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               Thursday 15 december 2022
            Costa Rica tightens overwhelmed asylum system

            By JAVIER CORDOBA                                                                                                   down  on  political  oppo-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    nents  ahead  of  national
            SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (AP)                                                                                           elections.  Ortega  coasted
            —  Costa  Rica,  one  of  the                                                                                       to  a  fourth  consecutive
            world’s  great  refuges  for                                                                                        term  after  potential  chal-
            people  fleeing  persecu-                                                                                           lengers  were  locked  up.
            tion, is tightening its gener-                                                                                      Arrests   have   continued
            ous  asylum  policies  in  the                                                                                      this  year,  targeting  critical
            face  of  an  overwhelmed                                                                                           nongovernmental  organi-
            system.                                                                                                             zations,  press  outlets  and
            President  Rodrigo  Chaves,                                                                                         clergy.
            who  took  office  in  May,                                                                                         In  2012,  Costa  Rica  re-
            said Costa Rica’s system is                                                                                         ceived  barely  900  asylum
            being abused by econom-                                                                                             applications.  In  2018,  that
            ic  migrants.  The  changes                                                                                         number  reached  nearly
            he decreed took effect this                                                                                         28,000.  And  through  Sep-
            month.                                                                                                              tember  of  this  year,  it  was
            Despite  having  only  5  mil-                                                                                      already more than 67,000.
            lion  citizens,  the  Central                                                                                       Now  there  are  more  than
            American  country  trailed                                                                                          220,000  pending  applica-
            only the United States, Ger-                                                                                        tions to resolve.
            many  and  Mexico  in  the                                                                                          Aiming  to  unclog  the  sys-
            number of asylum applica-                                                                                           tem,  the  government  has
            tions  it  received  last  year,                                                                                    also  created  a  special  im-
            according  to  the  United   Venezuelan migrant Carlos Rivas, left, sells sweets on a street in Heredia, Costra Rica, Tuesday,   migration   category   for
            Nations High Commissioner    Dec. 6, 2022.                                                                          people  from  Cuba,  Nica-
            for Refugees.                                                                                      Associated Press   ragua,   and   Venezuela
            Chaves first warned of the  ify, so we are allowing the  support  has  been  insuffi-  boring  Nicaragua,  amid  --  nationals  who  make  up
            changes last month during  good  cause  of  asylum  to  cient.                         a  brutal  crackdown  on  96%  of  the  asylum  seek-
            a sudden influx of Venezu-   be abused by hundreds of  The  United  Nations  said  popular  protests  there  in  ers. They would be eligible
            elan  migrants  stranded  by  thousands  of  people    it’s  that  its  International  Or-  2018, swamped the asylum  for a two-year work permit
            a  change  in  U.S.  border  that easy,” Chaves said.     ganization  for  Migration  system  long  before  Ven-    in  exchange  for  dropping
            policy. But it is Nicaraguans  The  president  complained  and High Commissioner for  ezuelans became a visible  their  asylum  cases,  if  they
            who  account  for  nearly  that  Costa  Rica  has  been  Refugees,  or  UNHCR,  had  presence  in  the  streets  of  weren’t really in danger.
            nine out of 10 of the appli-  spending  $300  million  a  disbursed  $94  million  since  San Jose.                 This,  of  course,  would  also
            cants.                       year  to  attend  to  the  asy-  2018  to  support  migrants  The  arrival  of  Nicaraguans  likely  make  them  ineligible
            “The (immigration agency)  lum  seekers,  draining  re-   and asylum seekers in Cos-   accelerated  last  year  as  for  asylum  in  other  coun-
            tells  us  that  90%  or  more  sources for health and edu-  ta Rica.                  President  Daniel  Ortega’s  tries,  including  the  United
            of  the  people  don’t  qual-  cation,  and  international  The  exodus  from  neigh-  government        cracked  States.q

             Dutch court rejects challenge to

             assisted suicide ban

             By MIKE CORDER              suicide.”Frits Spangenberg,  or  giving  the  patient  the
             Associated Press            chairperson  of  the  group  drugs  to  take.  Assisted  sui-
             THE  HAGUE,  Netherlands  Cooperative       Last   Will,  cide, the practice of some-
             (AP)  —  A  Dutch  court  on  which  brought  the  case  one who is not a physician
             Wednesday  upheld  the  along  with  29  individual  providing  a  person  with
             Netherlands’  ban  on  as-  plaintiffs,  said  he  was  dis-  a  self-administered  lethal
             sisted  suicide,  a  setback  appointed  by  the  ruling,  substance, remains illegal.
             for  activists  who  said  the  but  vowed  to  fight  on.  He  The  Hague  court  said  the
             prohibition infringes on their  said  he  would  study  the  euthanasia  law  “properly
             right  to  determine  when  decision  with  lawyers  be-  weighed  up  the  various
             their  lives  end.  The  Hague  fore  deciding  whether  to  interests”  of  “on  the  one
             District  Court  rejected  the  appeal.                  hand  the  social  interest  of   Campaigners take their hats off in a show of respect for people
             activists’ argument that the  “I’m  not  surprised,  but  I’d  protecting life and protect-  who took their own lives in The Hague, Netherlands, on Oct. 10,
             ban  violated  the  Europe-  hoped  for  more  perspec-  ing vulnerable persons, and   2022.
             an  Convention  on  Human  tive,” Spangenberg said in  on the other the interest of                                           Associated Press
             Rights.                     a telephone interview.       those  seeking  assisted  sui-  tice to the daily misery of a  tles and conditions.”
             The  “right  to  decide  for  The government did not re-  cide.”                      growing  group  of  people.  Another  organization,  the
             oneself  about  one’s  own  act to the ruling.           But it noted that the condi-  It  is  cruel,  inhumane  and  Dutch  Association  for  a
             end  of  life  is  indeed  pro-  The  Netherlands  was  the  tions  that  must  be  met  for  cowardly.”           Voluntary  End  of  Life,  also
             tected” by the convention,  first  nation  to  legalize  eu-  a physician to perform eu-  He said the court was “very  criticized the decision, say-
             the  court  said  in  a  written  thanasia.              thanasia mean “not every-    focused  on  euthanasia  ing  in  a  statement  that
             statement.                  A  2002  law  allowed  physi-  one who considers their life  options,  which  are  good,  it  upheld  a  “situation  in
             “However, this right to self-  cians  to  end  the  lives  of  complete will be able to re-  but  so  bureaucratic  and  which the government de-
             determination  does  not  patients under strict condi-   ceive assisted suicide.”     only applied in the case of  prives its citizens of the right
             go so far that there is also  tions,  either  by  administer-  Spangenberg  said  that  hopeless  medical  suffering  to  die  with  dignity  at  their
             a  right  to  obtain  assisted  ing  a  fatal  dose  of  drugs  finding  “does  not  do  jus-  with a lot of bells and whis-  own discretion.”q
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