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A4   U.S. NEWS
                  Friday 30 december 2022
            Think those bags are recyclable? California says think again

            By DON THOMPSON                                                                                                     prehensive  system  to  col-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    lect,  process  and  sell  the
            SACRAMENTO,  Calif.  (AP)                                                                                           used  bags,  none  of  which
            —  Since  California  adopt-                                                                                        exist.  Putting  the  bags  in
            ed the nation’s first ban on                                                                                        most  curbside  recycling
            single-use  plastic  shopping                                                                                       bins  interferes  with  recy-
            bags tin 2014, most grocery                                                                                         cling  other  products  by
            stores have turned to thick-                                                                                        clogging  equipment  and
            er,  reusable  plastic  bags                                                                                        increasing the risk of worker
            that are supposed to be re-                                                                                         injury, he said.
            cyclable.                                                                                                           Plastic  bags  and  similar
            But  Attorney  General  Rob                                                                                         products are “a top form of
            Bonta  is  now  investigating                                                                                       contamination  in  curbside
            whether the bags are truly                                                                                          recycling bins,” California’s
            recyclable  as  required  by                                                                                        Statewide  Commission  on
            law. “We’ve all been to the                                                                                         Recycling   Markets   and
            store and forgotten to bring                                                                                        Curbside  Recycling  wrote
            our  reusable  bags,”  Bonta                                                                                        in a 2021 report.
            said recently. “At least the                                                                                        Bonta  asked  six  manufac-
            plastic bags we buy at the                                                                                          turers    Novolex,  Revolu-
            register  for  10  cents  have   This Friday, Jan. 24, 2014 file photo conveyors carry mixed plastic into a device that will shred   tion,  Inteplast,  Advance
            those ‘chasing arrows’ that   recycle them at a plastics recycling plant in Vernon, Calif.                          Polybag,  Metro  Polybag
            say they are 100% recycla-                                                                        Associated Press  and  Papier-Mettler    to
            ble, right? Perhaps wrong.”                                                                                         prove  their  bags  can  be
            He  asked  six  bag  manu-   fornia  in  banning  single-  recycling department.       content  and  be  reusable  recycled  in  California.  His
            facturers  to  back  up  their  use  plastic  bags.  Beyond  Californians  Against  Waste  at  least  125  times.  Murray  office hasn’t said if they all
            claims  that  the  bags  can  California,  only  a  handful  Executive  Director  Mark  suspects  that  most  are  re-  responded,  citing  an  “ac-
            be  recycled  and  threat-   of states require that stores  Murray in part blames pan-  used once.                  tive and ongoing investiga-
            ened  legal  action  that  take back plastic bags for  demic policies.                 “That’s  not  meeting  the  tion.”
            could include banning the  recycling,  with  Maine  first  Consumers  are  supposed  standard  and  it  may  be  Revolution  Chief  Execu-
            bags  temporarily  or  issuing  adopting  such  a  law  in  to  be  able  to  return  their  time  to  phase  these  bags  tive Sean Whiteley said the
            multimillion-dollar fines.   1991, according to the Na-   plastic  bags  to  grocery  out,” he said.                company  has  been  recy-
            His  office  declined  to  say  tional Conference of State  stores  and  other  retailers.  The  California  Retailers  As-  cling more than 300 million
            last week how many of the  Legislatures.                  But  many  removed  their  sociation  declined  com-      pounds  of  plastic  material
            companies responded, cit-    Policy  experts  and  advo-  bag  recycling  bins  during  ment because it said each  annually  for  decades  and
            ing  an  ongoing  investiga-  cates estimate that just 6%  the early days of the pan-  retailer  has  its  own  policy,  is “confident in our own sus-
            tion. The American Chemis-   of  plastics  are  recycled  in  demic, fearing contamina-  and the California Grocers  tainability and compliance
            try Council, a plastics indus-  the  United  States,  with  the  tion.                 Association did not respond  record.”
            try  group,  said  that  manu-  remaining  burned,  trashed  For  the  system  to  work,  to a request for comment.  He  noted  lawmakers  pub-
            facturers   disagree   with  or  littered.  More  plastic  retailers  must  collect  the  As  of  now,  makers  of  the  licly  introduced  the  single-
            Bonta’s characterization.    bags  ended  up  in  Califor-  bags  and  sell  them  back  bags  get  to  self-certify  to  use  bag  ban  legislation  in
            Other states, including New  nia  landfills  in  2021  com-  to  manufacturers  for  use  the  state  that  their  bags  2014  at  one  of  the  com-
            York,  New  Jersey  and  Or-  pared  with  2018,  accord-  in  making  new  bags  that  can be recycled. But Bonta  pany’s  Southern  California
            egon,  have  followed  Cali-  ing to data from the state’s  must include 40% recycled  said  that  requires  a  com-  subsidiaries. q

             Whale Watch Week returns in-person in Oregon after pandemic

            By CLAIRE RUSH               cited spectators as several  Meares,     was     closed
            Associated Press/Report for  were spotted.                Wednesday  after  strong
            America                      “She’s  seeing  the  spray  winds  the  previous  day
            PORTLAND,  Ore.  (AP)  —  and calling it out,” Stefanie  knocked over trees, Knowl-
            Whale  Watch  Week  in  Or-  Knowlton  told  The  Associ-  ton said.
            egon  returned  in-person  ated  Press  on  the  phone  Oregon State Parks organiz-
            for  the  first  time  since  the  as  she  watched  the  cen-  es  whale-watching  events
            pandemic on Wednesday,  ter’s  volunteer,  the  crowd  twice a year, in the winter
            drawing  visitors  hoping  to  cheering  in  the  back-   for  gray  whales’  southern
            catch a glimpse of the an-   ground.  “There’s  just  so  migration and in the spring
            nual  gray  whale  migration  much  energy.  You  could  for  their  return  to  northern
            to the state’s coastline.    just  really  feel  that  people  waters near Alaska.
            By  early  afternoon,  more  were ready to come back  Oregon’s  central  coast  is
            than  500  people  had  and watch whales togeth-          also  a  hot  spot  for  whale-
            flocked   to   the   Whale  er.”                          watching from June to mid-
            Watching Center in Depoe  Volunteers  will  be  at  17  November, when the gray
            Bay,  where  a  volunteer  state parks along the coast  whales  that  remained  in
            equipped  with  binoculars  through  Sunday  to  help  the  state’s  coastal  waters
            pointed  out  whales  in  the  people  spot  the  nearly  during  the  summer  migra-  In  this  photo  provided  by  the  Oregon  Parks  and  Recreation
            distance.  A  spokesperson  20,000  gray  whales  that  tion  come  close  to  shore   Department, a sign at the Whale Watch Center in Depoe Bay,
            for  Oregon  State  Parks,  make  the  southward  jour-   to  feed,  according  to  the   Ore., directs visitors to whale watch volunteers on Wed., Dec. 28,

            which organizes the event,  ney to Mexico every year.     agency.q                                                              Associated Press
            described  scenes  of  ex-   One  of  the  sites,  Cape
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