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WORLD NEWS Thursday 15 december 2022
EU to U.S.: We already have war, don’t give us trade
war, too
By RAF CASERT market. The point of con-
Associated Press tention is the U.S. Inflation
BRUSSELS (AP) — Disap- Reduction Act, a $369 bil-
pointment has set in two lion plan that favors Amer-
years after the election of ican-made climate tech-
U.S. President Joe Biden nology through subsidies
was supposed to reset and, according to the EU,
trans-Atlantic relations with will unfairly discriminate
the European Union. EU against its firms.
leaders are openly talk- The trans-Atlantic partners
ing about fights, not only have long prided them-
friendship. selves on free trade unfet-
They say conflict with tered by excessive subsi-
Washington is the last thing dies and protectionism,
they want, with war raging and the law felt to Brussels European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, left,
speaks with Greece’s Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, second
on their doorstep in Ukraine like Washington betraying right, and Netherland’s Prime Minister Mark Rutte, center, during
and common resolve es- the spirit of fair competi- a round table meeting at the EU-ASEAN summit in Brussels,
sential in stopping Russia. tion. “Elements of the IRA Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2022.
But money is a threat to risk unleveling the playing Associated Press
that unity. field and discriminating because European lead- treated beef to liquor ex-
“We already have war in against European compa- ers welcomed Biden’s ar- ports.
Europe. The last thing we nies,” European Commis- rival two years ago as a re- Planned subsidies under
need is a trade war,” Eu- sion President Ursula von turn to warm relations and the Inflation Reduction Act
ropean Commission Vice der Leyen wrote to the EU mutual commitments after passed by the U.S. Congress
President Margrethe Ve- leaders on the eve of their four years of fractious ties in August are especially
stager told lawmakers year-end summit. under Donald Trump. grating for the EU. For ex-
Wednesday. While trans-Atlantic rela- Trade disputes have been ample, electric car buyers
They were debating U.S. tions should cement their a red line for decades in are eligible for a tax credit
policies that many in the alliance as they face Russia trans-Atlantic relations, of up to $7,500 as long as
27-nation bloc see as un- and an ever more assertive highlighted by fights over the vehicle runs on a bat-
fairly locking a longstand- China, there are plenty of aircraft subsidies and steel tery built in North America
ing and trusted ally out of hints of widening division. exports and affecting ev- with minerals mined or re-
the lucrative American It is all the more surprising erything from hormone- cycled on the continent. q
People of Ukraine handed EU’s top human rights prize
STRASBOURG, France (AP) forced to give birth in un- said European Parliament “To these people, the mes-
— The people of Ukraine derground metro stations,” President Roberta Metsola. sage from Europe has
and their representatives been clear. We stand with
were handed the Euro- Ukraine. We will not look
pean Union’s top human away,” she said.
rights prize Wednesday for The EU award, named for
their resistance to Russia’s Soviet dissident Andrei
invasion and defiance dur- Sakharov, was created in
ing the ongoing war. 1988 to honor individuals or
The 27-nation bloc award- groups who defend human
ed the “brave people of rights and fundamental
Ukraine” the prize in Octo- freedoms. Sakharov, a No-
ber. Yulia Pajevska, founder bel Peace Prize laureate,
of the medical evacuation died in 1989.
unit Angels of Taira, human It’s the second straight year
rights activist Oleksandra EU lawmakers used the
Matviichuk and Ivan Fedo- Sakharov Prize to send a
rov, mayor of the occupied message to the Kremlin. Im-
city of Melitopol, were on From left to right, head of the Mission of Ukraine to the EU prisoned Russian opposition
hand to receive it during a Vsevolod Chentsov, State Emergency Services of Ukraine leader Alexei Navalny won
solemn ceremony in Stras- Stanislav Kulykivskyi, Mayor of Ukrainian city of Melitopol Ivan it last year. The defiance of
bourg, France. Fedorov, Founder of the medical evacuation unit Angels of Taira Ukrainians during the nearly
“We have witnessed the Yulia Paevska, Nobel Peace Prize winner and head of Center 10-month-old war has per-
for Civil Liberties Oleksandra Matviichuk, Spokesperson of the
inspiring resistance of or- Yellow Ribbon Civil Resistance Movement Yaroslav Bozhko and sisted despite an uptick in
dinary citizens making the Director of the Department for emergency prevention, State attacks in recent weeks.
ultimate sacrifice to delay Emergency Services of Ukraine Oleksandr Chekryhin, pose Ukrainian forces have re-
a column of tanks, senior with European Parliament President Roberta Metsola, third from claimed broad swaths of
citizens standing up to face right, after receiving the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought the country, dealing a blow
down Russian troops with Award, the European Union top human rights prize, Wednesday, to Russia’s military prestige,
Dec. 14, 2022 in Strasbourg, eastern France.
nothing but pride as their Associated Press since launching a counter-
weapons. Brave women offensive in late August.q