Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20210915
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A28    u.s. news
             Diaranson 15 september 2021

                           Fate of California Gov. Gavin Newsom hangs on recall vote

                                                                      neighbors to vote. The GOP  by anger over Newsom’s ac-    spread of the virus?” the San
                                                                      will  need  a  heroic  Election  tions  during  the  pandemic,  Diego social worker said.
                                                                      Day turnout to catch Demo-   which included imposing the
                                                                      crats, who have been turning  nation’s first statewide shut-  Mendoza  believes  Newsom
                                                                      in mail ballots in larger num-  down  order.  Critics  said  he  brought the recall upon him-
                                                                      bers.  Nearly  8.6  million  of  was heavy handed, shuttering  self  by  attending  a  birthday
                                                                      California’s 22 million voters  businesses and keeping chil-  party at an upscale Napa Val-
                                                                      already have cast mail-in bal-  dren  out  of  classrooms  for  ley restaurant last fall in vio-
                                                                      lots.                        longer than necessary. New-  lation of his own administra-
                                                                                                   som  said  his  actions  saved  tion’s coronavirus rules. But
                                                                      “Make  sure  you  have  your  lives.                      she thinks the effort to unseat
                                                                      friends  vote,  vote,  vote,  and                         him remains a backlash by a
                                                                      try and get 10 more friends to   “I am angry. It should be a  small  minority  of  Republi-
                                                                      vote and hit every call, make  freedom  of  choice.  What  is  cans  in  a  firmly  Democratic
                                                                      every  call,  knock  on  every  this?  A  dictatorship?”  asked  state.
                                                                      door. We’re going to win this  Janet  Webb,  a  69-year-old
                                                                      thing if we turn out the vote,”  Lafayette resident who voted  “We don’t want Elder in of-
            (AP)  —  With  Gov.  Gavin  rights and the battle to slow  Elder said from a hotel ball-  for Elder.                fice,”  she  said.  “This  is  ri-
            Newsom’s  fate  at  stake,  climate  change.  The  results  room in Costa Mesa.                                     diculous. We just got Trump
            Californians  on  Tuesday  also  are  likely  to  influence                            She said squabbles over New-  out. We don’t want a Trump
            cast the last of the ballots  the  2022  midterm  elections,  U.S. House Minority Leader  som’s  handling  of  the  pan-  puppet.”
            that  will  decide  whether  when  control  of  Congress  Kevin McCarthy, a California  demic  have  split  her  family
            he continues to lead them  will  be  in  play  again.  The  Republican,  called  the  elec-  and friends and may prompt  Beyond  Elder,  other  promi-
            or  if  the  nation’s  most  party that controls the White  tion an opportunity to change  her to move out of state.  nent Republicans in the race
            populous  state  veers  in  a  House historically loses seats  course in a state where Dem-                         include  former  San  Diego
            more  conservative  direc-   in midterms.                 ocrats  hold  a  nearly  2-to-1  “I  can’t  live  here  like  this  if  Mayor Kevin Faulconer, As-
            tion  amid  anger  over  his                              advantage  among  registered  they’re going to force every-  semblyman   Kevin   Kiley,
            actions  during  the  COV-   Biden said the issues that de-  voters.  He  cited  homeless-  one  to  get  a  vaccine,”  Webb  former  Olympian  Caitlyn
            ID-19 pandemic.              fined  the  2020  presidential  ness,  rising  crime  and  the  said.                  Jenner   and   businessman
                                         race have been resurrected in  wildfire-driven  closure  of                            John  Cox.  The  best-known
            Newsom,  a  Democrat  who  California,  with  potentially  national parks, which he said  California  voters  have  just  Democrat is Kevin Paffrath, a
            is leading in polls, is only the  disastrous results if Newsom  was  due  to  “forest  misman-  two  questions  on  Tuesday’s  financial adviser with a large
            fourth governor in U.S. his-  is removed. Speaking to hun-  agement.”                  ballot: Should Newsom stay  YouTube following.
            tory and the second in Cali-  dreds of cheering supporters                             in  office?  And  if  not,  who
            fornia to face a recall. He was  during a twilight rally in the  “And  you  want  to  reward  should  replace  him?  There  How  California  votes  could
            elected  in  a  landslide  less  coastal  city  of  Long  Beach,  that?”  McCarthy  said  Tues-  are  46  replacement  candi-  determine   how   aggres-
            than three years ago.        south of Los Angeles, Biden  day on Fox News Channel’s  dates to choose from. If vot-  sively  Democrats  campaign
                                         referred to Elder, as a “clone”  “Fox and Friends.        ers keep Newsom, the results  on  COVID-19  restrictions
            The leading Republican can-  of Trump.                                                 on  the  second  question  are  that  many  Republicans  have
            didate  is  conservative  talk                            In  2003,  Californians  re-  irrelevant.                 decried  as  unnecessary  and
            show  host  Larry  Elder,  who  “The eyes of the nation are on  moved  Democratic  Gov.                             overly burdensome.
            is seeking to become Califor-  California,” he warned. The  Gray  Davis  and  replaced  Briana Mendoza, 30, said the
            nia’s first Black governor.  recall vote is “going to rever-  him  with  Republican  Ar-  last thing California needs is  Newsom’s ouster would be a
                                         berate around the nation and  nold  Schwarzenegger.  The  more  turmoil.  She  voted  to  stunning  rebuke  in  Califor-
            Newsom  got  a  final  push  ... around the world.”       “Terminator”  actor  won  re-  keep Newsom.               nia,  where  the  Democratic
            late  Monday  from  Presi-                                election in 2006, the last time                           Party  controls  every  state-
            dent Joe Biden, who warned  Elder staged his capstone ral-  a GOP candidate won state-  “We’re  in  the  middle  of  a  wide  office  and  dominates
            that the contest could shape  ly in nearby Orange County,  wide office in California.  pandemic.  Why  would  we  the Legislature and the con-
            the  country’s  direction  on  where  he  urged  supporters                            recall  the  governor  who  has  gressional delegation.
            the  pandemic,  reproductive  to  reach  out  to  friends  and  This recall was fueled largely  been really trying to curb the

