Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20211209
P. 32
A32 sports
Diahuebs 9 December 2021
China says US diplomatic boycott violates Olympic spirit
and rumors,” Foreign Minis-
try spokesperson Zhao Lijian
told reporters. The boycott
“seriously violates the prin-
ciple of political neutrality
of sports established by the
Olympic Charter and runs
counter to the Olympic mot-
to ‘more united,’” Zhao said.
As he did the previous day,
Zhao vowed that China
would respond with “reso-
lute countermeasures” but
offered no details.
“The U.S. will pay a price
(AP) — China accused of rights abuses against eth- for its practices. You may stay
the United States of vio- nic minorities. The U.S. de- tuned for follow-ups,” Zhao
lating the Olympic spir- cision falls short of those calls said.
it on Tuesday after the but comes at an exceptionally
Biden administration turbulent time for relations On Monday, White House
announced a diplomatic between the powerhouse na- press secretary Jen Psaki told
boycott of the Beijing tions and was met with a bar- reporters that the Biden ad-
Winter Games over hu- rage of criticism from China. ministration will fully sup-
man rights concerns. port U.S. athletes competing
The U.S. is attempting to at the Games but won’t dis-
Rights groups have pushed interfere with the Beijing patch diplomats or officials to
for a full-blown boycott of Games “out of ideological attend.
the Games, accusing China prejudice and based on lies
Psaki said the U.S. has a about whether these people
“fundamental commitment come or not, and it has no
to promoting human rights” impact whatsoever on the
and that it “will not be con- #Beijing2022 to be success-
tributing to the fanfare of the fully held,” the embassy said.
China’s mission to the Unit-
The diplomatic boycott ed Nations called the boy-
comes as the U.S. attempts cott a “self-directed political
to thread the needle between farce.” Even the ruling Com-
stabilizing difficult relations munist Party’s notoriously
with Beijing and maintaining opaque Central Commission
a tough stance on trade and for Discipline Inspection is-
political conflicts. The U.S. sued a response in the form
has accused China of human of a lengthy screed on its
rights abuses against Mus- website entitled “The Spirit
lim Uyghurs in northwest of the Olympic Charter Can-
Xinjiang province, suppress- not be Tarnished.”
ing democratic movements “Some Western anti-China
in Hong Kong, committing politicians” have shown a
military aggression against “defensive Cold War men-
the self-ruled island of Tai- tality aimed at politicizing
wan and more. sport,” the article said, calling
that a “clear violation of the
Beijing has denounced U.S. Olympic spirit and a chal-
criticisms and punitive sanc- lenge to all people who love
tions as interference in its in- the Olympic movement.”
ternal affairs and slapped visa
bans on American politicians People on the streets of Bei-
it regards as anti-China. jing were overall dismissive
of the U.S. move.
Zhao warned the U.S. to
“stop politicizing sports” and “I don’t think it matters at all
cease what he said were ac- if they would come or not.
tions undermining the Bei- The Olympic Games are not
jing Winter Olympics, “oth- about one country or a cou-
erwise it will undermine the ple of countries,” said coffee
dialogue and cooperation be- shop employee Deng Tao.
tween the two countries in a
series of important areas and “Such remarks from some-
international issues.” one we never invited are sim-
The Chinese Embassy in ply a farce. And I don’t think
Washington dismissed the it will have much impact on
move as posturing in a tweet. the holding of the Winter
Olympics,” Lu Xiaolei, who
“In fact, no one would care works in trade.