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                                                                                                       sports Diaranson 15 september 2021

                            Teams battle for playoff positioning in WNBA’s final week

            (AP)  —  With  less  than                                                                                           Mike Thibault’s team is still
            a  week  left  in  the  regu-                                                                                       missing  Elena  Delle  Donne
            lar  season  of  the  WNBA,                                                                                         (back),  Myisha  Hines-Allen
            playoff seeding, a postsea-                                                                                         (non-COVID-19 illness).
            son berth and draft lottery
            chances are still undecid-                                                                                          9. Los Angeles (11-19): The
            ed.                                                                                                                 Sparks ended a six-game skid
                                                                                                                                and are still alive in the play-
            Buoyed  by  a  12-game  win-                                                                                        off  hunt,  but  need  a  bit  of
            ning  streak,  Connecticut                                                                                          help to make the postseason.
            has  clinched  the  top  seed
            throughout  the  playoffs  and                                                                                      10 New York (11-19): Most
            leads  The  Associated  Press                                                                                       of  the  Liberty  players  are
            power  poll.  Las  Vegas  needs                                                                                     healthy that coach Walt Hop-
            one  more  victory  or  loss  by                                                                                    kins expected to be have on
            Minnesota this week to earn                                                                                         the  floor  when  the  season
            the No. 2 seed and the other                                                                                        began.  It  may  be  too  late  as
            double  bye  to  the  semifi-                                                                                       New  York,  which  has  lost
            nals. The Lynx are third with                                                                                       seven straight games needs a
            Phoenix  and  Seattle  both                                                                                         lot of things to go its way to
            in the mix for the third and                                                                                        make the playoffs.
            fourth seeds.
                                                                                                                                11.  Atlanta  (7-22):  The
            With  the  playoffs  begin-                                                                                         Dream  close  out  the  season
            ning next week, Chicago has                                                                                         with home games against In-
            locked in the sixth seed and                                                                                        diana and Los Angeles before
            will host a first-round game  that  eventuality  at  all.  Right  and  hope  to  have  Liz  Cam-  give  Stewart  more  recovery  heading to Connecticut .
            against the No. 7 seed, which  now  we’re  focused  on  the  bage back soon from her bout  time would be huge for Se-
            right now is Dallas.         next game.”                  with COVID-19.               attle.                       12.  Indiana  (6-23):  The  Fe-
                                                                                                                                ver have been playing teams
            At the other end of the spec-  The Liberty still have a shot  3. Minnesota (20-10): Aerial  6. Chicago (15-15): With the  tough  lately  with  a  short-
            trum, Indiana, New York and  at the final playoff spot, trail-  Powers continues to provide  Sky’s  playoff  seeding  deter-  handed  roster,  but  haven’t
            Atlanta  are  in  the  mix  for  ing Washington by one game.  a boost to the Lynx since her  mined, coach James Wade has  gotten  wins  to  show  for  it.
            the best odds at winning the  The two teams play in New  return Aug. 21 from a thumb  some decision to make about  Indiana  close  out  the  year
