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                  Monday 14 october 2019
            Tunisia polls suggest conservative professor wins election

            By BOUAZZA BEN BOUAZZA                                                                                              During   the   presidential
            Associated Press                                                                                                    race, Saied shunned politi-
            TUNIS, Tunisia (AP) — A con-                                                                                        cal rallies, preferring to run
            servative,  Islamist-backed                                                                                         his campaign from discreet
            law professor looked set to                                                                                         locations  like  cafes,  or  let
            assume Tunisia's presidency                                                                                         young people rally support.
            after polling agencies sug-                                                                                         He enjoyed an enthusiastic
            gested  he  overwhelmingly                                                                                          youth  campaign  machine
            won  Sunday's  runoff  elec-                                                                                        that  cheered  him  on  Twit-
            tion in the country that un-                                                                                        ter,  and  backing  from  the
            leashed  the  Arab  Spring                                                                                          No.  1  and  No.  3  parties  in
            pro-democracy uprisings.                                                                                            the  new  parliament:  the
            Kais  Saied's  supporters  ex-                                                                                      moderate Islamist party En-
            ploded  with  joy,  celebrat-                                                                                       nahdha and the Al Karama
            ing on the main boulevard                                                                                           Coalition,  led  by  a  radical
            of Tunis, and Saied thanked                                                                                         Islamist lawyer.
            his  supporters  and  an-                                                                                           Voters lined up even before
            nounced plans to travel to                                                                                          polls opened in the capital,
            neighboring  Libya  and  Al-                                                                                        Tunis,  choosing  between
            geria and to champion the                                                                                           two candidates who have
            Palestinian cause.                                                                                                  never held political office.
            Official  results  of  the  top-                                                                                    The  only  thing  Saied  and
            sy-turvy   election   —   in                                                                                        Karoui  had  in  common
            which  Saied's  rival,  Nabil   Tunisian law professor Kais Saied prepares to kiss the national flag Sunday, Oct. 13, 2019 in Tunis.   was  their  outsider  status.
            Karoui,  spent  most  of  the                                                                      Associated Press  Both  rose  to  the  runoff  on
            campaign     behind    bars  23%  and  27%.  The  poll-   ple and local governments.   sons, arguing that the hot-  the  disenchantment  of  Tu-
            —  weren't  expected  until  ing  agencies  questioned  "A  new  page  in  history  is  button  issue  is  decided  by  nisians,  particularly  young
            Tuesday.                     several  thousand  people  turning,"  he  told  reporters  the Quran, the Muslim holy  people and the poor, who
            The winner inherits a North  in  person  in  various  con-  in Tunis after the polls came  book.                    feel  the  governing  class
            African  country  struggling  stituencies  on  voting  day.  out. A former constitutional  With poker-straight posture,  hasn't fulfilled the promises
            to create jobs, revive tour-  Emhrod  Consulting  said  its  law professor, Saied prom-  a blank visage and a stac-  of the 2011 "jasmine revolu-
            ism and overcome sporad-     poll  had  a  margin  of  error  ised  to  uphold  Tunisia's  cato  speaking  style  —  in  tion" that unleashed revolts
            ic extremist violence — but  of  two  percentage  points,  post-revolution   constitu-  literary Arabic inaccessible  around the Arab world.
            proud of its still-budding de-  while  Sigma  Conseil  said  tion, saying, "No one will be  to many in the rural interior  "I just hope that everything
            mocracy.  This  is  only  Tuni-  its  margin  of  error  was  1.5  above the law."     —  he  has  been  assigned  that will happen in the next
            sia's  second  free  presiden-  points.                   Despite the backing of En-   the nickname "Robocop."      five years will be better for
            tial election.               Saied,  61,  is  an  indepen-  nahdha, he described him-  A 2013 TV show with a hid-   Tunisia,"  said  voter  Elfi  Za-
            Polls carried in Tunisian me-  dent outsider but is support-  self as politically neutral.  den  camera,  and  Saied  ouarda, casting a ballot in
            dia  by  Sigma  Conseil  and  ed  by  moderate  Islamist  "I am independent and will  as  guest,  created  a  fake  Tunis.
            Emhrod Consulting forecast  party  Ennahdha,  which  remain  so  until  the  end  of  earthquake  in  the  studio.  More  than  100,000  police,
            that Saied would come out  won last week's parliamen-     my life," he said during the  Things  banged,  the  table  soldiers and security forces
            on  top  with  between  72%  tary elections. He promised  campaign.                    shook  violently,  along  with  guarded  polling  stations,
            and 77% of the votes. Me-    to  overturn  Tunisia's  gov-  Firmly  conservative,  Saied  Saied's  chair.    He  sat  im-  and  thousands  of  local
            dia  magnate  Karoui  was  erning  structure,  handing  opposes equal inheritance  passively, at one point only  and foreign observers mon-
            projected  to  win  between  more power to young peo-     rights  for  daughters  and  looking at his watch.        itored the vote.q
              Brexit divorce talks between UK and EU go down to the wire

              By JILL LAWLESS                                                                      But  negotiations  intensi-  by both British and Europe-
              Associated Press                                                                     fied  last  week  after  John-  an parliaments. Many Brit-
              LONDON  (AP)  —  British                                                             son and Irish Prime Minister  ish  lawmakers  —  on  both
              Prime  Minister  Boris  John-                                                        Leo  Varadkar  said  they  pro-Brexit and pro-EU sides
              son was to brief his Cabinet                                                         could see a "pathway" to  of  the  debate  —  remain
              Sunday on the progress of                                                            a divorce agreement that  unconvinced.
              last-minute Brexit talks with                                                        avoids  a  no-deal  Brexit,  Lawmaker Nigel Dodds of
              the European Union, amid                                                             something economists say  Northern  Ireland's  Demo-
              signs  of  progress  but  also                                                       would  hurt  both  the  U.K.  cratic  Unionist  Party  —
              deep-seated     skepticism                                                           and EU economies.           which  props  up  Johnson's
              about  the  chances  of  a                                                           Both  sides  say  substantial  Conservative minority gov-
              deal.                                                                                gaps  remain  and  it's  un-  ernment  —  has  rejected
              Britain is due to leave the                                                          clear  whether  they  can  one  suggested  compro-
              28-nation  bloc  on  Oct.                                                            be bridged in time for an  mise, in which Northern Ire-
              31, and attempts to find a   Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson gestures as he participates   orderly  British  departure  land  stayed  in  a  customs
              deal have foundered over  in  an  art  class  at  St  Mary's  and  All  Saints  Primary  School  in   at  the  end  of  this  month.  partnership  with  the  EU  in
              plans for keeping an open  Beaconsfield, England, Friday, Oct. 11, 2019.             A  crucial  EU  summit,  the  order to remove the need
              border between EU mem-                                              Associated Press  last scheduled chance to  for  border  checks.  The
              ber  Ireland  and  the  U.K.'s  der — something that un-  nated  Brexit  discussions  strike a deal, begins Thurs-  DUP strongly opposes any
              Northern Ireland.           derpinned  both  the  local  for three years, ever since  day.                       measures that would treat
              The  challenge  of  main-   economy and the region's  U.K. voters chose in 2016 to  If a Brexit deal is reached, it  Northern Ireland differently
              taining  an  invisible  bor-  peace  deal  —  has  domi-  leave the EU.              still needs to be approved  than the rest of the U.K. q
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