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                 Thursday 19 January 2023

               Mufti’s talk of women’s duties angers some Turkish Cypriots

            By MENELAOS HADJICOSTIS                                                                                             took  to  the  streets  of  the
            Associated Press                                                                                                    northern  part  of  the  divid-
            NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) — A                                                                                            ed capital Nicosia to voice
            Muslim religious leader’s in-                                                                                       their anger at Unsal.
            struction to women to duti-                                                                                         The   protesters   chanted
            fully  accept  a  husband’s                                                                                         “Onsal  go  home,  what  do
            “invitation  to  bed”  to  pro-                                                                                     you care about Cyprus.” A
            create  has  sparked  out-                                                                                          joint statement read at the
            rage  among  many  Turkish                                                                                          event said there would be
            Cypriots,  who  saw  the  re-                                                                                       no  stop  to  efforts  to  block
            marks  as  an  imported  en-                                                                                        “”all  those  who  are  trying
            croachment of fundamen-                                                                                             to change our way of life.”
            talist  Islam  on  their  secular                                                                                   Turkey  has  for  decades
            community.                                                                                                          tried  to  fit  Turkish  Cypriot
            “We  don’t  live  in  a  theo-                                                                                      society  into  its  own  mold,
            cratic regime. This is neither                                                                                      which  has  become  more
            Afghanistan  nor  Iran,  sir!”                                                                                      religious under Turkish Presi-
            said Dogus Derya, a promi-                                                                                          dent  Recep  Tayyip  Erdo-
            nent female lawmaker with                                                                                           gan. Although the Religious
            the  left-wing  CTP  party  in                                                                                      Affairs  head  is  technically
            ethnically  divided  Cyprus’                                                                                        appointed by Turkish Cypri-
            breakaway  Turkish  Cypriot                                                                                         ot  authorities,  Ankara  has
            north.                                                                                                              final say.
            Derya  has  led  a  chorus  of   A woman wearing her headscarf walks with her child past a Turkish flag on a print board,   Cyprus  was  split  in  1974
            condemnation against Ah-     in a street in the old city of the Turkish occupied part of the divided capital Nicosia, Cyprus,   when  Turkey  invaded  fol-
            met  Unsal,  the  Turkish-ap-  Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2023.                                           Associated Press   lowing  a  coup  aimed  at
            pointed head of the Turkish                                                                                         union  with  Greece.  Only
            Cypriot Department of Re-    to  safeguard  their  men’s  “He  has  exceeded  his  au-  they’ll  do,  whether  they’re   Turkey  recognizes  a  Turk-
            ligious  Affairs.  Unsal  report-  property.  In  turn,  men  are  thority and area of respon-  going  to  divorce  or  not,”   ish  Cypriot  declaration  of
            edly  told  women  during  a   obliged  to  pay  for  their  sibility,” Durya said of Unsal.  she  said.  “We  won’t  allow   independence  and  keeps
            lecture earlier this month on   wives’  food,  shelter  and  “He  considers  women  as  you to impose your funda-   more than 30,000 troops in
            marriage obligations under   clothing,  he  said,  noting  incubators  and  men  as  mentalist  way  of  life  on  us   the north.
            Islam  that  it  was  essential   that Allah abhors divorce.  money  machines.  He  sees  women or on our country.”  Nazim Cavusoglu, the Turk-
            for women to marry without   Derya blasted Unsal as pre-  women  not  as  human  be-   Unsal  defended  his  re-    ish Cypriot education minis-
            delay  and  have  children   senting “his fantasies about  ings  but  as  ‘goods’  subju-  marks, saying his expressed   ter, said many Turkish Cypri-
            because  matrimony  “isn’t   subjugating women as the  gated  to  men,”  the  law-     views were in accordance     ots who are faithful Muslims
            about having fun.”           word of Allah” and insisted  maker continued.             with the teachings of Islam.  seek  religious  instruction
            Unsal  also  said  women     that there’s no place for re-  “We want him to know that  Several hundred protesters   as  part  of  their  children’s
            must  stay  away  from  men   ligious diktats in a state that  Cypriot  women  don’t  ask  from  46  trade  unions  and   education but parents can
            except  their  husbands  to   functions under the rule of  their  men  how  many  chil-  other organizations braved   opt  students  out  of  such
            “protect  their  virtue”  and   secular law.              dren they’ll have, what job  the  rain  on  Monday  and   instruction.q

                  Church of England refuses to back

                                  same-sex marriage

             By SYLVIA HUI               unions  between  one  man  and not nearly far enough
             Associated Press            and  one  woman  will  not  for others.”
             LONDON     (AP)   —    The  change.                      “This  response  reflects  the
             Church  of  England  said  However,  same-sex  cou-      diversity  of  views  in  the
             Wednesday  it  will  allow  ples  would  be  able  to  Church  of  England  on
             blessings for same-sex, civil  have  a  church  service  questions  of  sexuality,  re-
             marriages  for  the  first  time  with prayers of dedication,  lationships  and  marriage.  I
             but  same-sex  couples  still  thanksgiving  or  for  God’s  rejoice in that diversity and
             will not be allowed to marry  blessing  after  they  have  a  I  welcome  this  way  of  re-
             in its churches.            civil  wedding  or  register  a  flecting  it  in  the  life  of  our   The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby walks in
             The  decision  followed  five  civil partnership.        church,” Welby said.         Westminster on Sept. 14, 2022.
             years  of  debate  and  con-  Same-sex  marriage  has  “I hope it can offer a way                                              Associated Press
             sultation  on  the  church’s  been legal in England and  for the Church of England,
             position  on  sexuality.  It  is  Wales  since  2013,  but  the  publicly   and   unequivo-  Friday for the “rejection, ex-  Archbishop of York Stephen
             expected to be outlined in  church  did  not  change  cally, to say to all Christians  clusion  and  hostility”  they  Cottrell apologized for “the
             a report to the church’s na-  its  teaching  when  the  law  and  especially  LGBTQI+  have  felt  from  within  the  way  LGBTQI+  people  and
             tional  assembly,  the  Gen-  changed.                   people,  that  you  are  wel-  church.                    those they love have been
             eral Synod, which meets in  Archbishop  of  Canterbury  come  and  a  valued  and  It said it would issue pasto-   treated  by  the  church
             London next month.          Justin  Welby,  the  spiritual  precious  part  of  the  body  ral guidance to its ministers  which, most of all, ought to
             Under    the    proposals,  leader  of  the  Anglican  of Christ,” he added.          and  congregations  and  recognize everyone as pre-
             the  Church  of  England’s  Church,     acknowledged  The  church  said  bishops  urge  them  to  welcome  cious  and  created  in  the
             stance that the sacrament  that the proposals “will ap-  plan to issue a formal apol-  same-sex  couples  “unre-   image of God.”q
             of matrimony is restricted to  pear to go too far for some  ogy  to  LGBTQ  people  on  servedly and joyfully.”
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