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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 19 January 2023

                 Feds to investigate nursing home abuse of antipsychotics

            By AMANDA SEITZ                                                                                                     In 2012, the federal govern-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ment began tracking when
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            nursing homes use antipsy-
            federal government says it                                                                                          chotics on residents  doing
            will begin a targeted crack-                                                                                        so  can  impact  the  facil-
            down  on  nursing  homes’                                                                                           ity’s quality rating in a pub-
            abuse    of   antipsychotic                                                                                         lic  database    but  only  for
            drugs and misdiagnoses of                                                                                           those  who  have  not  been
            schizophrenia in patients.                                                                                          diagnosed with schizophre-
            The  Centers  for  Medicare                                                                                         nia.
            and  Medicaid  Services  is                                                                                         Antipsychotics  for  those
            launching     investigations                                                                                        nursing home residents has
            this month into select nurs-                                                                                        dropped  to  under  20%  in
            ing homes, aimed at verify-                                                                                         recent years, according to
            ing  whether  patients  have                                                                                        federal data.
            been  properly  diagnosed                                                                                           A  November  report  from
            with  the  psychiatric  disor-                                                                                      the  HHS  Office  of  the  In-
            der.                                                                                                                spector General, however,
            Evidence  has  mounted                                                                                              revealed  that  the  number
            over  decades  that  some                                                                                           of  residents  reported  as
            facilities  wrongly  diagnose                                                                                       having  schizophrenia  with-
            residents  with  schizophre-                                                                                        out  a  corresponding  diag-
            nia  or  administer  antipsy-                                                                                       nosis skyrocketed between
            chotic  drugs  to  sedate    Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, the Administrator for the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services,   2015 and 2019, with 99 nurs-
            them,  despite  dangerous    poses for a photograph in her office, Feb. 9, 2022, in Washington.                     ing  homes  in  the  country
            side  effects  that  could  in-                                                                    Associated Press  reporting that 20% or more
            clude death, according to    tary  Xavier  Becerra  said  in  dodging  increased  scru-  disorder, a government re-  of  their  residents  have  the
            the agency.                  a  statement  Wednesday.  tiny  around  gratuitous  use  port  last  year  found.  Less   disorder.
            “No  nursing  home  resident   “The steps we are taking to-  of  antipsychotic  medica-  than  1%  of  the  population   “The number of unsupport-
            should be improperly diag-   day will help prevent these  tions by coding residents as  is believed to have schizo-  ed  schizophrenia  diagno-
            nosed  with  schizophrenia   errors  and  give  families  having schizophrenia, even  phrenia,  which  is  marked   ses  increased  and  in  2019
            or  given  an  inappropriate   peace of mind.”            when  they  do  not  show  by delusions, hallucinations   was  concentrated  in  rela-
            antipsychotic,” Health and   Some  facilities  may  be  signs  of  the  extremely  rare  and disordered thinking.   tively  few  nursing  homes,”
            Human     Services   Secre-                                                                                         the report concluded.q

            Justice Dept. charges Russian founder of cryptocurrency firm

            By  ERIC  TUCKER  and  JOSH  as cover for the users.      the continental U.S. will not  ence if Bizlato had assisted  Financial  Crimes  Enforce-
            BOAK                         “The result was that Bitzlato  shield  you,”  Deputy  Attor-  Russia  in  evading  sanc-  ment  Network  and  French
            Associated Press             became  a  safe  haven  for  ney  General  Lisa  Monaco  tions  tied  to  its  invasion  of  authorities  worked  togeth-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  A  criminals,  like  drug  dealers  said at a Wednesday news  Ukraine,  Deputy  Treasury  er  to  identify  the  alleged
            Russian    national    who  and  ransomware  groups,”  conference. “And whether  Secretary  Wally  Adeyemo  criminal activities by Bitzla-
            founded  a  cryptocurrency  said Breon Peace, the U.S.  you  break  our  laws  from  said, “What we do know is  to,  which  U.S.  officials  said
            exchange  that  the  Justice  attorney in Brooklyn, where  China or Europe, or abuse  Russia  has  set  up  an  eco-  was  a  sign  of  the  global
            Department  says  became  the  case  was  filed.  “They  our  financial  system  from  system that is permissive for  cooperation to purge bad
            a  haven  for  the  proceeds  knew that when the police  a  tropical  island,  you  can  cyber criminals.”          actors from cryptocurrency
            of  criminal  activity  has  traced  their  funds  to  Bitz-  expect  to  answer  for  your  The  Treasury  Department’s  markets.q
            been  arrested,  federal  of-  lato,  Bitzlato  would  not  be  crimes  inside  a  United
            ficials said Wednesday.      able  to  turn  over  its  users’  States courtroom.”
            Anatoly Legkodymov, who  true identities.”                Monaco’s  mention  of  a
            lives  in  China,  was  arrest-  The company, registered in  tropical  island  seemed  to
            ed  Tuesday  night  in  Miami  Hong  Kong,  was  founded  be an apparent reference
            and was due in court on a  in 2016 and operates glob-     to  the  arrest  last  month  in
            charge  of  conducting  an  ally.                         the Bahamas of Sam Bank-
            unlicensed    money-trans-   The  Justice  Department  man-Fried, the former CEO
            mitting business.            said Bitzlato, either directly  of  failed  cryptocurrency
            Prosecutors   allege   that  or  through  its  intermediar-  firm FTX.
            Legkodymov’s  cryptocur-     ies,  conducted  more  than  The  charge  Legkodymov
            rency  exchange,  Bitzlato  $700  million  in  cryptocur-  faces  carries  a  maximum
            Ltd.,  of  which  he  served  rency exchanges with users  penalty of five years in pris-
            as  majority  owner,  did  not  of  Hydra  Market,  a  dark-  on  upon  conviction.  Leg-
            implement  required  anti-   net marketplace for drugs,  kodymov, 40, was in custo-
            money-laundering      safe-  fake  identifications  and  dy Wednesday, and it was
            guards  and  required  only  other  illegal  products.  The  unclear if he had a lawyer   Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco announces international
            minimal  identification  from  Justice  Department  seized  who could comment on his   enforcement action against cryptocurrency exchange Bitzlato
            its  users,  even  permitting  that marketplace last year  behalf. He could face ad-   and the arrest of the company’s founder, Russian national
            them to supply information  and shut it down.             ditional  charges  as  the  in-  Anatoly Legkodymov, during a news conference at the Justice
            belonging  to  “straw  man  “Operating     offshore   or  vestigation moves forward.   Department, Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2023, in Washington.
            registrants,” people serving  moving your servers out of  Asked at the news confer-                                             Associated Press
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