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Friday 24 February 2023
China’s global influence worries U.S. majority: AP-NORC poll
Continued from Front other things, but I don’t
think they’re interested in
The Biden administration using them.” Biden made
has preserved tariffs on a surprise visit to Kyiv on
imports from China and Monday, declaring to
restricted the sale of ad- that country’s president,
vanced computer chips Volodymyr Zelenskyy, “You
to the country, angering remind us that freedom is
Chinese officials who want priceless; it’s worth fighting
to fuel faster economic for for as long as it takes.
growth. And that’s how long we’re
There are additional con- going to be with you, Mr.
cerns over whether China President, for as long as it
will provide some form of takes.” To Ukraine’s de-
military support for Russia’s fense, the U.S. has com-
war in Ukraine. As the war mitted tanks, armored ve-
nears its one-year mark, hicles, a thousand artillery
the poll shows that serious systems, more than 2 million
concern about the threat rounds of artillery ammuni-
Russia poses to the U.S. tion and more than 50 ad-
has fallen. Concern about vanced launch rocket sys-
China now outpaces that tems, and anti-ship and air
about Russia; last year, President Joe Biden listens as he meets virtually with Chinese President Xi Jinping from the Roosevelt defense systems.
Room of the White House in Washington, Monday, Nov. 15, 2021.
about even percentages Associated Press While Biden views the
had named the two coun- preservation of NATO and
tries as a threat. countering Russian aggres-
Biden has tried to frame perceptions of the presi- Biden needed to be care- from 64% in March 2022. sion as necessary, most
relations with China as a dent himself. ful with China, given the Michael Marchek, 33, an U.S. adults say it should not
competition with boundar- The poll found that 45% U.S. reliance on Chinese engineer in the Atlanta come at the expense of
ies, rather than as a larger of U.S. adults say they ap- manufacturing. The Pey- area, said Russia’s military their economy. Oil, natural
geopolitical clash. prove of Biden’s overall ton, Colorado, resident has struggled in Ukraine, gas and food prices initial-
“We seek competition, not performance, while 54% said he believes Biden “has failing to achieve its goal ly worsened after Russian
conflict, with China,” Biden disapprove. That’s similar a good heart” and “means of taking the capital of Kyiv President Vladimir Putin
said last week. “ We’re not to views of Biden in recent well,” generally approving and sustaining steep casu- sent troops into Ukraine last
looking for a new Cold months. Forty-one percent of Biden’s approach. alties that showed a sense February, causing U.S. infla-
War. ... We’ll responsibly praised the president in “You tread cautiously,” of disarray. tion to hit a 40-year high
manage that competition late January and 43% did in said Dunlap, who retired “I was more concerned in June. Inflation has since
so that it doesn’t veer into December. from law enforcement. about Russia before they eased, and the U.S. and
conflict.” Concern about China’s “You show strength, not proved they were less much of Europe have so
Approval of Biden’s for- global influence as a threat weakness.” effective than they ap- far evaded recessions de-
eign policy is roughly in line to the U.S. is similar to last Fewer adults feel as wary peared to be on the sur- spite the expected dam-
with views of his presidency year but has grown steadily about Russia as they did face,” Marchek said. “They age. Russia has adapted
more broadly, a possible in recent years from 54% just after its military invaded played their hand and they to financial sanctions and
sign that his agenda is not just after Biden took office Ukraine last year. Now, 53% did not play their hand export controls designed to
viewed through its individ- and 48% in January 2020. say they’re seriously con- effectively. They have erode its ability to fund the
ual components but larger Melvin Dunlap, 68, said cerned about Russia, down nuclear capabilities and war.q
White House urging higher fines for train
safety violations
train derailment in Ohio has panies when they cause the 2024 GOP nomina-
become a political light- accidents like this,” said tion, went to the village
ning rod. White House deputy press on Wednesday and said
There are still safety and secretary Andrew Bates. the community has been
health concerns among “Do they stand with us and met with “indifference
residents of East Pales- communities like East Pales- and betrayal.” Republican
tine after dozens of train tine or are they still owned lawmakers have criticized
cars being pulled by Nor- by the rail lobby?” President Joe Biden for not
folk Southern went off the Under current law, the going to the site; Biden was
tracks and released chemi- White House said, the in Ukraine and Poland this
cals into the area. The inci- highest fine that can be week.
An emergency crew works at the site of a Norfolk Southern
train derailment in Van Buren Township, Mich., near Detroit, on dent has now evolved into charged to companies But his administration is
Thursday, Feb. 16, 2023. a feud between Demo- for violations involving the pushing back. Transporta-
Associated Press crats and Republicans. transportation of hazard- tion Secretary Pete But-
“The test will be whether ous materials is $225,455. tigieg toured East Pales-
Republicans work with the That’s less than 1% of Nor- tine on Thursday and said
By JOSH BOAK congressional Republicans Biden-Harris administration folk Southern’s profits last Trump should call for the re-
Associated Press to increase the fines levied to restore safety protec- year of $3.27 billion. versals of deregulation that
WASHINGTON (AP) — The on rail companies for safety tions and pass legislation Former President Don- occurred during his term in
White House is calling on violations, as a fiery Feb. 3 increasing fines on rail com- ald Trump, who is seeking the White House.q