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                                                                                                  up front Monday 14 october 2019

            Voters weary of more investigations as impeachment ramps up

            Continued from Front         to  Fishers  from  Indianapo-  upper  middle-class  area
                                         lis  almost  three  years  ago.   of young families and two-
            "I think they wanted to do  The  question  about  how     story  homes,  there  were
            it all along, and they're just  to  move  forward  with  im-  signs of problems for Trump
            looking  for  another  way,  peachment is of particular   and  the  GOP.  For  every
            another  avenue,"  Sten-     concern to both parties in   supporter of the president,
            ske,  a  55-year-old  Trump  places such as Fishers, one   it  was  easy  to  find  some-
            supporter,  said  of  the  im-  of  the  country's  fastest-  one — most of them wom-
            peachment        proceed-    growing suburbs. The com-    en — eager for his time in
            ings  as  he  walked  his  dog  munity has more than dou-  office to end.
            through  a  suburban  Indi-  bled  in  population  since   "I  think  that  what  hap-
            anapolis  park  last  week.  "I  2000,  to  just  over  90,000   pened  is  impeachable,"
            think  it's  kind  of  a  ploy  to  people.  Companies  have   she  said.  "I  also  think  that
            help keep the pressure on  located  to  the  area,  and   at  this  point  anyone  who
            him  and  muddy  his  cam-   young  families  have  been   doesn't support him is now
            paign,  his  chances  to  win  drawn to its good schools,   jumping on 'This is how we   Mark  Stenske  walks  his  dog,  Leo,  as  he  discusses  the
            in 2020."                    entertainment  and  acres    can  impeach  him.  This  is   impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump while walking
            Polling  finds  that  support  and acres of green space.  our  path  to  get  this  done   in a park, Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2019, in Fishers, Ind.
            for  the  inquiry  has  grown  The  boom  in  Fishers  and   to get him out of office.'"q                                       Associated Press
            since    House     Speaker  the    surrounding   region
            Nancy  Pelosi,  D-Calif.,  an-  has  changed  the  face
            nounced  the  start  of  the  of  Indiana's  5th  Congres-
            investigation  last  month  sional  District,  a  once  reli-
            following  a  whistleblower  ably Republican area that
            complaint.  But  what  those  backed Trump by nearly 12
            numbers  don't  show  is  the  percentage points in 2016.
            sense  of  fatigue  among  The  increased  number  of
            some Americans — a fac-      college-educated,    more
            tor that could be significant  liberal  residents  has  given
            as  Democrats  leading  the  Democrats hope that they
            inquiry debate how to pro-   may pick up a seat here in
            ceed with an election year  2020,  when  GOP  Rep.  Su-
            approaching.                 san Brooks is retiring.
            It's a feeling shared by peo-  Democrat  Joe  Donnelly
            ple on both sides.           narrowly  won  the  district
            For  Trump  supporters  such  in  2018,  even  as  he  lost
            as  Stenske,  the  impeach-  his  Senate  reelection  bid
            ment inquiry is more of the  statewide, and Democrats
            same  from  obstructionist  think  the  area  looks  a  lot
            Democrats still bitter about  like  the  suburban  districts
            the  2016  election.  Those  that helped them win con-
            who want Trump gone say  trol of the House during last
            it's  tough  to  feel  hopeful  year's midterm elections.
            after  watching  him  flout  Trump should find plenty of
            the rules and spew divisive  ardent  defenders  here  —
            rhetoric  for  almost  a  full  people  like  Stenske,  who
            term — and get away with  voted  for  Trump  in  2016
            all  of  it.  "Impeachment  in  and  thinks  he's  doing  a
            general has been depress-    "great job" as president de-
            ing  because  it's  sad  that  spite what he sees as Dem-
            it's  taken  this  long,"  said  ocrats'   relentless   efforts
            Megan  Gettelfinger,  33,  to  sabotage  him.  But  at  a
            a  preschool  teacher  and  park in the heart of Fishers'
            mother of two who moved  Sunblest neighborhood, an
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