            league’s draft lottery.      York  on  Friday  night.  Los  injury. The team is 7-1 with  how he handles the final two  with  games  against  Atlanta,
                                         Angeles  is  also  still  alive  in  her back and Powers is aver-  games of the season. No one  Minnesota and Chicago.
            Heading into the final days of  the playoff chase, trailing the  aging 14 points a game dur-  played more than 28 minutes
            the season, the Fever have the  Mystics by a game also.   ing that stretch.            in the loss to Washington in  PLAYER OF THE WEEK
            best  chance  at  securing  the                                                        Chicago’s last game.
            top pick in the draft. Indiana  POWER POLL                4.  Phoenix  (19-11):  The                                Tina  Charles  of  Washing-
            has 12 wins over the past two                             Mercury  saw  their  10-game  7. Dallas (13-18): The Wings  ton  was  voted  as  the  Player
            seasons, one more than New  This week’s WNBA poll:        winning  streak  end  with  a  clinched a playoff spot for the  of  the  Week  after  averaging
            York and two more than At-                                loss to Connecticut last week.  first time since 2018 and are  20.3 points, 10 rebounds and
            lanta.  Indiana  and  Atlanta  1.  Connecticut  (24-6):  The  They are still one of the hot-  getting  healthy  at  the  right  2.7 assists to help the Mystics
            play on Tuesday night — one  Sun will have homecourt ad-  test  teams  in  the  league,  time. Satou Sabally played for  go 2-1 and stay in the playoff
            of three games the Fever have  vantage throughout the play-  buoyed by the strong play of  the first time since the season  chase.  Other  players  receiv-
            left.  Indiana  would  need  to  offs  and  have  lost  just  one  Brittney  Griner  and  Skylar  resumed  from  the  Olympic  ing  votes  included  A’ja  Wil-
            win two of them for the Lib-  home game all season. Con-  Diggins-Smith.  Diana  Tau-  break  in  the  one-point  win  son and Kelsey Plum of Las
            erty  to  have  any  chance  to  necticut also could be boost-  rasi  has  missed  the  last  few  over  New  York  that  earned  Vegas, Jonquel Jones of Con-
            pass them.                   ed  by  the  return  of  Alyssa  games  with  an  ankle  injury,  Dallas the postseason appear-  necticut,  Aerial  Powers  and
                                         Thomas,  who  has  been  out  but expects to be back soon.  ance. Sabally had been deal-  Napheesa Collier of Minne-
            “Definitely  is  something  at  this season with an Achilles’                          ing with Achilles’ soreness.  sota.
            the back of my head,” Liberty  injury  suffered  in  January.  5. Seattle (20-11): The Storm
            coach  Walt  Hopkins  said  of  She  recently  has  been  prac-  are missing Breanna Stewart  8.  Washington  (12-18):  The  GAME OF THE WEEK:
            getting  into  the  draft  lottery  ticing  taking  warmups  with  due to a foot injury she suf-  Mystics can secure a playoff
            again  and  potentially  getting  the team.               fered in a win over Washing-  spot with a win over New York  Mystics  at  Liberty,  Friday.
            the  No.  1  pick  for  a  third                          ton last Tuesday. Stewart will  on Friday. Washington could  Washington  can  clinch  a
            straight season. “It is a silver  2. Las Vegas (22-8): The Aces  miss the team’s final regular  be one of the most dangerous  playoff  berth  with  a  victory
            lining if that were to happen,  hit the road for the final two  season game against Phoenix.  teams to face in the postsea-  over New York.
            but  we’re  not  talking  about  games  of  the  regular  season  Earning a first-round bye to  son if they are healthy. Coach

                  10-man Sevilla salvages 1-1 draw with

                                 Salzburg in CL opener

            (AP) — Salzburg was left  Salzburg could only take one  Ivan Rakitic equalized for Se-
            to  rue  two  missed  penal-  goal  from  three  penalties  all  villa against the flow of play
            ties  in  its  1-1  draw  at  10-  earned  by  inspired  striker  from a penalty in the 42nd.
            man  Sevilla  to  start  its  Karim  Adeyemi  before  40
            Champions  League  cam-      minutes were up.             Sevilla  played  a  man  down
            paign on Wednesday.                                       from  the  50th  after  striker
                                         Luka Sucic converted a spot  Youssef  En-Nesryi  got  his
            The  messy  match  in  Seville  kick to give the Austrian team  second booking for simulat-
            was  marked  by  errors  both  the  lead  in  the  21st  minute.  ing a foul in the area.
            by Sevilla’s veterans and the  But Sucic and Adeyemi, both
            youngsters of Salzburg.      age 19, missed two other spot  Lille  hosts  Wolfsburg  later
                                         kicks in the first half.     also in Group G.
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