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                  Monday 14 october 2019
            Indigenous leaders, officials head to Ecuador protest talks

            By MICHAEL WEISSENSTEIN                                                                                             streets  Sunday  morning
            GONZALO SOLANO                                                                                                      and  thousands  of  people
            Associated Press                                                                                                    were  out  walking,  driving
            QUITO,  Ecuador  (AP)  —                                                                                            and  trying  to  run  errands
            Residents   of   Ecuador's                                                                                          like  getting  money  from
            capital  picked  their  way                                                                                         cash machines.
            through  piles  of  burnt  tires                                                                                    Moreno  said  his  govern-
            and  chunks  of  pavement                                                                                           ment would address some
            Sunday as the government                                                                                            concerns   of   protesters,
            and  indigenous  protesters                                                                                         studying ways to ensure re-
            headed  to  negotiations                                                                                            sources  reach  rural  areas
            aimed  at  defusing  more                                                                                           and  offering  compensa-
            than a week of demonstra-                                                                                           tion for those who lost earn-
            tions  that  have  paralyzed                                                                                        ings because of the recent
            the nation's economy.                                                                                               upheaval.  "We'll  negotiate
            Protests  against  a  plan  to                                                                                      with those who have decid-
            remove  fuel  subsidies  as                                                                                         ed  to  do  so,"  Moreno  said
            part  of  an  International                                                                                         in remarks broadcast on ra-
            Monetary  Fund  austerity                                                                                           dio and television. "The pro-
            package  have  left  seven                                                                                          cess is moving forward and
            dead  and  halved  oil  pro-  Anti-government demonstrators man a barricade during clashes with the police, near the national   I  hope  to  give  you  good
            duction,  forcing  Ecuador   assembly building in Quito, Ecuador, Saturday, Oct. 12, 2019.                          news soon, because differ-
            to  temporarily  stop  ship-                                                                       Associated Press  ent organizations and sec-
            ping its most important ex-  a  24-hour  curfew  imposed   old unemployed sign-mak-    windows  and  setting  the  tors  have  confirmed  their
            port.  The  United  Nations  on Saturday, allowing peo-   er, stood on a corner in the  building afire. Elsewhere in  willingness to talk."
            and  Ecuadorian  Bishops'  ple to move freely around      Carcelen     neighborhood  the city, groups of masked  Moreno  said  the  masked
            Conference  said  nego-      the  capital  between  11    near  a  line  of  burned  tires  men attacked media offic-  protesters  had  nothing  to
            tiations  would  begin  at  3  a.m. and 8 p.m. daily.     that blocked one of the city  es, setting fires before they  do with the thousands of in-
            p.m. local time (4 p.m. EDT)  The  protests  have  drawn   main thoroughfares on Sat-  were driven off by police.   digenous Ecuadorians who
            between  President  Lenín  in  thousands  of  Ecuador-    urday. Limaico said that he  Lastly, across Quito, groups  have  protested  for  more
            Moreno's government and  ians from outside the indig-     and his wife had struggled  of neighbors — indigenous,  than a week over a sudden
            the Confederation of Indig-  enous  minority  and  many   for years to feed and house  white and mixed, or mestizo  rise in fuel prices as part of
            enous  Nations,  which  has  said  they  would  continue   their three children, ages 9  —  blocked  streets,  burned  an  International  Monetary
            brought  thousands  of  in-  demonstrating  despite  the   to 15, with their earnings of  tires and banged pots and  Fund-backed      austerity
            digenous  protesters  to  the  negotiations.  On  Sunday   about  $600  a  month  from  pans  to  protest  Moreno's  package.  He  blamed  the
            capital and organized anti-  afternoon,  hundreds  of     odd  jobs  around  northern  austerity  package.  Others,  violence  on  drug  traffick-
            austerity protests across the  people  defied  the  curfew   Quito.                    tired of the chaos, banged  ers,  organized  crime  and
            country,  from  the  Andes  and  headed  toward  the      Then,  prices  of  food  and  pots  and  pans  to  protest  followers  of  former  Presi-
            high  sierra  to  the  Amazon  main protest site, some car-  other  basic  goods  rose  the  demonstrations  and  dent  Rafael  Correa,  who
            rainforest.                  rying wooden poles. Police   sharply  after  Moreno  re-  call for a return to normal-  has  denied  allegations  he
            The  public  ombudsman's  let  them  enter  the  park     moved  fuel  subsidies  on  ity.  "Every  citizen  that  dis-  is trying to topple Moreno's
            office said Sunday that sev-  and  surrounding  area  but   Oct. 2. Limaico said it had  agrees  with  government  government.
