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A30    world news
                 Diahuebs 9 December 2021

                         Afghans wait and worry at US bases after frantic evacuation

                                                                                    get out as soon as possible.”       those requests are straining resettle-
                                                                                                                        ment  efforts  there  and  contributing
                                                                                    Among  the  refugees  are  new  arriv-  to the delays.
                                                                                    als  as  well.  Ghulam  Eshan  Sharifi,
                                                                                    a  microbiologist,  came  on  Nov.  14  “That’s  natural,  because  we  always
                                                                                    with his wife and two children after  gravitate towards our culture toward
                                                                                    23 days in Qatar. He was relieved but  people  who  can  help  you,”  Rahel
                                                                                    worried  about  his  adult  daughters  said. “But we try to give them some
                                                                                    back in Kabul who held government  comfort that regardless of where they
                                                                                    jobs before the Taliban returned.   go, American society is such a forgiv-
                                                                                                                        ing and giving society that people will
                                                                                    “They have no jobs now. They can-   be there to help them out.”
                                                                                    not even go outside so we are obvi-
                                                                                    ously afraid about what will happen  Given  the  extent  of  the  challenge,
                                                                                    to them,” Sharifi said. “We are hoping  the  agencies  have  enlisted  help  be-
                                                                                    that God will solve the problem.”   yond groups that typically work with
                                                                                                                        refugees,  including  veterans  groups
                                                                                    He said he hopes to settle in the Den-  and even local sports clubs to spon-
                                                                                    ver area but does not yet know when,  sor families to help them get situated.
                                                                                    or if, that will happen. “This is just  Resettlement  officials  say  it  might
                                                                                    the beginning for us,” he added.    have been easier if the entire process
                                                                                                                        had  been  shifted  to  a  U.S.  territory
            (AP)  —  The  former  interpreter  really,  really  long  period,”  said  Erol  Many  refugees  are  also  recovering  such as Guam, which has been used
            for the U.S. Army counts himself  Kekic,  a  senior  vice  president  with  from what was for many a traumatic  for that purpose in the past, or if there
            among  the  lucky  as  an  Afghan  Church  World  Service,  one  of  nine  escape from a country that collapsed  had been more time to prepare in ad-
            who managed to make it through  national resettlement agencies work-    much  more  quickly  than  the  U.S.  vance for their arrival.
            frantic crowds outside the Kabul  ing with the government in what is  government, at least publicly, antici-
            airport to board a military evacu-  formally  known  as  Operation  Allies  pated.                          “This  thing  should  have  been
            ation  flight  out  of  the  country  Welcome.                                                              planned  before  they  announced  the
            with little more than the clothes                                       “Most, if not all of them have worked  withdrawal. Right? So in that sense, it
            on his back.                        The  resettlement  organizations  and  with  our  forces  and  they  have  been  is taking longer than it should,” Mark
                                                the  Department  of  Homeland  Se-  part of the U.S. effort in some way,”  Hetfield, president of HIAS, another
            Esrar Ahmad Saber now waits, along  curity, the lead federal agency in the  said Air Force Col. Soleiman Rahel,  of  the  nine  resettlement  organiza-
            with 11,000 other Afghans, from the  effort, are working toward a goal of  who came to the U.S. with his fam-  tions, said. “But considering they de-
            safety of a U.S. base in central New  having everyone off the bases by Feb.  ily  as  a  refugee  from  Afghanistan  cided to plan for this after they made
            Jersey,  while  worrying  about  family  15. The New Jersey installation now  when he was a teenager and is on a  the  decision  to  withdraw,  given  the
            members left behind and enduring a  hosts the largest number, down from  temporary assignment working with  depletion of the capacity of the U.S.
            prolonged resettlement process.     a  high  of  14,500,  followed  by  Fort  the refugees at the base. “So, it’s very  refugee  program  over  the  last  four
                                                McCoy in Wisconsin with 7,500.      traumatic. It’s very hard for them.”  years, none of this is surprising.”
            Saber  has  been  at  Joint  Base  Mc-
            Guire-Dix-Lakehurst in central New  There  are  3,200  more  at  overseas  Rahel said he can appreciate the chal-  While refugees receive temporary as-
            Jersey since Aug. 26 as has nearly ev-  transit  points  awaiting  flights  to  the  lenges the new arrivals will face since  sistance  after  being  resettled,  most
            eryone else at one of the three “villag-  U.S.  as  well  as  some  still  making  it  his  own  parents  confronted  similar  are expected to achieve self-sufficien-
            es” set up there for refugees. “They  out of Afghanistan.               ones, including being forced to take  cy. That proves to be difficult when
            want to go to their new homes and                                       lower-level  jobs  than  they  were  ac-  many don’t speak English well, have
            start their new lives,” the 29-year-old  “I feel pretty good about our chances  customed  to  back  in  Afghanistan  so  academic  credentials  that  won’t  be
            said.  “They  are  really  excited  about  of moving everybody off the base be-  they  could  support  their  family  and  recognized in the U.S. and lack the
            it. But the fact is, the process is very  fore that day,” Kekic said. “Whether  the kids could go to school.  job and credit history needed.
            slow.”                              or not we get there by Feb. 15, I think
                                                remains to be seen.”                He also can understand why so many  Saber said he hopes his experience as
            The  slow  pace  has  become  a  defin-                                 of the refugees want to move to areas  a military interpreter will allow him
            ing characteristic of Operation Allies  The government last week conduct-  where  there  are  established  Afghan  to join the Army. He recently learned
            Welcome,  the  largest  U.S.  refugee  ed a guided tour for journalists of the  communities — particularly North-  that he would be getting resettled in
            resettlement effort in decades, which  New Jersey installation, where refu-  ern California, the Washington, D.C.,  Phoenix, but has no idea when he’ll
            follows  the  Aug.  30  withdrawal  of  gees stay in brick buildings previously  area  and  Houston  —  even  though  leave. “I’m just waiting for a flight.”
            troops from the country and an end  used as barracks or in sprawling tent-
            to America’s longest war. Even as Af-  like prefabricated structures.
            ghans  still  arrive,  thousands  remain
            in limbo, anxious about their future  There are fields for soccer, courts for
            as  they  fearfully  follow  the  news  of  basketball and cavernous warehouses
            Taliban  reprisals  and  economic  col-  where  refugees  receive  clothes  and
            lapse back in their homeland.       other supplies. There are also class-
                                                rooms for the children, who make up
            Operation Allies Welcome reached a  about 40% of the population, as well
            milestone  this  week  as  the  number  as  language  lessons  and  job  training
            resettled  in  American  communities  for adults and a medical clinic.
            —  37,000  —  surpassed  the  35,000
            at six bases around the country. But  Afghans staying at the base go through
            people involved with the effort read-  immigration  processing  as  well  as
            ily concede it’s been a challenge for a  health  screening  and  vaccinations,
            number of reasons, including a scar-  including for COVID-19. More than
            city  of  affordable  housing,  cutbacks  100 babies have been born to women
            to refugee programs under President  at the base.
            Donald  Trump  as  well  as  the  sheer
            number of refugees.                 Saber, who came from Afghanistan by
                                                himself and left a brother and sister
            “It’s been a shock to the system be-  behind, says the refugees are happy,
            cause we just haven’t had this many  just eager to move on. “It’s a dream to
            people  arrive  at  the  same  time  in  a  be here,” he said. “They just want to
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