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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diasabra 19 Juni 2021

                         Biden's silence on executions adds to death penalty disarray

            (AP)  —  Activists  widely  according to the nonpartisan
            expected Joe Biden to take  Death  Penalty  Information
            swift  action  against  the  Center in Washington, D.C.
            death  penalty  as  the  first
            sitting  president  to  op-  Biden  didn’t  make  capital
            pose  capital  punishment,  punishment a prominent fea-
            especially  since  an  un-   ture  of  his  presidential  run,
            precedented  spate  of  ex-  but  he  did  say  on  his  cam-
            ecutions  by  his  predeces-  paign website that he would
            sor ended just days before  work  “to  pass  legislation  to
            Biden took office.           eliminate the death penalty at
                                         the  federal  level,  and  incen-
            Instead, the White House has  tivize states to follow the fed-
            been mostly silent.          eral government’s example.”

            Biden  hasn’t  said  whether  That simple-sounding prom-
            he’d  back  a  bill  introduced  ise  was  historic  because  it
            by fellow Democrats to strike  wasn’t just about the federal
            the death penalty from U.S.  death  penalty,  which,  before
            statutes.  He  also  hasn’t  re-  former  President  Donald
            scinded Trump-era protocols  Trump, had been carried out
            enabling  federal  executions  just three times in the previ-
            to resume and allowing pris-  ous  five  decades.  Then,  13
            ons  to  use  firing  squads  if  federal  prisoners  were  ex-
            necessary,  something  many  ecuted  during  Trump’s  last
            thought he’d do on day one.  six  months  in  office  during
                                         the height of the coronavirus  it  obtained  pentobarbital  for  chance the U.S. government  his Justice Department not to
            And this week, his adminis-  pandemic.  Biden’s  promise  the  lethal  injections  under  would  ever  embrace  an  ex-  schedule  federal  executions
            tration  asked  the  Supreme  also took direct aim at states,  Trump.                  ecution  method  favored  by  during  his  term.  But  that
            Court to reinstate the Boston  which,  combined,  have  ex-                            Nazis, Dunham said the very  would fall far short of fulfill-
            Marathon  bomber’s  original  ecuted  some  1,500  inmates  Some states have refurbished  idea  that  it’s  theoretically  ing  his  campaign  promise,
            death sentence.              since the 1970s; 27 states still  electric  chairs  as  standbys  possible should horrify Biden  and  it  would  leave  the  door
                                         have death penalty laws.     for  when  lethal  drugs  are  administration  officials  and  open for future presidents to
            The  hands-off  approach  in                              unavailable.  On  Wednesday,  spur them to act with an even  restart executions.
            Washington is adding to dis-  But  the  fact  that  the  Biden  South  Carolina  halted  two  greater sense of urgency.
            array around the death penal-  administration  chose  to  ac-  executions  until  the  state                        He could also use his execu-
            ty nationwide as pressure in-  tively  push  for  Dzhokhar  could  pull  together  firing  “This creates another oppor-  tive  powers  to  commute  all
            creases in some conservative  Tsarnaev’s execution suggests  squads.                   tunity for the Biden admin-  federal death sentences to life
            states to find ways to contin-  the president’s opposition to                          istration  to  take  action,”  he  in prison, but there’s no sign
            ue executions amid shortages  the death penalty isn’t as all-  To the disbelief of many, Ari-  said. “Doing nothing puts the  of  that  happening.  Grant-
            of the lethal-injection drugs.  inclusive  as  many  activists  zona went so far as to acquire  U.S. on the books as autho-  ing  full  clemency  to  every-
            Worse, some longtime death  believed.                     materials  to  make  cyanide  rizing  these  cyanide  execu-  one  on  death  row  could  be
            penalty observers say, is that                            hydrogen  —  the  poisonous  tions in some instances.”    politically  problematic  for
            Biden’s silence risks sending  Justice  Department  lawyers  gas deployed by Nazis to kill                          Biden and other Democrats,
            a message that he’s OK with  said in court filings Monday  865,000 Jews at Auschwitz —  A  federal  prosecutor,  argu-  who  have  a  slim  majority
            states adopting alternative ex-  that a lower court was wrong  for possible use in the state’s  ing in litigation over the gov-  in  both  the  House  and  the
