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                                                                                                                           Monday 14 october 2019

            Aruba Art Circle presents:

            Luis Quintero at Cas di Cultura Sunday at 11am

            By Clyde Harms               ezuela Positiva” and many
            ORANJESTAD  —Tim  Pant-      more.
            ing once wrote this in Clas-
            sical  Guitar  Magazine  of  I met him for the first time in
            London: “The first thing that  January 2006 when he per-
            impressed me was the ob-     formed  in  the  Ballroom  of
            vious force in the fingers of  the Marriott Hotel Aruba. At
            Quintero.  His  performance  that  time  he  was  already
            was always firm and full of  well known in Aruba as he
            musical contrasts. The pas-  had  given  concerts  and
            sages  of  velocity  were  al-  had conducted workshops
            ways  performed  with  pro-  here. I had the pleasure of
            found confidence and one  attending many of his con-
            could  perceive  that  Quin-  certs  the  following  years
            tero  felt  profoundly  what  in  Maracaibo,  Venezuela
            he was interpreting. A per-  where he used to perform
            former overflowed with vir-  for the Festival Nuevo Mun-
            tuosity”.  That is also the im-  do.
            pression  that  Luis  Quintero
            has left on me to this date.  Playing  his  beloved  guitar
            And  now  you  can  experi-  in  July  as  part  of  the  2019
            ence  this  too  as  Quintero  Aruba  Symphony  Festival
            will perform here in Aruba.  he charmed us at Casibari
                                         Café,  at  Paseo  Herencia
            A  child  prodigy,  Quintero  and  on  board  the  Free-
            started  his  musical  educa-  winds.  I  now  look  forward   the Brazilian João Pernam-  own.                     tober  20  starting  at  11am.
            tion  at  the  “Escuela  Supe-  to attend his matinée con-  buco;  the  Venezuelans  Ig-  The concert will be at Cas  Tickets are only obtainable
            rior  de  Música  Jose  Angel  cert  in  Cas  di  Cultura  on   nacio Figueredo and Anto-  di  Cultura  in  a  matinée  before the concert at Cas
            Lamas”  in  Caracas,  Ven-   Sunday, October 20.          nio Lauro; and works of his  concert  on  Sunday  Oc-     di Cultura. See you there!q
            ezuela. He is the only Latin
            American who did his post-   The  guitar  was  devel-
            graduate  studies  at  the  oped  in  the  16th  century
            Julliard  School  of  Music  in  as accompaniment to the
            New York with a full schol-  Gypsy/Flamenco  music  in
            arship from that institute.    Spain, but in Sunday’s con-
                                         cert at Cas di Cultura Quin-
            Quintero was the winner of  tero  will  majestically  dem-
            the  Antonio  Lauro  Biennial  onstrate how the guitar has
            Prize  for  Professional  Inter-  developed  into  a  musical
            preters, and of the Rodrigo  instrument for which many
            Riviero  Concourse.  He  has  famous composers from all
            received  many  awards  over the world score.
            and recognitions: Order of  His program contains works
            “José  Felix  Ribas  in  the  1st  by  the  French  Armenian
            Class”;  medal  and  diplo-  Laurent  Boutros;  the  Hun-
            ma of the Fundación Ven-     garian János Gáspár Mertz;
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