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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 24 February 2023
            Gaza rockets, Israeli strikes follow deadly West Bank raid

            By TIA GOLDENBERG                                                                                                   Various  Palestinian  militant
            Associated Press                                                                                                    groups  claimed  six  of  the
            TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Pal-                                                                                        dead  as  members.  There
            estinian  militants  in  Gaza                                                                                       was  no  immediate  word
            launched rockets at south-                                                                                          on  whether  the  others  be-
            ern Israel and Israeli aircraft                                                                                     longed  to  armed  groups.
            struck targets in the coastal                                                                                       Officials also said a 66-year-
            enclave  early  Thursday  af-                                                                                       old man died from tear gas
            ter  a  gunbattle  triggered                                                                                        inhalation.
            by an Israeli raid in the oc-                                                                                       In  response  to  the  raid,  a
            cupied West Bank killed 10                                                                                          strike was called across the
            Palestinians.                                                                                                       West Bank, and schools, uni-
            The  bloodshed  extends                                                                                             versities  and  shops  all  shut
            one  of  the  deadliest  pe-                                                                                        down  in  protest.  Schools
            riods  in  years  in  the  West                                                                                     and  universities  in  Gaza
            Bank, where dozens of Pal-                                                                                          and most shops in east Je-
            estinians  have  been  killed                                                                                       rusalem  were  also  closed.
            by Israeli fire since the start                                                                                     Israel  captured  the  West
            of the year. Palestinian at-                                                                                        Bank, along with the Gaza
            tacks  on  Israelis  in  2023                                                                                       Strip and east Jerusalem, in
            have killed 11 people.                                                                                              the  1967  Mideast  war.  The
            The Israeli military said Pales-                                                                                    Palestinians seek those ter-
            tinian militants fired six rock-                                                                                    ritories  for  their  hoped-for
            ets  and  two  anti-aircraft   Anti-aircraft missiles are launched from the Gaza Strip after an Israeli airstrike, Thursday, Feb. 23,   independent state.
            missiles from the Gaza Strip   2023.                                                                                The  Israeli  military  said  it
            toward the country’s south                                                                         Associated Press   entered  Nablus,  the  West
            early  Thursday.  Air  defens-  The  violence  comes  in  a  year  in  the  West  Bank  ary  on  the  Jenin  refugee  Bank’s  commercial  cen-
            es  intercepted  five  of  the  the  first  weeks  of  Israel’s  and  east  Jerusalem,  rais-  camp in the West Bank that  ter  and  a  city  known  as  a
            rockets and one landed in  new  far-right  government,  ing the likelihood of further  killed 10 Palestinians, a Pal-  militant stronghold, to arrest
            an open field, according to  which has promised to take  bloodshed.  “We  have  a  estinian shot and killed sev-    three militants suspected in
            the military. The missiles did  a  tough  line  against  Pal-  clear policy: to strike terror  en people outside a syna-  previous  shooting  attacks.
            not hit their targets. The at-  estinians,  and  as  security  powerfully  and  to  deepen  gogue in east Jerusalem.  The  main  suspect  was
            tacks were not immediate-    forces  step  up  arrest  raids  our roots in our land,” Israeli  On  Thursday,  police  said  wanted  in  the  killing  of  an
            ly  claimed  by  Palestinian  of  wanted  militants  in  the  Prime Minister Benjamin Ne-  security  guards  at  the  en-  Israeli soldier last fall.
            militant groups.             West  Bank.  Israel  says  the  tanyahu told a meeting of  trance  to  a  West  Bank  Wednesday’s four-hour op-
            Israeli  aircraft  then  struck  raids  begun in the wake of  his Cabinet. “We will settle  settlement  shot  and  lightly  eration  left  a  broad  swath
            several  targets  in  northern  a series of deadly Palestin-  accounts  with  whoever  wounded  a  woman  who  of  damage  in  a  centuries-
            and  central  Gaza,  includ-  ian attacks last spring  are  harms Israeli citizens.”   police  said  attempted  to  old  marketplace  in  Nab-
            ing  a  weapons  manufac-    meant to dismantle militant  Israeli  police  stepped  up  stab the guards.            lus.  In  the  Old  City,  shops
            turing  site  and  a  military  networks and thwart future  security  in  sensitive  areas  Among  the  10  killed  in  were  riddled  with  bullets,
            compound  belonging  to  assaults.                        on  Thursday,  while  Hamas  Wednesday’s  raid  in  Nab-  parked cars were crushed,
            the  Hamas  militant  group  But  the  operations  have  said its patience was “run-   lus  were  Palestinian  men  and blood stained the ce-
            that  rules  the  enclave.  shown few signs of slowing  ning  out.”  Islamic  Jihad,  aged  72  and  61,  and  a  ment  ruins.  Furniture  from
            There were no reports of in-  the violence and Wednes-    another   militant   group,  16-year-old boy, according  the  destroyed  home  was
            juries in Israel or Gaza from  day’s resulted in one of the  vowed to retaliate.       to  health  officials.  Scores  scattered  among  mounds
            the rocket attacks or strikes.  bloodiest  battles  in  nearly  A day after a raid in Janu-  of  others  were  wounded.  of debris. q

             Stockholm police head found dead after report criticized him

            STOCKHOLM  (AP)  —  A  se-   dard procedure.              position.  The  investigator  investigation   into   gross  misconduct.q
            nior  Swedish  police  officer  Löfving’s   conduct   was  said  those  decisions  raised
            has been found dead in his  under  review  both  by  an  questions  about  Löfving’s
            home,  hours  after  the  re-  internal  audit  and  a  crimi-  judgement  as  a  manager
            lease  of  an  internal  report  nal investigation, in a case  and suggested that the po-
            that found a conflict of in-  that  shook  Sweden’s  po-  lice leadership consider ter-
            terest  regarding  decisions  lice  leadership  and  made  minating his employment.
            he had made about a for-     headlines across the Scan-   Later  Wednesday,  police
            mer  employee  with  whom  dinavian nation.               responding  to  a  report  of
            he  had  a  relationship,  po-  The  probes  focused  on  his  an  injured  person  at  Löfv-
            lice said.                   relationship  with  a  female  ing’s  home  found  him
            Mats  Löfving,  the  chief  of  employee while he was the  dead inside.
            police in the Stockholm re-  head of the police Nation-   “It  is  incredibly  tragic,”
            gion, was found dead in his  al Operations Department.    Sweden’s  chief  of  police
            home in the city of Norrkop-  The   internal   investiga-  Anders Thornberg said late
            ing, police said. He was 61.  tion  on  Wednesday  found  Wednesday.  “My  thoughts
            The  cause  of  death  was  there  was  a  conflict  of  in-  go  to  Mats  Löfving,  his
            not immediately clear and  terest  when  Löfving  made  next  of  kin  and  work  col-  Stockholm  regional  police  chief  Mats  Lofving  is  pictured  on
            police  opened  an  investi-  decisions  regarding  the  leagues.”  Prosecutors  later   Sept. 30, 2022.
            gation as a matter of stan-  employee’s    salary   and  said  they  would  drop  the                                           Associated Press
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