers to allocate $100 million
            posals  already  filed  in  the  torney  at  the  American  counties  and  two  largest  days to four.              annually  for  local  election
            state, both to increase ac-  Civil  Liberties  Union  of  Tex-  Republican  ones  found  Republican state Sen. The-  offices  and  propose  new
            cess to the ballot box and  as,  said  current  election  some  “irregularities,”  but  resa  Gavarone  said  tak-  measures  against  circulat-
            to  further  restrict  it.  This  in-  legislation  proposed  in  the  they were largely related to  ing steps to tighten access  ing  election  misinforma-
            cludes  one  that  would  al-  state,  such  as  increasing  holding an election during  to  the  voting  booth  and  tion.  A  Democratic  state
            low  the  state’s  top  lawyer  criminal  penalties  for  elec-  a pandemic.           speed  vote  counting  are  lawmaker  also  proposed
            to  assign  a  prosecutor  fo-  tion  crimes  and  creating  “In  most  cases,  the  audit  aimed  at  improving  the  imposing penalties for peo-
            cused  on  election  crimes,  election  marshals,  is  “ex-  found  that  the  counties  “perception,   confidence  ple  who  pressure  election
            testing the boundaries of a  treme”  and  “very  intimi-  followed  their  procedures  and integrity” in elections.  workers,  a  key  cause  of
            court ruling earlier this year  dating”  for  voters.  He  said  and  clearly  documented  “Folks, perception matters,”  Democrats  in  state  legisla-
            that said the attorney gen-  these  approaches  are  pri-  their  activities,”  the  audit  Gavarone  said.  “Whether  tures after conspiracy theo-
            eral  did  not  have  the  au-  marily  political  and  don’t  says.                   you  want  to  believe  it  or  rists targeted voting officials
            thority  to  prosecute  elec-  solve actual voting-related  Ohio  is  another  Republi-  not, the goal should not just  after  the  2020  presidential
            tion crimes.                 issues,  such  as  high  rejec-  can-controlled state where  be to secure our elections,  election.q
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