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                                                                                                           local Saturday 15 OctOber 2022
                                                                      AHATA Environmental Committee cu

                                                                      presentation “Sustainability in Business”

                                                                      maintenance,  and  volun-
                                                                      tary  work  to  benefit  our

                                                                      Another important element
                                                                      is  also  how  to  involve  em-
                                                                      ployees  in  the  process  of
                                                                      In  the  end,  the  commis-
            ORANJESTAD  –  Aruba  Ho-    tion that complements the  sion  offered  a  mentorship
            tel  &  Tourism  Association  information provided in the  program  to  help  member
            (AHATA)’s    Environmental  guide  and  give  practical  companies  introduce  sus-
            Committee  gave  a  pre-     examples of local compa-     tainability  in  their  compa-
            sentation  last  Thursday  at  nies  that  are  taking  steps  nies with basic practices.
            the  Alhambra  Ballroom  to  in  the  area  of  sustainabil-
            various  small  and  medium  ity. The presentation of the  The  presenters  were  John
            enterprises.  The  commis-   commission  illustrates  the  Wardlaw    from   Tropical
            sion  consists  of  volunteer  benefits  for  our  environ-  Bottling  Company,  Miriam
            representatives leading the  ment  and  the  financial  Stuurman  from  De  Palm
            practice of sustainability at  benefit for companies that  Island,  Ryan  Bareño  from
            companies  that  are  mem-   commit  themselves  to  sus-  Marriott’s  Aruba  Surf  Club,
            bers of AHATA.               tainability.                 Andrew  Rasmijn  from  Mar-
                                                                      riott’s Aruba Surf & Ocean
            To  commemorate  Earth  Topics  presented  during  Club,  and  Daniel  Aguirre
            Day  last  year,  AHATA  dis-  the  session  include  the  from La Cabana Beach Re-
            tributed  its  guide  of  Envi-  three pillars of sustainability  sort. Other members of the
            ronmental  Best  Practices  (social, environmental and  commission  who  helped  In  2023,  AHATA’s  Environ-       For  more  information  and
            with  the  goal  of  motivat-  economic)  and  the  main  with  the  planning  and  ex-  mental Committee has dif-  tips  on  how  to  live  more
            ing member companies to  systems  of  reduce,  reuse  ecution were Astrid Winter-      ferent  projects  planned,  consciously  and  help  pro-
            implement  the  practice  of  and recycle.                daal  from  De  Palm  Tours,  including  visits  at  primary  tect   our   environment,
            sustainability  in  their  daily  It  illustrated  what  sustain-  and  Vanessa  Rasmussen  and  secondary  schools  to  please  visit  the  Facebook
            operations. This year it was  ability is in a business, water  and  Laura  Molina  from  create  more  awareness  in  Page  of  AHATA  Environ-
            chosen  to  do  a  presenta-  and  electricity,  preventive  AHATA.                    our community.               mental Committee.q

              Governor Alfonso Boekhoudt swore in Ady Thijsen as

              Plenipotentiary Minister of Aruba in the Netherlands

              THE HAGUE – Governor of Aruba, His Excellen-   our country of Aruba and with a great honor
              cy  Alfonso  Boekhoudt  yesterday  morning  at  he assumes this responsibility, which will surely
              the Ceremonial House of the Governor swore  not be easy.
              in Mr. Ady Thijsen as Plenipotentiary Minister of
              Aruba in the Netherlands.                      Mr. Thijsen thanked the government of Aruba
                                                             to  trust  him  as  Plenipotentiary  Minister  in  the
              After the swearing in, minister Thijsen gave a  Ntherlands and at the same time, as represen-
              declaration  in  which  he  said  he  is  extremely  tative of Aruba in the European Union.
              happy to see that during his political career,  He  also  took  the  opportunity  to  thank  those
              today he was awarded another responsibility  who always supported him during his political
              that is not in the Parliament of Aruba. Mr. Thi-  career. q
              jsen said his only purpose is to work to benefit
                                                                           Pictures are courtesy of Arubahuis.
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