Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20211209
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a28    obituario/u.s. news
                 Diahuebs 9 December 2021

                                                                 Seattle socialist politician faces tight race in

                                                                                                 recall push

                                                              (AP) — Preliminary results Tuesday showed
                                                              Seattle  voters  narrowly  in  favor  of  recall-
                                                              ing socialist City Councilmember Kshama
             “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada    Sawant, a firebrand who pushed the city to
             Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.    adopt a $15 minimum wage, raged against
             E ta hibami na awa trankil,                      hometown tech giant Amazon for its busi-
             Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                         ness practices and angered many with her
             Salmo: 23
                                                              aggressive political tactics.
             Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:
                                                              But the election is being conducted by a mail-in
                                                              vote, so definitive results may not be known for

                                                              several days as more ballots are counted. And Se-
                                                              attle’s election counts are known to swing wildly
                                                              until final results are posted.
                                                                                                             ing last month’s general election, when business-
                                                              Sawant represents the city council district con-  friendly candidates won the mayor’s office and a
                                                              sidered  Seattle’s  most  liberal  and  includes  the   council seat.
                                                              neighborhoods east of the downtown area.
                                                                                                             In  the  first  count  released  by  officials  Tuesday
                                                              If  Sawant  is  recalled,  the  other  eight  council   night,  53%  voted  to  recall  Sawant.  But  she  has
                                                              members  would  appoint  a  replacement  until  a   come  from  behind  during  previous  elections  to
                                                              special election next November.                win despite larger initial vote deficits.
                                                              Sawant,  48,  an  Indian  immigrant  and  an  eco-  Sawant has had an outsized influence on the tone
                  Leopoldo José Leonardo                      nomics professor, is the longest-tenured council   and direction of Seattle politics since she launched
                                                                                                             her political career under the banner of the Social-
                       *17-01-1936 - †04-12-2021              member in Seattle.                             ist Alternative party in 2012, when she ran unsuc-
                                                              If she survives the recall it would boost the city’s   cessfully for state representative.
             Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.        beleaguered  left  wing,  which  was  bruised  dur-

                                                                                                             Navy contests Hawaii’s

                                                                                                                  orders to suspend,

                                                                                                                    drain fuel tanks

             “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada    The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
             Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.    He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he
             E ta hibami na awa trankil,                      leadeth me beside the still waters.
             Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                         He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the
             Salmo: 23                                        paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

             Cu profundo tristeza na nos curason nos ta                                                      (AP) — The U.S. Navy is contesting orders
             anuncia fayecvimento di nos defunto esposa,      With great sorrow we announce the passing of   from Hawaii to suspend use of fuel tanks and
             mama, wela, ruman, tanta, suegra stima           our beloved                                    drain  them  at  a  complex  above  an  aquifer
                                                                                                             that supplies nearly 20% of Honolulu’s drink-
                                                                                                             ing water until certain conditions are met.

                                                                                                             The Navy has already said it was suspending use of
                                                                                                             the massive World War II-era fuel storage complex
                                                                                                             near  Pearl  Harbor  following  days  of  complaints
                                                                                                             that  tap  water  smells  like  fuel  and  has  sickened
                                                                                                             some people.

                                                                                                             But  Hawaii’s  state  government  order  demands
                                                                                                             that  the  suspension  remain  in  effect  until  inde-
                                                                                                             pendent evaluators can ensure that appropriate ac-
                                                                                                             tions are taken to protect drinking water.

                                                                                                             The state also wants the Navy to treat contaminat-
                                                               Suzette Mercedes Hutchinson                   ed drinking water and remove fuel from the mas-
                                                                        *08-10-1971 †03-12-2021              sive 20 underground storage tanks at the complex
                                                                                                             called the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility.
                    Maria Imaculada                           Funeral will be held on Friday December 10th
                     Gomes-de Cuba                            2021 from 2pm until 4pm at Pray Funeral        Putting the storage facility out of use could affect
                                                                                                             operations at a critical time for the Navy, especially
                                                              Home in San Nicolaas.
                       *24-03-1954 - †07-12-2021                                                             as tensions rise in the Pacific with China’s rhetoric
                                                              Her wake will be held on Thursday December     about Taiwan ramping up over the past year, said
                                                              9th from 7pm to 9 pm at the Pray Funeral       Lyle Goldstein, a Pacific Ocean maritime security
             Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.        Home in San Nicolaas                           and director of Asia Engagement at Defense Pri-
                                                                                                             orities think tank.
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