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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 14 october 2019

            Family seeks answers after

            police kill Texas woman at home

            FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) —  we  got  the  call,  it's  been   immediately  respond  to
            A white police officer who  more and more inconceiv-      a  message  seeking  com-
            killed  a  black  woman  in-  able  and  more  confus-    ment Sunday.
            side her Texas home while  ing. And there has nothing     Democratic     presidential
            responding to a neighbor's  been done in order to take    candidate  Bernie  Sanders
            call  about  an  open  front  away that confusion," Body   on  Sunday  called  on  the
            door  "didn't  have  time  to  said. Police said the officer,   Justice  Department  to  in-
            perceive  a  threat"  before  who's  been  on  the  force   vestigate.
            he  opened  fire,  an  attor-  since  April  2018,  is  on  ad-  "The  killings  of  unarmed
            ney for the woman's family  ministrative  leave  pending   Black Americans have got
            said.                        the  outcome  of  an  inves-  to end," Sanders tweeted.   In this Saturday, Oct. 12, 2019, image made from a body camera
                                                                                                   video released by the Fort Worth Police Department an officer
            "You didn't hear the officer  tigation. His name was not   "Atatiana  Jefferson  should   shines a flashlight into a window in Fort Worth, Texas.
            shout, 'Gun, gun, gun,'" at-  released.                   be alive."q                                                           Associated Press
            torney Lee Merritt said after  James  Smith,  who  called
            viewing  video  taken  from  a  police  non-emergency
            a  Fort  Worth  officer's  bo-  number  about  the  open
            dycam  during  Saturday's  door, told reporters he was
            shooting  of  Atatiana  Jef-  just  trying  to  be  a  good
            ferson,  28.  "He  didn't  have  neighbor.
            time  to  perceive  a  threat.  "I'm  shaken.  I'm  mad.  I'm
            That's murder."              upset.  And  I  feel  it's  partly
            Her  family  told  KXAS  tele-  my  fault,"  Smith  said.  "If  I
            vision  that  Jefferson  was  had  never  dialed  the  po-
            watching  her  8-year-old  lice  department,  she'd  still
            nephew  when  she  was  be alive."
            killed early Saturday.       Smith  said  Jefferson  and
            The  Fort  Worth  Police  De-  her nephew typically lived
            partment  said  in  a  state-  with  an  older  woman,
            ment  that  officers  saw  who's been in the hospital.
            someone  near  a  window  "It  makes  you  not  want
            inside  the  home  and  that  to  call  the  police  depart-
            one of them drew his duty  ment," he said.
            weapon  and  fired  after  Merritt said Jefferson's fam-
            "perceiving  a  threat."  The  ily expects "a thorough and
            video  released  by  police  expedient investigation."
            shows  two  officers  search-  The  Fort  Worth  Police  De-
            ing the home from the out-   partment  said  it  released
            side  with  flashlights  before  bodycam  footage  soon
            one shouts, "Put your hands  after  the  shooting  to  pro-
            up,  show  me  your  hands."  vide transparency, but that
            One  shot  is  then  fired  any  "camera  footage  in-
            through a window. The of-    side  the  residence"  could
            ficer does not identify him-  not  be  distributed  due  to
            self as police in the video.  state  law.  However,  the
            "It's  another  one  of  those  bodycam  video  released
            situations  where  the  peo-  to  media  included  blurred
            ple  that  are  supposed  to  still  frames  showing  a  gun
            protect us are actually not  inside  a  bedroom  at  the
            here to protect us," said Jef-  home.  It's  unclear  if  the
            ferson's sister, Amber Carr.  firearm  was  found  near
            "You  know,  you  want  to  the  woman,  and  police
            see justice, but justice don't  have  not  said  that  the  of-
            bring  my  sister  back,"  she  ficer who shot her thought
            said.                        she had a gun. The police
            An aunt, Venitta Body, said  statement  released  Satur-
            the family does not under-   day  said  only  that  officers
            stand  why  Jefferson  was  who entered the residence
            killed.                      after  the  shooting  found
            "It's  like  from  the  moment  a  firearm.  Police  did  not
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