Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20211209
P. 29
world news Diahuebs 9 December 2021
Scholz replaces Merkel as German chancellor, opening new era
(AP) — Center-left leader cial policies, including legal-
Olaf Scholz on Wednesday izing the sale of cannabis for
became Germany’s ninth recreational purposes and
post-World War II chan- easing the path to German
cellor, opening a new era citizenship while pledging
for the European Union’s greater efforts to deport im-
most populous nation and migrants who don’t win asy-
largest economy after An- lum.
gela Merkel’s 16-year ten-
ure. The government also plans
to increase Germany’s mini-
Scholz’s government takes mum wage and to get hun-
office with high hopes of dreds of thousands of new
modernizing Germany and apartments built to curb ris-
combating climate change ing rental prices.
but faces the immediate chal-
lenge of handling the coun- Scholz has signaled continu-
try’s toughest phase yet of the ity in foreign policy, saying
coronavirus pandemic. the government will stand up
for a strong European Union
Lawmakers voted 395-303 and nurture the trans-Atlan-
with six abstentions to elect tic alliance. He makes his first
Scholz — a comfortable ma- trip abroad to Paris on Friday,
jority, though short of the 416 maintaining a tradition for
seats his three-party coalition German chancellors, travel
holds in the 736-seat lower parture, one that takes up the ing speeches. The former la- to Brussels the same day to
house of parliament. Merkel, major challenges of this de- Merkel wished Scholz luck at bor minister and Hamburg meet EU and NATO leaders.
who is no longer a member cade and well beyond that,” a handover ceremony at the mayor has portrayed himself
of parliament, looked on Scholz said this week. If the chancellery. “Take possession both as her natural successor His three-party alliance
from the spectators’ gallery as parties succeed, he added, of this house and work with and an agent of change. brings both opportunities
parliament voted. Lawmakers “that is a mandate to be re- it for the good of our coun- and risks for all the partici-
gave her a standing ovation. elected together at the next try,” she said. Scholz thanked Scholz quipped Wednes- pants, perhaps most of all for
election.” Merkel for her work, telling day that he will stick with the Greens. After 16 years in
Scholz, 63, who had been her “you made your mark on Merkel’s “northeast German opposition, they will have to
Germany’s vice chancellor Scholz, an unflappable and this country.” mentality” and “not so much prove that they can achieve
and finance minister since supremely self-confident will change on that front.” their overarching aim of cut-
2018, brings a wealth of ex- figure who has displayed an Merkel has said she won’t ting greenhouse gas emis-
perience and discipline to an ability to put aside setbacks seek another political role The new government aims sions while working with
untried coalition of his cen- quickly, cracked a smile as he and didn’t mention any fu- to step up efforts against cli- partners who may have other
ter-left Social Democrats, the was elected and formally ap- ture plans on Wednesday. mate change by expanding priorities.
environmentalist Greens and pointed by President Frank- The 67-year-old said earlier the use of renewable energy
the pro-business Free Dem- Walter Steinmeier. this year that she will take and bringing Germany’s exit Green co-leader Robert Ha-
ocrats. The three parties are time to read and sleep “and from coal-fired power for- beck is Scholz’s vice chan-
portraying the combination The new chancellor then re- then let’s see where I show ward from 2038, “ideally” to cellor, heading a revamped
of former rivals as a progres- turned to parliament to be up.” 2030. It also wants to do more economy and climate min-
sive alliance that will bring sworn in. Scholz, who has no to modernize the country of istry. The government’s No.
new energy to the country af- religious affiliation, omitted Scholz’s style has often been 83 million people, including 3 official is Christian Lind-
ter Merkel’s near-record time the optional phrase “so help likened to Merkel’s, although improving its notoriously ner, the finance minister and
in office. me God” from his oath of they are from different par- poor cellphone and internet leader of the Free Democrats,
office, as did Merkel’s prede- ties. Neither is given to public networks. who insisted that the coali-
“We are venturing a new de- cessor, Gerhard Schroeder. displays of emotion or rous- It also plans more liberal so- tion reject tax hikes.
French junior finance minister resigns after conviction
(AP) — A junior finance He was handed a six-month
minister quit the French suspended prison sentence
government Wednesday and a three-year suspended
after being convicted of ban on holding public office.
failing to declare all his
wealth and income. Griset’s office said in a state-
ment that he has appealed
The unusual conviction of a Wednesday’s court decision,
minister in office is a stain on but submitted his resignation
the government of President pending the appeal. It wasn’t
Emmanuel Macron, who had immediately clear whether
promised a wholesale clean- he would be replaced.
up of political life when he
was elected in 2017. French media reported that
Griset had failed to declare
Alain Griset, who worked financial holdings including
in the Finance Ministry and stock-based bank accounts
oversaw relations with small and stocks in leading French
and medium-sized business- companies, and that during
es, was convicted of submit- his trial he said he failure
ting an incomplete wealth to declare was the result of
declaration to the govern- “clumsiness” and bad finan-
ment transparency authority. cial advice.