                         GOP pushes unfounded fraud claims before California recall

            (AP)  —  California  Re-     website where people can re-  promoting  a  narrative  that  tion after this election about  focused  on  the  wide  use  of
            publicans  were  trying  to  port suspicious voting activity  California’s  election  secu-  this sloppy-at-best treatment  mail-in  ballots,  which  have
            contain a fire of their own  or sign a petition demanding  rity can’t be trusted. Harmeet  of  people’s  ballots  and  their  been  automatically  sent  to
            making  a  day  before  vot-  a special legislative session to  Dhillon, an attorney and the  right  to  vote,”  Dhillon  said.  all active registered voters for
            ing ends in the recall elec-  investigate  an  election  that  national  committeewoman  “I  think  people  have  to  get  state elections since the start
            tion  against  Democratic  isn’t even over. The language  of  the  Republican  National  out there and vote. We have  of the coronavirus pandemic.
            Gov. Gavin Newsom, per-      is  lifted  from  a  petition  cir-  Committee  for  California,  to  document  problems,  and  An  overwhelming  major-
            suading  their  voters  to  culated to help former Presi-  said  she  made  a  video  with  we  have  to  litigate  those  ity  of  California  voters  cast
            turn  out  Tuesday  even  as  dent  Donald  Trump’s  effort  her  husband  showing  how  problems.”                 ballots  by  mail  even  before
            party  leaders  promoted  to overturn the results of last  they cast ballots by mail and                            the pandemic, and no wide-
            unsubstantiated     claims  year’s presidential election.  urging  everyone  to  do  the  Much of the GOP criticism  spread voter fraud issues have
            that the race was rigged or                               same.                        of  California’s  elections  has  surfaced.
            compromised  by  miscon-     On Monday, Trump, who has
            duct.                        continued  to  promote  false-  But  Dhillon  also  said  she
                                         hoods  about  his  loss  in  the  could not say whether Cali-
            Larry Elder, one of the lead-  2020 election, issued a state-  fornia’s  election  will  be  safe
            ing  Republican  candidates  ment saying, “Does anybody  and secure, detailing numer-
            seeking  to  replace  Newsom  really  believe  the  California  ous  problems  that  she  said
            if the recall succeeds, has said  Recall Election isn’t rigged?”  she  and  a  team  of  attorneys
            he believes “there might very                             monitoring the election have
            well be shenanigans, as there  That  messaging  poses  prob-  witnessed.
            were  in  the  2020  election.”  lems for Republican Party of-
            His  campaign  website  has  ficials,  who  are  encouraging  “There will be a lot of ques-
            a link to a “Stop CA Fraud”  everyone  to  vote  while  also  tions  and  potentially  litiga-
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