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A4   U.S. NEWS
               Thursday 15 december 2022

            U.S. storm brings tornadoes, blizzard-like conditions; 2 dead

            By JAKE BLEIBERG and KEV-                                                                                           a  neighboring  trailer  park
            IN MCGILL                                                                                                           with  about  10  homes.  “It
            Associated Press                                                                                                    happened  quick,”  Crow
            KEITHSVILLE,  La.  (AP)  —  A                                                                                       said  Wednesday,  adding
            volatile storm ripping across                                                                                       that about 30 homes were
            the  U.S.  spawned  torna-                                                                                          damaged  along  nearby
            does  that  killed  a  young                                                                                        Lake D’Arbonne.
            boy and his mother in Loui-                                                                                         Shannon  Futch,  Union  Par-
            siana,   smashed    mobile                                                                                          ish’s  emergency  director,
            homes and chicken houses                                                                                            said  there  were  reports  of
            in  Mississippi  and  threat-                                                                                       numerous  people  treated
            ened neighboring Southern                                                                                           for cuts and bruises and at
            states  with  more  punishing                                                                                       least  two  people  hospital-
            weather Wednesday.                                                                                                  ized  after  a  twister  cut  a
            To the north, the huge storm                                                                                        swath  of  damage  about
            system  delivered  blizzard-                                                                                        5  miles  (8  kilometers)  long,
            like conditions to the Great                                                                                        toppling trees onto about a
            Plains  and  was  expected                                                                                          dozen houses.
            to push more snow and ice                                                                                           “Some people even stayed
            into  Appalachia  and  New                                                                                          the  night  in  their  houses
            England.  The  wintery  blast                                                                                       that had big pine trees on
            dumped more than 2 feet                                                                                             them,”  Futch  said.  “They
            (61 centimeters) of snow in                                                                                         didn’t  have  anywhere  to
            parts of South Dakota.       Crews survey damage from a possible tornado in Grapevine, Texas, Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2022.   go.”
            In  northern  Louisiana,  it                                                                       Associated Press   A  suspected  tornado  re-
            took hours for authorities to                                                                                       ported  in  New  Iberia  in
            find the bodies of a mother   ered  one  street  over  from  Alabama. More damaging  “I am heartbroken to learn     southwest  Louisiana  dam-
            and child reported missing   where  their  mobile  home  weather was possible in the  of  the  mother  and  child   aged  several  buildings  on
            after  a  tornado  struck  the   stood.  When  deputies  ar-  Florida panhandle.       who  were  killed  in  South-  the  campus  of  New  Iberia
            rural  Keithville  community   rived at their address, they  A  steady  stream  of  torna-  west  Caddo  Parish  due  to   Medical  Center,  hospital
            near  Shreveport  on  Tues-  found  nothing  but  a  con-  do  warnings  were  issued  one  of  numerous  reported   officials  said,  and  left  five
            day afternoon.               crete slab, said sheriff’s Sgt.  Wednesday across portions  tornadoes,”  Edwards  said   people with minor injuries.
            The  Caddo  Parish  Coro-    Casey Jones.                 of Louisiana, Mississippi and  in  a  statement  as  he  de-  In  neighboring  Mississippi,
            ner’s  Office  said  the  body   “I  wouldn’t  even  know  if  Alabama.   In   Keithsville,  clared  a  state  of  emer-  suspected   tornado   de-
            of  8-year-old  Nikolus  Little   they  knew  a  house  was  Louisiana,  where  the  two  gency  Wednesday,  saying   stroyed  four  large  chicken
            was found around 11 p.m.     there to begin with,” Jones  deaths  occurred,  sheriff’s  at  least  six  tornadoes  had   houses  one of which held
            Tuesday in a wooded area.    told  The  Associated  Press  deputies  restricted  access  touched  down  in  several   5,000  roosters    in  Rankin
            His  mother,  Yoshiko  A.    on Wednesday.                to the area where the sus-   parishes.                    County,  Mississippi,  Sheriff
            Smith, 30, was found dead    The  forecast  Wednesday  pected  tornado  touched  In  Union  Parish,  on  Louisi-    Bryan  Bailey  said.  Mobile
            under  storm  debris  around   called  for  more  severe  down.    Downed      trees,  ana’s northern border with   homes at a park in Sharkey
            2:30 a.m. Wednesday.         storms  with  additional  tor-  some that appeared to be  Arkansas,  Farmerville  May-  County, Mississppi, were re-
            Sheriff  Steve  Prator  said   nadoes  expected  across  ripped up by their roots, lit-  or  John  Crow  said  a  Tues-  duced to piles of shredded
            their  home  was  destroyed   an  area  of  the  Gulf  Coast  tered the landscape. Louisi-  day  night  tornado  badly   debris. Resident Leslie Jack-
            and  the  boy  ended  up  a   region populated by near-   ana Gov. John Bel Edwards  damaged  an  apartment         son told WLBT-TV her home
            half-mile  away,  while  his   ly  3  million  people  from  planned  to  tour  the  area  complex  where  50  fami-  was  one  of  only  a  couple
            mother’s body was discov-    New  Orleans  to  Mobile,  Wednesday afternoon.           lies  lived  and  wiped  out   left standing.q

            Census Bureau tables controversial privacy tool for survey

            By MIKE SCHNEIDER            than 40 topics ranging from  method would be applied  would  jeopardize  the  us-      3.5 million homes.
            Associated Press             income,  internet  access,  to  American  Community  ability of numbers that are  The Census Bureau has said
            The U.S. Census Bureau on  rent,  disabilities  and  lan-  Survey  data  by  2025.  Dif-  the  foundation  of  the  na-  that  the  differential  priva-
            Wednesday said it was put-   guage  spoken  at  home,  ferential privacy algorithms  tion’s data infrastructure.    cy  algorithms  are  needed
            ting  on  hold  plans  to  ap-  the  statistical  agency  said  add  intentional  errors  to  The  2020  census  question-  since,  without  them,  the
            ply by 2025 a controversial  in a blog post.              data to obscure the identi-  naire  asked  limited  ques-  growth  of  easily  available
            method  for  protecting  the  “It’s also not clear that dif-  ty of any given participant.  tions  about  race,  Hispanic  third-party data combined
            privacy  of  participants  in  ferential privacy would ulti-  It is most noticeable at the  background,   sex,   age,  with  modern  computing
            its  most  comprehensive  mately be the best option,”  smallest geographies, such  household         relationships  could  allow  hackers  to
            survey  of  Americans  af-   wrote Donna Daily, chief of  as census blocks.            and  whether  a  home  is  piece  together  the  iden-
            ter  facing  pushback  from  the  American  Community  Prominent  demographers  owned or rented during the  tities  of  participants  in  its
            prominent researchers and  Survey  Office.  The  Census  and other researchers had  head count of very U.S. resi-   censuses  and  surveys  in
            demographers.                Bureau  embraced  using  asked  in  a  letter  to  Cen-   dent.  The  American  Com-   violation of the law. Bureau
            The science doesn’t yet ex-  differential  privacy  algo-  sus  Bureau  Director  Robert  munity Survey, on the other  statisticians will continue to
            ist  to  apply  differential  pri-  rithms for the first time with  Santos last summer that the  hand,  is  much  more  com-  study  privacy  methods  for
            vacy algorithms to the an-   the release last year of the  agency  drop  plans  to  use  plex because of the almost  the  American  Community
            nual American Community  first  round  of  2020  census  the  algorithms  on  future  four dozen topics it covers  Survey, the statistical agen-
            Survey, which covers more  data,  and  it  had  said  the  data  releases,  claiming  it  when sampling residents in  cy said.q
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