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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 30 december 2022
            US Census Bureau redefines meaning of ‘urban’ America

            By MIKE SCHNEIDER                                                                                                   to 10,000 people but pulled
            Associated Press                                                                                                    back amid opposition. The
            More  than  1,100  cities,                                                                                          new criteria for urban areas
            towns  and  villages  in  the                                                                                       shift  the  urban-rural  ratio
            U.S.  lost  their  status  as  ur-                                                                                  slightly, to 79.6% and 20.4%,
            ban  areas  on  Thursday  as                                                                                        respectively.
            the  U.S.  Census  Bureau  re-                                                                                      In  1910,  a  town  with  2,500
            leased a new list of places                                                                                         residents  had  a  lot  more
            considered  urban  based                                                                                            goods and services than a
            on revised criteria.                                                                                                town that size does today,
            Around 4.2 million residents                                                                                        “and these new definitions
            living  in  1,140  small  cities,                                                                                   acknowledge  that,”  said
            hamlets, towns and villages                                                                                         Michael Cline, North Caro-
            that  lost  their  urban  desig-                                                                                    lina’s state demographer.
            nation  were  bumped  into                                                                                          With  the  new  criteria,  the
            the rural category. The new                                                                                         distinction  between  an  ur-
            criteria  raised  the  popula-                                                                                      banized  area  and  an  ur-
            tion threshold from 2,500 to                                                                                        ban cluster has been elimi-
            5,000  people  and  housing                                                                                         nated since the Census Bu-
            units  were  added  to  the                                                                                         reau determined there was
            definition.                                                                                                         little difference in econom-
            The  change  matters  be-                                                                                           ic activities between com-
            cause  rural  and  urban  ar-                                                                                       munities larger and smaller
            eas often qualify for differ-  Tourists  look  out  onto  the  city  skyline  from  Christmas  Tree  Point  on  top  of  Twin  Peaks  in  San   than 50,000 residents.
            ent  types  of  federal  fund-  Francisco, Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022.                                                 For  the  first  time,  the  Cen-
            ing for transportation, hous-                                                                      Associated Press   sus Bureau is adding hous-
            ing, health care, education  for  dollars  that  urban  ar-  eas  in  the  mainland  U.S.,  50,000  residents.  An  urban  ing  units  to  the  definition
            and  agriculture.  The  fed-  eas  are  not.”  The  Census  Puerto Rico and U.S. islands  cluster was defined as hav-  of an urban area. A place
            eral  government  doesn’t  Bureau this year made the  on  the  new  list  released  ing  at  least  2,500  people,  can  be  considered  urban
            have a standard definition  biggest modification in de-   Thursday.                    a threshold that had been  if it has at least 2,000 hous-
            of  urban  or  rural,  but  the  cades  to  the  definition  of  “This change in definition is  around  since  1910.  Under  ing units, based on the cal-
            Census  Bureau’s  definition  an urban area. The bureau  a big deal and a substan-     this  definition,  almost  81%  culation  that  the  average
            often provides a baseline.   adjusts the definition every  tial  change from the Cen-  of  the  U.S.  was  urban  and  household has 2.5 people.
            “The whole thing about ur-   decade  after  a  census  to  sus  Bureau’s  long-standing  19% was rural over the past  Among  the  beneficiaries
            ban  and  rural  is  all  about  address  any  changes  or  procedures,”  said  Kenneth  decade.  Under  the  new  of using housing instead of
            money,” said Mary Craigle,  needs of policymakers and  Johnson,  a  senior  demog-     definition,  hammered  out  people  are  resort  towns  in
            bureau chief for Montana’s  researchers.  The  bureau  rapher  at  the  University  of  after  the  2020  census,  the  ski  or  beach  destinations,
            Research    and    Informa-  says it is done for statistical  New  Hampshire.  “It  has  minimum  population  re-   or  other  places  with  lots
            tion  Services.  “Places  that  purposes and it has no con-  significant   implications  quired  for  an  area  to  be  of  vacation  homes,  since
            qualify as urban are eligible  trol  over  how  government  both  for  policy  and  for  re-  considered urban doubled  they  can  qualify  as  urban
            for  transportation  dollars  agencies  use  the  defini-  searchers.”  Under  the  old  to 5,000 people. Originally,  based  on  the  number  of
            that rural areas aren’t, and  tions to distribute funding.  criteria, an urbanized area  the  Census  Bureau  pro-  homes  instead  of  full-time
            then rural areas are eligible  There were 2,646 urban ar-  needed  to  have  at  least  posed raising the threshold  residents.q

            Appeals court halts federal takeover

            of Mississippi jail

            JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — Mis-   suits brought by prisoners.  Judge  Carlton  Reeves  put
            sissippi’s largest county won  Hinds  County  officials  ap-  the jail into receivership af-
            a legal victory Wednesday  plauded  the  move  to  de-    ter  citing  poor  conditions
            in its effort to stave off a rare  lay  work  by  the  receiver,  at  the  facility.  The  judge
            federal  takeover  of  its  jail,  who attorneys for the coun-  said deficiencies in supervi-
            where  a  judge  has  found  ty  said  would  be  “utterly  sion and staffing lead to “a
            “ongoing  unconstitutional  unaccountable”  to  voters  stunning  array  of  assaults,
            conditions” for prisoners.   and taxpayers.               as  well  as  deaths.”  Seven
            The  U.S.  Fifth  Circuit  Court  “We are still facing the day-  people died last year while
            of Appeals stayed a lower  to-day  challenges  at  the  detained at the jail, he said.  Rolls  of  razor  wire  line  the  top  of  the  security  fencing  at  the
                                                                                                   Raymond Detention Center in Raymond, Miss., on Aug. 1, 2022.
            court’s  order  putting  the  jail,  but  we  are  thankful  At  that  point,  federal  and                                     Associated Press
            Raymond  Detention  Cen-     for  the  opportunity  for  an-  state  judges  had  ordered
            ter  into  receivership  until  it  other  court  to  look  at  the  receiverships  or  a  similar  pointed Wendell M. France  assume operational control
            rules  on  the  county’s  mo-  situation  and  see  that  the  transfer  of  control  for  pris-  Sr.,  a  public  safety  consul-  over  the  jail  on  January  1,
            tion  for  reconsideration.  Hinds  County  Sheriff  and  ons  and  jails  only  about  tant,  former  correctional  2023.
            The  court  will  also  look  at  Hinds  County  Board  of  Su-  eight  times,  according  to  administrator  and  27-year  According  to  the  terms  of
            whether  the  lower  court’s  pervisors have been doing  Hernandez  Stroud,  an  at-   member  of  the  Baltimore  the  receivership,  France
            injunction  complies  with  something  right  in  this  situ-  torney at the Brennan Cen-  Police  Department,  to  im-  has  120  days  from  his  ap-
            the Prison Litigation Reform  ation,” Hinds County Sheriff  ter for Justice at NYU School  prove conditions at the jail  pointment  to  develop  a
            Act, a 1996 federal law that  Tyree Jones told WLBT-TV.   of Law.                      outside Jackson.             draft plan to improve con-
            places  restrictions  on  law-  On  July  29,  U.S.  District  On  Oct.  31,  Reeves  ap-  France  was  scheduled  to  ditions at the jail.q
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