            en people had died in the  searched  people's  bags       become      impossible   to  decisions  can  protest  in  Moreno  served  Correa  as
            protests,  1,340  had  been  and  confiscated  potential   make  ends  meet,  and  he  the  right  way  but  let's  not  vice  president  before  he
            hurt  and  1,152  arrested.  weapons.                     had  been  protesting  for  mix that up with vandalism  become  president  and
            The government shortened  Michael Limaico, a 35-year-     days  with  neighbors  who  and  robbery,"  said  James  the two men went through
                                                                      have  blocked  Diego  de  Baez,  a  78-year-old  retired  a  bitter  split  as  Moreno
            Thousands join protest                                    Vazquez Avenue as it pass-   employee of an American  pushed  to  curb  public
                                                                                                   tire  company.  He  said  he  debt amassed on Correa's
                                                                      es through Carcelen.
            called by Haiti's art                                     "This isn't a protest of thieves,  supported Moreno and the  watch.
                                                                                                                                Ecuador,  a  former  OPEC
                                                                      of gangsters," he said. "This  decision  to  impose  a  cur-
            community                                                 is  the  people,  and  we're  few.                        member, was left deeply in
                                                                                                                                debt by a decade of high-
                                                                                                   On  Sunday  morning,  sol-
                                                                      fed up."
                                                                      Demonstrations  in  Quito  diers and had retaken con-     spending governance and
            Associated Press             slogans   against   Moïse,   took three distinct forms on  trol of the epicenter of the  the oil price drop. Moreno
            PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP)  expressing    anger    over   Saturday,  the  most  tumul-  protests in Quito — the park  is  raising  taxes,  liberaliz-
            —  Thousands  of  Haitians  corruption,  rising  inflation   tuous in 10 days of protests  and  streets  leading  to  the  ing labor laws and cutting
            have  joined  a  protest  in  and a lack of basic goods   against  Moreno's  austerity  National Assembly and the  public spending in order to
            the  capital  called  by  the  in the Western Hemisphere's   measures. Thousands of in-  national  comptroller's  of-  win more than $4 billion in
            art community to demand  poorest country.                 digenous people protested  fice.                          emergency financing from
            President  Jovenel  Moïse  "Not  our  president"  and     outside  the  National  As-  Moreno  said  the  military  the IMF.
            resign,  increasing  pressure  "We want a different Haiti,"   sembly  in  the  city  center.  would  enforce  the  curfew  As part of that plan, More-
            on  the  embattled  leader  read signs in the protest in   Front-line  troops  of  young  in  Quito  and  around  criti-  no  eliminated  subsidies  on
            after   nearly   a   month  Port-au-Prince.               people,  both  whites  and  cal  infrastructure  like  pow-  the  price  of  fuel  on  Oct.
            of  marches  that  have  The  demonstration  comes        mestizos  from  inside  Quito  er stations and hospitals in  2,  driving  the  most  popu-
            shuttered    schools   and  amid  a  spike  in  violence   and  indigenous  from  the  response  to  the  day's  vio-  lar variety of gasoline from
            businesses.                  in   Haiti's   capital   and   countryside,  fought  police  lence.  It  was  the  first  such  $1.85 to $2.39 a gallon and
            Members of one art group  surrounding      communities    with stones, Molotov cock-   action  imposed  since  a  diesel  from  $1.03  to  $2.30.
            wore what appeared to be  as      protests   that   have   tails  and  improvised  mor-  series of coups in the 1960s  Panic and speculation sent
            diapers on their heads and  caused  nearly  20  deaths    tars.  Several  dozen  broke  and  '70s,  although  there  prices soaring, with costs of
            held  empty  bowls,  while  and  almost  200  injuries    into  the  national  comp-   was  little  military  or  police  some products doubling or
            other  protesters  chanted  paralyze the country.q        troller   office,   smashing  presence  on  most  Quito  more.q
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