            ecution methods.             to  toss  the  27-year-old’s  death chamber.              ernment’s  execution  proto-  Senate. Among those whose
                                         death  sentence  over  con-                               cols  last  month,  insisted  to  lives  would  be  spared  by
            “Biden’s lack of action is un-  cerns about the jury selection  “Execution processes are be-  a  judge  that  the  Justice  De-  such  a  Biden  order  would
            conscionable,”  said  Ashley  process, saying the Supreme  coming  more  and  more  out  partment  would  allow  some  be  Dylann  Roof,  who  killed
            Kincaid Eve, a lawyer and ac-  Court  should  “put  this  case  of touch with core American  death row inmates to choose  nine Black church members
            tivist  who  protested  outside  back  on  track  toward  a  just  values,”  Robert  Dunham,  their method of execution if  during a Bible study session
            the  Terre  Haute,  Indiana,  conclusion.”                director  of  the  Death  Pen-  they were sentenced in a state  in  South  Carolina  and  was
            prison where the federal in-                              alty Information Center, said  where  the  law  would  allow  the first person sentenced to
            mates were executed. “This is  White  House  spokesper-   about Arizona’s purchase. “It  that.                      death for a federal hate crime.
            the easiest campaign promise  son Andrew Bates said in an  provides a very clear picture
            to  keep,  and  the  fact  he  re-  email regarding the Tsarnaev  of  what  the  death  penalty  Abe  Bonowitz,  director  of  After  Biden’s  inauguration,
            fuses to keep it ... is political  decision that the Justice De-  has  become  in  the  United  the  anti-capital  punishment  the  question  of  whether  the
            cowardice.”                  partment “has independence  States.”                      group Death Penalty Action,  president  would  act  fast  to
                                         regarding  such  decisions.”                              said  he  and  other  activists  end  capital  punishment  was
            His cautious approach dem-   Bates  added  that  the  presi-  Protocols put in place under  have  spoken  with  adminis-  a  popular  topic  on  federal
            onstrates  the  practical  and  dent  “believes  the  Depart-  Trump and not rescinded by  tration officials and received  death  row  in  Terre  Haute,
            political difficulties of ending  ment  should  return  to  its  Biden allow the U.S. govern-  some   behind-the-scenes  where  discussions  were  of-
            or truncating capital punish-  prior  practice,  and  not  carry  ment  to  employ  execution  assurances  that  Biden  will  ten conducted through inter-
            ment  after  it’s  been  integral  out executions.”       methods sanctioned in states  eventually support legislation  connected  air  vents.  It’s  not
            to the criminal justice system                            where  a  federal  defendant  to  abolish  the  federal  death  discussed  much  these  days,
            for centuries, even as popular  Meanwhile,  states  have  re-  was sentenced, Dunham said.  penalty.                death row inmate Rejon Tay-
            support for the death penalty  sorted  to  other  means  as  That means, in theory, feder-                          lor told The Associated Press
            among  both  Democrats  and  drugs  used  in  lethal  injec-  al executioners could also use  “We know this is not the big-  recently  through  a  prison
            Republicans wanes.           tions  have  become  increas-  hydrogen cyanide.          gest fish they have to fry right  email system.
                                         ingly hard to procure. Phar-                              now. But we are hearing they
            Support for the death penalty  maceutical companies in the  Dunham  said  death  by  hy-  will  get  to  it,”  said  Bonow-  “I  won’t  say  that  skepticism
            among Americans is at near-  2000s began banning the use  drogen cyanide stands out as  itz,  who  has  been  critical  of  has  settled  in,  but  I  will  say
            historic lows after peaking in  of  their  products  for  execu-  uniquely  brutal,  invariably  Biden’s silence.   that most no longer feel that
            the  mid-1990s  and  steadily  tions, saying they were meant  leading to an “extended, tor-                         immediate  action  will  hap-
            declining  since,  with  most  to save lives, not take them.  turous death.”           The president could take the  pen,”  said  Taylor,  who  was
            recent  polls  indicating  sup-  The U.S. Bureau of Prisons                            path  of  least  resistance,  po-  sentenced in 2008 for killing
            port now hovers around 55%,  has  declined  to  explain  how  Even  if  there’s  virtually  no  litically  speaking,  by  telling  an Atlanta restaurant owner.
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