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Friday 24 February 2023
Northern border immigrant death highlights crossing spike
By WILSON RING terrain they trek through to
Associated Press locate these individuals in
The death of a Mexican distress,” Adams said in an
man who had just entered email.
the United States from Can- Statistics from U.S. Customs
ada illegally is highlighting and Border Protection
the spike in illegal crossings show that agents in the
along the border between sector that includes New
Quebec and parts of New Hampshire, Vermont and
England, officials say. parts of upstate New York
The number of illegal bor- apprehended 1,513 illegal
der crossers is tiny com- border crossers between
pared with those entering Oct. 1, 2022 through Jan.
the country illegally from 31, 2023, up from 160 in
Mexico, but the death of the same period the year
the man who entered Ver- before. But the total num-
mont from Quebec late ber apprehended along
Sunday marked the area’s the entire northern border
first death in recent memo- this fiscal year, 2,227, is a
ry of someone who crossed small fraction of those ap-
into the U.S. illegally. His en- prehended along the U.S.-
try took place in an area Mexican border during that
near Derby Line about 50 In this surveillance image provided by the United States Border Patrol Swanton sector, two same period, 762,383.
miles (80 kilometers) south- individuals illegally cross the U.S./Canada border during January 2023 in the Vermont, New Nevertheless, federal court
east of Montreal. Hampshire and New York enforcement sector. documents filed in some of
There have been fatalities Associated Press the northern border cross-
of people seeking to cross Indian nationals died of ex- address the ongoing pace of Jan. 28, when the fam- ing cases in Vermont de-
on the Canadian side of posure in Manitoba near its of illicit cross-border traf- ily of a person seeking to scribe people who legally
the border. The Royal Ca- border with Minnesota and fic, the level of concern for cross into the United States enter Canada where they
nadian Mounted Police, North Dakota. the lives and welfare of our called Canadian authori- pay people to take them
which is responsible for In December, a 44-year- Border Patrol Agents and ties from the U.S. to report to the border. Once they
border security in Canada, old Haitian citizen who had those we are encountering they had lost contact with cross into the U.S., they
report their agents have been trying to enter the — particularly vulnerable him in an area just north of then meet with someone
mounted a number of United States illegally from populations — continues to the border. else who takes them deep-
search and rescue opera- Canada was found dead climb,” the Border Patrol’s Rescuers later found the er into the country.
tions this winter in the re- in a wooded area near St- Sector Chief Patrol Agent man in the Mansonville, In the Feb. 19 case that
gion of people intending to Bernard-de-Lacolle, Que- Robert Garcia said in a Quebec, a short distance led to the Mexican man’s
cross into the United States bec, not far from Cham- news release this month west of Derby Line, af- death, court records say
from Canada. plain, New York, about 35 before the death of the im- ter tracking him for about Border Patrol agents were
Border officials on both miles (56 kilometers) south migrant in Vermont. 90 minutes through deep notified just before 11 p.m.
sides of the line have been of Montreal. In April 2019, a RCMP spokeswoman Cpl. snow. He was conscious after a surveillance cam-
warning about the dangers Dominican man also died Tasha Adams said agents but suffering from hypo- era detected possible ille-
to the crossers and those in Canada not far from were involved in at least thermia and frostbite. gal border crossers in the
who could be sent to res- Champlain. three search and rescue “These are situations that town of Holland, about 2
cue them. “As we progress deeper operations in January, in- place our officers at risk be- miles (3.25 kilometers) east
Last year, a family of four into winter and continue to cluding one the weekend cause of the weather and of Derby Line.q
Tiny Nevada town gets county OK to lift
ban on alcohol sales
alcohol in Alamo after the of the county commission of Las Vegas.
Lincoln County Commission vote. A handful of communities
on Tuesday unanimously The faith, widely known in neighboring Utah, where
endorsed a local board as the Mormon church, The Church of Jesus Christ
vote taken several months preaches abstinence from of Latter-day Saint is based,
ago to repeal a prohibition alcohol. also prohibit alcohol sales.
adopted in 1985, the Las Alamo’s repeal could be- Voters in Blanding, a rural
Vegas Review-Journal re- come effective in about 30 town of about 3,300 resi-
ported. days, Lincoln County Dis- dents that attracts visitors
Many of the approximately trict Attorney Dylan Frehner to national parks including
1,100 people who live in said. the Grand Canyon reject-
Vern Holaday, owner of Alamo Inn and chair of the Alamo town
board, poses for a photo on U.S. Route 93, on Friday, Feb. 10, the unincorporated juris- That will leave Panaca as ed a 2017 ballot measure
2023, in Alamo, Nev. diction about a 90-minute the only remaining town in that would have allowed
Associated Press drive north of Las Vegas are Nevada to prohibit alco- beer and wine sales for the
members of The Church of hol sales, the Review-Jour- first time in more than 80
LAS VEGAS (AP) — Alcohol cades-long ban on buying Jesus Christ of Latter-day nal reported. That town of years. In Hyde Park, popu-
sales will soon be allowed in beer, wine and liquor. Saints, Town Board Chair- 1,000 people is the Lincoln lation 4,000, voters in 2013
a tiny Nevada town where Bars still won’t be allowed, man Vern Holaday told County seat and is a more lifted a ban on alcohol
religious roots led to a de- but stores will be able to sell the Review-Journal ahead than two-hour drive north sales.q