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                   Friday 24 February 2023
            Mexico president foresees court challenges to electoral law

            MEXICO  CITY  (AP)  —Mex-                                                                                           are  paid  more  than  the
            ico’s  president  said  Thurs-                                                                                      president.
            day  he  expects  court                                                                                             His   legislative   initiative,
            challenges  to  a  new  law                                                                                         known  as  “Plan  B”,  was
            that  would  cut  money  for                                                                                        proposed by the president
            thousands of staffers at the                                                                                        in  December  after  he  did
            country’s electoral agency                                                                                          not obtain enough votes in
            and  weaken  oversight  of                                                                                          Congress  for  even  deeper
            campaign spending.                                                                                                  electoral   changes   that
            President  Andrés  Manuel                                                                                           would  have  changed  the
            López  Obrador,  who  has                                                                                           size  and  makeup  of  Con-
            long  criticized  the  agency                                                                                       gress.
            for  costing  taxpayers  too                                                                                        The  president  has  repeat-
            much and paying high sal-                                                                                           edly denied that the reform
            aries, said he’ll sign the new                                                                                      package  could  put  the
            bill  into  law  even  though                                                                                       elections in Mexico at risk.
            electoral  authorities  say  it                                                                                     López Obrador and his sup-
            could weaken democracy                                                                                              porters  have  been  critical
            in Mexico.                                                                                                          of  the  electoral  institute
            The bill was approved late                                                                                          since 2006 when he came
            Wednesday  by  Mexico’s                                                                                             within  0.56%  of  the  vote
            Senate, 72-50.                                                                                                      of  winning  the  presidency
            The new law would cut sal-   Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador speaks during the North America Summit, at   and denounced his loss as
            aries, funding for local elec-  the National Palace in Mexico City, Jan. 10, 2023.                                  fraudulent. He and his sup-
            tion offices and training for                                                                      Associated Press  porters  launched  a  mass
            citizens  who  operate  and  “outside the law.”           commonly accepted form  “It’s  not  about  undoing  protest movement.
            oversee  polling  stations.  It  While  López  Obrador  was  of  identification  in  Mexico,  democracy, it’s a different  “This  is  still  driven  by  his
            would  also  reduce  sanc-   nonchalant    about    the  and  oversees  balloting  in  conception  of  democra-     grievances from from those
            tions  for  candidates  who  court  challenges,  in  the  the remote and often dan-    cy,” Estevez said. “It’s more  years,” Estevez noted.
            fail  to  report  campaign  past  he  has  frequently  at-  gerous corners of the coun-  majoritarian,  and  less  de-  López  Obrador  later  won
            spending.                    tacked  Mexico’s  judiciary  try.                         pendent  on  inadequate,  the  presidency  by  a  wide
            López  Obrador  said  he  and  claimed  judges  are  Protests        are     already  unproductive  and  mistak-    margin in 2018.
            expects  court  challenges  part of a conservative con-   planned in multiple cities in  en elites.”                Many  in  Mexico  see  the
            to  the  bill,  like  those  that  spiracy against his adminis-  Mexico against the reform,  López  Obrador  remains  electoral  institute  as  a  key
            have  previously  been  filed  tration.                   in part encouraged by the  highly  popular  in  Mexico,  pillar of the country’s mod-
            against many of his admin-   Elections in Mexico are ex-  electoral institute itself.  with  approval  ratings  of  ern democracy since 2000.
            istration’s reforms.         pensive  by  international  Federico  Estevez,  a  retired  around  60%,  but  cannot  López   Obrador’s    ruling
            “All of this is part of normal  standards, in part because  political  science  profes-  run  for  re-election.  Part  of  Morena party is favored in
            politics  in  a  democracy,”  almost  all  legal  campaign  sor  at  the  Autonomous  his  popular  appeal  comes  next  year’s  national  elec-
            López  Obrador  said,  add-  financing  is,  by  law,  sup-  Technological  Institute  of  from  railing  against  high-  tions  and  the  opposition
            ing  that  he  believed  the  plied  by  the  government.  Mexico, said the opposition  paid  government  bureau-   is  in  disarray,  which  would
            measure    should   survive  The  electoral  institute  also  claims that López Obrador  crats,  and  he  has  been  seem to give the president
            constitutional   challenges  issues  the  secure  voter  ID  is  “dismantling  democra-  angered  by  the  fact  that  little incentive to attack the
            because  none  of  it  was  cards  that  are  the  most  cy” are exaggerated.          some top electoral officials  electoral institute.q

            Amid crackdown on dissent, Tunisian leader turns on migrants

            By BOUAZZA BEN BOUAZZA       curity,  military  fronts”  and  on foreigners. Saied’s com-  rity Council meeting raised  Also  Thursday,  authorities
            Associated Press             strict application of the law  ments  at  a  National  Secu-  a  storm  on  social  media  in  Kasserine,  near  Tunisia’s
            TUNIS,  Tunisia  (AP)  —  Tuni-                                                        and  condemnations  from  western  border  with  Al-
            sian authorities on Thursday                                                           nongovernmental  organi-     geria,  said  security  forces
            said  they  have  arrested                                                             zations. Tunisia, once laud-  have  arrested  69  migrants
            dozens  of  migrants  near                                                             ed as the only budding de-   of  various  nationalities  in
            the  Algerian  border,  two                                                            mocracy in the Arab world,  the  past  48  hours  for  ille-
            days after Tunisia’s increas-                                                          has  recently  also  seen  a  gal entry. There are no of-
            ingly  authoritarian  leader                                                           crackdown  on  opposition  ficial  data  on  the  number
            claimed  there’s  a  plot  to                                                          politicians and activists.   of sub-Saharan migrants in
            erase  his  country’s  identity                                                        In  a  statement  Thursday,  Tunisia,  but  a  2021  count
            by bringing in sub-Saharan                                                             the  Tunisia-Africa  Business  estimated  them  at  21,000.
            Africans.                                                                              Council  denounced  “rac-    Migrants mainly enter from
            President  Kais  Saied  said                                                           ist  practices  ...  spreading  Algeria and Libya, and usu-
            Tuesday that “urgent mea-                                                              panic among sub-Saharan  ally  want  to  continue  their
            sures” were needed to ad-                                                              students in Tunisian universi-  journey to Europe.
            dress  the  entry  of  irregular                                                       ties.” It said a “strong mes-  Presidential   aide   Walid
            immigrants  from  sub-Saha-                                                            sage”  should  be  sent  to  Hajjem  said  Wednesday
            ran countries, “with their lot   Migrants from Tunisia gesture as they sail in a wooden boat as   reassure  African  students,  that planned measures for
            of violence, crimes and un-  they are assisted by crew members of the Spanish NGO Open   and   “clear   instructions  sub-Saharan  migrants  will
            acceptable practices.”       Arms, sixteen miles west of the Italian island of Pantelleria in the   given  to  security  forces  to  not  breach  their  human
            He  ordered  a  rapid  re-   Mediterranean sea, on Friday, Aug. 5, 2022.               ensure security ... including  rights  or  hurt  relations  with
            sponse via “diplomatic, se-                                           Associated Press  the rights of foreigners.”  African countries.q
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