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WORLD NEWS Friday 30 december 2022
EU doesn’t follow Italy with COVID checks on China arrivals
By RAF CASERT would not be very effective
Associated Press since travelers from China
BRUSSELS (AP) — The Eu- could enter from another
ropean Union is assessing EU nation and spread the
Beijing’s rollback of its strict virus.
anti-infection controls but After strict travel restrictions
refrained Thursday from at the height of the pan-
immediately following EU demic, the EU returned to
member Italy in requiring a pre-pandemic system
coronavirus tests for airline of free travel this fall, but
passengers coming from member nations agreed
China. that an “emergency
Health officials from the brake” could be activated
27-member bloc promised at short notice to meet an
to continue talks on seek- unexpected challenge.
ing a common approach “At a scientific level, there
to travel rules. However, is no reason at this stage to
the EU’s executive arm said reimpose specific border
the BF.7 omicron variant controls,” Professor Brigitte
prevalent in China was al- Autran, a vaccines expert
ready circulating in Europe for France’s health minis-
and that its threat had not try, told Radio Classique on
significantly grown. Thursday.
“However, we remain vigi- Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni holds her year-end press conference in Rome, Thursday, Dec. 29, And even Italy’s health
lant and will be ready to 2022. minister came with some
use the emergency brake Associated Press good news Thursday. Ora-
if necessary,” the European recent days tested positive countries. ant has developed in this zio Schillaci told the Senate
Commission said in a state- for the virus. Considering the reluctance outbreak in China ... which in Rome that sequencing
ment. Italian Premier Giorgia Mel- from several EU nations and would bring corresponding indicates the variants de-
Even though virus experts in oni on Thursday increased experts, the EU’s health se- travel restrictions,” Health tected in passengers arriv-
the EU have played down pressure on the EU to join curity committee said in a Ministry spokesman Sebas- ing from China are already
the immediate danger, It- Italy’s approach. She said statement after meeting tian Guelde said. in circulation in Europe,
aly made coronavirus tests requiring COVID tests of all Thursday that “we need to A coordinated EU ap- somewhat easing fears
mandatory for all airline passengers from China “is act jointly and will continue proach is necessary since that a new variant from
passengers arriving from only effective if it is taken our discussions.” almost all EU member na- China could start running
China. at the European level,’’ Holding off was certainly tions are part of Europe’s vi- amok in Europe.
More than 50% of people noting that many arrive in something Germany want- sa-free Schengen Area. The “This is the most important
screened upon arrival at Italy on connecting flights ed. “There is no indication unrestricted travel means and reassuring news,” Schil-
Milan’s Malpensa airport in through other European that a more dangerous vari- that testing in one nation laci said.q
Brazil’s Lula appoints record-high 11 women to his cabinet
By DIANE JEANTET fice in the new year – more the federal police head- far-right leader who refuse on fires and camped out-
Associated Press than any previous adminis- quarters in Brasilia earlier to acknowledge his de- side military buildings ask-
RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Bra- tration. this month. feat have blocked roads ing for the armed forces to
zilian President-elect Luiz “After a lot of work, after a Authorities said in a news and highways, set vehicles intervene.q
Inácio Lula da Silva com- lot tension, talk and adjust- conference Thursday that
pleted its future cabinet on ments, we finished assem- the suspects, most of whom
Thursday with the appoint- bling the first echelon of are Bolsonaro supporters,
ment of 16 ministers, just the government,” said Lula, also vandalized a police
three days before he is of- who spent weeks naming precinct and set several
ficially sworn-in. all 37 future ministers. vehicles and buses on fire.
As anticipated, Lula picked To win a particularly tight Police said officers were
Amazon activist Marina Sil- election against incum- serving 11 arrests warrants
va as his environment min- bent Jair Bolsonaro, the for- and 21 search and seizure
ister. He also announced mer leftist leader has had warrants in several states,
his planning minister will be to seek allies outside of the including Sao Paulo and
Simone Tebet, a former rival Workers’ Party he launched Rio de Janeiro, as part of
turned valuable ally during four decades ago, promis- “Operation Nero.” They
the electoral campaign. ing a “broad front” against have so far made four ar-
An Indigenous woman, Sô- the far-right. rests. Brazilian authorities
nia Guajajara, will lead the Meanwhile, Bolsonaro has have been faced with out-
country’s first-ever ministry remained silent as police bursts of violence following Brazil’s President-elect Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and his newly-
named Minister of Indigenous Peoples Sonia Guajajara, pose for
for Indigenous peoples. In said Thursday it was look- Bolsonaro’s loss in the Oct. photos during a meeting where he announced the ministers for
total, Lula has appointed ing for more than 30 of his 30 election to President- his incoming government, in Brasilia, Brazil, Thursday, Dec. 29,
11 women in his future gov- supporters who have been elect Luiz Inácio Lula da 2022. Lula will be sworn-in on Jan. 1, 2023.
ernment, which will take of- accused of trying to invade Silva. Angry backers of the Associated Press