Page 8 - HOH
P. 8
local Saturday 15 OctOber 2022
Visa requirement an important aspect in the decision regarding
reopening of border with Venezuela
ORANJESTAD – Wednesday ment was struggling with
morning, during a pub- the problem of the migra-
lic meeting in Parliament, tory crisis and evaluated
Prime Minister Mrs. Evelyn the option of introducing
Wever-Croes together with a visa. As is known cur-
minister of Justice, Mr. Roc- rently, those who want to
co Tjon gave a thorough leave from Venezuela and
explanation regarding the visit Aruba, Curaçao or Bo-
reopening of the border naire, need to apply for a
with neighboring country visa. The process is not easy
Venezuela. seeing as this visa needs to
be requested at the em-
The Prime Minister elaborat- bassy of Caracas, where
ed on the aspects on which the current policy is that
the commission in charge they do not process more
gave advice for the Gov- than 8,000 visas per year.
ernment to take into con- This 8,000 visa total counts
sideration for the decision for all countries in the Ca-
regarding the reopening ribbean part of the King-
of the border. The aspects dom of the Netherlands.
are among others asylum, tem. of one or more properties in ment of Aruba is to reach
human rights violations in To apply for this visa, the There are some catego- Aruba will receive the visa concrete agreements with
Venezuela, DVG (Depart- person needs to have a ries considered “preferen- to come take care of their Venezuela authorities. The
ment of Public Health) and certain income and must tial”, which means these properties. Tourists com- conversations are tak-
Visa. be able to demonstrate people receive their visa ing for a business or those ing shape slowly and the
that they have enough quicker. The categories are who hold a VTA – meaning government expects that
In this, the visa require- money to cover the costs MICE (Meetings, Incentives, those who have an Ameri- good agreements can be
ment is a very important during their stay. They also Conferences and Events), can visa – do not need to reached so that Aruba can
aspect. In the beginning of check if the person has a which is an event organized apply for a visa for Aruba. be sure that the reopening
the Wever-Croes II Cabinet penal history. All this infor- by Aruba Tourism Authority. of the border will be safe,
governance, the govern- mation is stored in the sys- Also those who are owners The position of the Govern- secure and responsible.q
Minister Arends: Stakeholders can now actively contribute to new legislation
Unique Consultation Conference Corporate Governance
ORANJESTAD – Minister of Integrity, governance. In doing so, the Com-
Ursell Arends, has called on entities mittee relied on the framework
in the public and semi-public sec- that had already been developed
tors to register for a unique consul- by the Central Bank of Aruba. The
tation conference that will be held National Ordinance in the draft
at the University of Aruba on the 3rd and the Corporate Governance
and 4th of November of this year. Code are the Committee’s latest
Both days are devoted to the new products. Stakeholders now have
legislation in the field of corporate the opportunity to review the de-
governance. sign and provide feedback before
officially introducing them into the
During a press conference, the legislative process.
Minister indicated that good cor-
porate governance is an essen- Registration is possible via an email
tial prerequisite for the optimal to stat-
functioning of these entities. An ing the name, position, telephone,
explanation was given about the Good corporate governance re- conference. and email address of the partici-
National Ordinance in the draft quires effort from the community. pants. When the maximum capac-
by legal adviser Carlos Guiamo, That is why the government con- The introductory process takes ex- ity is reached, the number of par-
LLM. The Wever-Croes II Cabinet siders the support and input from plicit account of the special Aru- ticipants per entity within the sec-
has the ambition to strengthen the stakeholders involved to be ban circumstances, such as limi- tors can be limited. If necessary,
the corporate governance prac- of great value. That is also one of tations in resources and capacity congress can be repeated.
tice in the public and semi-public the reasons why stakeholders are at the entities and the small scale
sectors within the shortest time being consulted about the Na- of society. The goal is to take joint For more information, please con-
possible, according to internation- tional Ordinance in the draft and steps toward excellent corporate tact the secretary of the Corporate
ally recognized best practices. The the Corporate Governance Code. governance. Based on this vision, Governance Committee, Dr.Hellen
Minister and the chairman of the Moreover, a higher degree of par- the Corporate Governance Com- van der Wal, LLM., via wabcad-
Corporate Governance Commit- ticipation is in line with the vision mittee was established in May
tee, Mr. Jossy Laclé, appealed to of the Ministry of Integrity. In addi- 2020. This committee is tasked with
the stakeholders to actively partici- tion to the stakeholders involved, advising and supporting the gov- Participation in the conference is
pate in the upcoming consultation students are also allowed to par- ernment in implementing a new free of charge.
conference. ticipate in this unique consultation legal framework for corporate