Page 7 - aruba-today-20230119
P. 7
local Thursday 19 January 2023
Choreographer Raisa Montilla is preparing an exciting show for
Carnival Queen Election
ORANJESTAD – Preparing a cally regarding the show, in charge of the entire pro-
candidate for competition the aspect of choreog- cess of the show,” she com-
in a Carnival Queen elec- raphy. Considering the mented.
tion requires a big team queen herself and other
working long days to en- elements, the preparation Regarding the queen elec-
sure everything is ready needs to start even earlier,” tion this weekend, Montilla
for when the day comes. she says. indicated that she is very
Choreographer Raisa Mon- excited to see her kids
tilla explains a bit about the Montilla explains that this dancing on stage and she
preparation process for a year she is in charge of the is hoping for a positive role.
carnival queen show and choreography for a candi- “I know that the kids will
everything that goes into it. date that will be compet- give a great performance
ing in the election. This is and the queen as well. The
Montilla explains that the not the first time that Montil- hope is always there that
preparation for a show la is involved in a show for a the results will be positive
takes a long time, not only carnival queen, but it is the for us” – meaning that their
to train the dancers that will first time she is in charge of queen will be crowned win-
perform on stage, but also the choreography for the ner – “it would be a great Montilla has a long trajec- choreographer. “I believe
to come up with the chore- show on her own. achievement. But with or tory in the world of dance. dance will always be an im-
ography before she begins “In the past I have helped without these results, what’s She has been dancing portant part of my life. Even
teaching them the dance. with different carnival important is putting on a since she was six years though after having chil-
“Ideally the preparation for dances and queen shows, great show and for the chil- old, and until she was 26, dren the balance shifted a
a show will start at least a but this is the first time I am dren to enjoy their night on she was part of different bit, I am still active and it is
month before the election creating the choreogra- stage,” she commented. dance groups, and later an important part of who I
takes place. This is specifi- phy on my own and I am transitioned from dancer to am,” she emphasized.q
In total he dedicated 36 years to Aruba’s tourism
A.T.A. thanks Ed Malone for nine years as Director for North America
ORANJESTAD – Recently an The fact that a transfer to
event took place to thank do a temporary job in Aru-
Ed Malone for his work as ba almost 36 years ago cre-
Director for North America ated such a big passion for
for Aruba Tourism Authority our island that is still visible
for the past nine years. Dur- today is something extraor-
ing the event, minister of dinary. Additionally, the
Tourism, Mr. Dangui Odu- fact that Ed always shared
ber, CEO of A.T.A., CMO his knowledge and gave
of A.T.A. and Ed himself colleagues the opportunity
shared some words about to learn and grow are part
his trajectory in Aruba for of what makes him an even
Aruba, as well as his pas- more special person.
sion for Aruba.
The entire team of A.T.A.
In Ed’s own words: “I came thanks Ed for believing in
to Aruba to find a job and I Aruba as a product and for
found a home.” loving our island. We trust
His arrival was in 1987, when that in Ed’s new chapter,
he was transferred tempo- on, he had a connection A.T.A.’s offices in the United manage to win different Aruba can continue de-
rarily to Aruba as a GM at with our island and this con- States. In 2015, Ed officially prizes for Aruba. pending on his great sup-
Americana Aruba Beach nection remained forever. became Director for North port and dedication.q
Resort. From that moment Ed stayed as GM at Ameri- America and was officially
cana until 1998, and after in this position until the 31st
that he served in different of December 2022.
roles in hotels in Aruba but
also as part of different as- Ed together with his North
sociations; among others, America team and the
as president of AHATA and agencies in the market cre-
CHA in different roles. ated and adjusted strate-
gies to attract high-value
Between 2011 and 2014, visitors. He also created
Ed was also a member of campaigns that not only
the supervisory board of reached the target audi-
A.T.A. In 2014, Ed left the ence and surpassed stated
island for a temporary job, goals, but at the same time
in the name of A.T.A. to at- caught the attention of
tend with different affairs in others in the industry and