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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 14 october 2019

            New Orleans hotel collapse:
            Search on for a missing worker

            NEW  ORLEANS  (AP)  —  been worse. He wanted to           celed  through  the  end  of
            Rescue  crews  on  Sunday  make  sure  his  co-workers    its  run  next  weekend.  She
            sought  to  find  a  worker  were  safe.  He  was  envi-  urged patience because it
            missing  in  the  rubble  of  a  sioning  the  two  who  were   could take weeks or even
            New Orleans hotel that par-  on  the  floor  with  him,"   months  to  clean  up  the
            tially collapsed while under  Cantrell  said.  Crews  on   area.
            construction,  proceeding  Sunday were assembling a       "This structure is not stable.
            with  caution  because  the  220,000-pound  (99,800-ki-   We  want  people  to  stay
            dangerous  of  working  in  logram)  crane  driven  into   away  from  the  area.  How   Debris hangs on the side of the building after a large portion of a
            the  unstable  building,  au-  the city overnight to begin   we  touch  it  —  it  just  mat-  hotel under construction suddenly collapsed in New Orleans on
            thorities said.              the delicate process of re-  ters," the mayor said.q      Saturday, Oct. 12, 2019.                 Associated Press
            Officials  declined  to  say  if  moving  the  large  amount
            they  have  any  indication  of fallen debris, McConnell
            whether  the  missing  work-  said.
            er  is  alive  after  Saturday's  The  project's  contractor,
            collapse.   New    Orleans  Citadel  Builders  LLC,  was
            Fire  Chief  Tim  McConnell  flying in engineers from Eu-
            said they are treating their  rope to help crews remove
            work  as  a  rescue  mission  debris  without  risking  the
            until  they  have  evidence  life of the missing person or
            the missing person is dead  nearby buildings and aid in
            along with two other peo-    the  investigation,  officials
            ple  killed  when  a  large  said. Neither Citadel Build-
            part of the Hard Rock Hotel  ers  nor  emergency  offi-
            project crashed down near  cials have commented on
            the  city's  historic  French  any potential cause of the
            Quarter."Safety  is  the  No.  building collapse.
            1  thing.  The  last  thing  you  The  new  Hard  Rock  Hotel
            want  to  do  when  you  are  was  under  construction
            trying to rescue somebody  at  the  corner  of  Rampart
            is  lose  someone  else,"  Mc-  Street and Canal Street, a
            Connell  said  at  a  news  broad  boulevard  just  out-
            conference Sunday.           side  the  French  Quarter
            Several  floors  of  the  hotel  that is lined with restaurants
            toppled  down  Saturday  hotels and retailers. Canal,
            amid  blinding  dust  and  which  carries  six  lanes  of
            flying  debris.  WWL-TV  ob-  traffic  divided  by  a  wide
            tained a viewer's dramatic  median  where  streetcars
            video  of  upper  floors  col-  roll,  separates  the  Quarter
            lapsing  Saturday  before  from  the  city's  main  busi-
            one  side  of  the  building  ness district.
            crashed to the street.       Officials  warned  massive
            New Orleans Mayor LaToya  disruptions  in  the  area  will
            Cantrell told media outlets  likely last for weeks. Reports
            later Sunday that the body  said about 100 residents in
            of one of the two dead has  the mandatory evacuation
            been  recovered  and  the  zone have been displaced
            coroner's  office  is  working  from their homes. And some
            to identify the victim.      debris from the building fell
            Thirty people were injured.  on the roof of the Saenger
            Only  one  remains  in  the  Theatre.  Cantrell  said  the
            hospital.  The  mayor  visited  exact damage to the the-
            the man, who had surgery  ater  has  not  been  deter-
            for a leg injury.            mined,  but  productions  of
            "He  told  me  it  could  have  "Wicked"  have  been  can-
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