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A28    u.s. news
                      Diasabra 19 Juni 2021

                           Father gives daughter life-saving gift as living organ donor

                                                                      partial transplant from a liv-  But some kids awaiting trans-  cording  to  the  United  Net-
                                                                      ing donor.                   plants  are  in  foster  care  or  work for Organ Sharing, the
                                                                                                   situations where a biological  nonprofit  that  administers
                                                                      And they didn’t have to look  parent isn’t available or will-  the nation’s procurement and
                                                                      far:  Tests  and  scans  revealed  ing to donate. So now there’s  transplant process.
                                                                      that Rhett’s liver was an ide-  a  movement  among  pediat-
                                                                      al match. A few weeks later,  ric  surgeons  and  programs  More  than  300  children  re-
                                                                      both  were  prepped  for  sur-  across  the  country  to  push  main  on  the  waiting  list  for
                                                                      gery.                        for  more  anonymous  living  a liver transplant in the U.S.,
                                                                                                   donors, Seal said.           along with more than 11,500
                                                                      Cecilia  had  been  suffering                             adults, according to UNOS..
                                                                      since birth with biliary atre-  Organs  from  living  donors  Eight  months  later,  Rhett
                                                                      sia.  That’s  when  bile  ducts  have been found to be supe-  says he’s feeling great, is back
                                                                      in  the  liver  don’t  form  nor-  rior  in  quality  to  those  har-  at work and enjoying his fa-
                                                                      mally,  preventing  the  organ  vested from deceased donors,  vorite pastimes, hunting and
                                                                      from  functioning  properly.  he said. And because the liver  fishing. He said he’s “anxious
            (AP)  —  Sitting  poolside                                It’s  one  of  the  most  com-  regenerates  quickly,  children  to see her be all that she can
            with  his  wife  and  two  “It  was  a  very  close  call,”  mon reasons why children in  and  small  adults  typically  be, now that nothing’s hold-
            daughters, Rhett Shaffette  Rhett said. His daughter Ce-  the  U.S.  require  liver  trans-  only need a part of a healthy  ing her back.”
            says  he’s  already  received  cilia, 11 at the time, had spent  plants,  said  John  Seal,  one  donor’s  liver.  Both  patients
            the  best  gift  this  Father’s  years  in  frustration  on  the  of the surgeons on the fam-  can typically expect their liv-  Cecilia knows how fortunate
            Day.                         transplant list, and was twice  ily’s transplant team at Och-  ers  to  return  to  normal  size  she is, thanks to her father’s
                                         called to be a back-up recipi-  sner Hospital for Children in  within  a  few  months  to  a  love and generosity.
            His  12-year-old  daughter  is  ent,  only  to  be  sent  home  New Orleans.           year, Seal said.
            thriving,  eight  months  after  again in disappointment.                                                           “I’m very lucky and grateful
            getting a portion of his liver.                           Having  a  biological  parent  Living  donors  made  pos-  that he could do this for me,”
            She  received  the  transplant  After   Cecilia’s   near-fatal  as a living donor helps with  sible  491  of  the  8,906  liver  she said. “I have an awesome
            after nearly losing her life to  bleed  last  year,  the  family  immunity  and  lowers  the  transplants performed in the  dad.  He’s  always  been  my
            internal bleeding.           decided to look instead for a  chance  of  organ  rejection.  United  States  last  year,  ac-  hero.”

                              Catholic foster care agency wins Supreme Court verdict

            (AP)  —  In  another  victory  for  would be referred to one of the more  but lower courts sided with Philadel-  Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas and
            religious  groups  at  the  Supreme  than  20  other  agencies  that  works  phia.                          Neil Gorsuch said they would have
            Court,  the  justices  on  Thursday  with same-sex couples, Catholic So-                                    overruled a 1990 Supreme Court de-
            unanimously sided with a Catho-     cial Services has said.             In coming to the conclusion that Phil-  cision  that  they  said  improperly  al-
            lic foster care agency that says its                                    adelphia had acted improperly, Rob-  lows limits on religious freedom.
            religious  views  prevent  it  from  “For over 50 years, CSS successfully  erts said the city gave Catholic Social
            working  with  same-sex  couples.  contracted  with  the  City  to  provide  Services a choice between “curtailing  Alito called the court’s ruling Thurs-
            The court said the city of Phila-   foster  care  services  while  holding  its mission or approving relationships  day a “wisp of a decision.” Gorsuch
            delphia wrongly limited its rela-   to  these  beliefs,”  said  Roberts,  one  inconsistent with its beliefs.”  said  it  was  an  “(ir)resolution,”  pre-
            tionship  with  the  group  as  a  re-  of seven members of the court who                                   dicting that the litigation would con-
            sult of the agency’s policy.        is  Catholic  or  attended  Catholic  He  also  pointed  to  language  in  the  tinue, with the city perhaps rewriting
                                                schools.                            city’s  standard  foster  care  contract.  its contract.
            The  ruling  was  specific  to  the  facts                              The contract says that agencies cannot
            of the case, sidestepping bigger ques-  Because  of  its  beliefs,  the  Catholic  reject  prospective  foster  or  adoptive  In a statement, she said the court had
            tions about how to balance religious  agency also does not certify unmar-  parents based on their sexual orienta-  “usurped  the  City’s  judgment  that
            freedom  and  anti-discrimination  ried couples.                        tion “unless an exception is granted.”  a  nondiscrimination  policy  is  in  the
            laws. Instead, the outcome turned on                                    Because the city created a process for  best  interests  of  the  children  in  its
            the language in the city’s foster care  In recent years, religious groups have  granting  exemptions,  it  cannot  then  care.” But she said the city was also
            contract. Three conservative justices  been  delighted  by  victories  at  the  deny Catholic Social Services an ex-  “gratified”  that  the  justices  did  not
            would have gone much further, and  court,  often  by  wide  margins.  That  emption, Roberts concluded.     “radically  change  existing  constitu-
            LGBTQ  groups  said  they  were  re-  includes  cases  in  which  the  court                                tional  law  to  adopt  a  standard  that
            lieved that the decision was limited.  lifted a ban on state aid to religious  Three  conservative  justices  who  would  force  court-ordered  religious
                                                schooling,  gave  religious  schools  joined  Roberts’  opinion  said  they  exemptions from civic obligations in
            Chief Justice John Roberts wrote for  greater leeway to hire and fire teach-  would  have  gone  further.  Justices  every arena.”
            a majority of the court that Catholic  ers  and  allowed  a  cross  to  remain
            Social Services “seeks only an accom-  on  public  land.  More  recently,  the
            modation  that  will  allow  it  to  con-  court repeatedly sided with religious
            tinue  serving  the  children  of  Phila-  groups in fights over coronavirus re-
            delphia in a manner consistent with  strictions.
            its religious beliefs; it does not seek to
            impose those beliefs on anyone else.”  Philadelphia learned in 2018 from a
                                                newspaper reporter that Catholic So-
            Roberts  concluded  that  Philadel-  cial Services would not certify same-
            phia’s refusal to “contract with CSS  sex couples to become foster parents.
            for the provision of foster care servic-  The city has said it requires the fos-
            es unless it agrees to certify same-sex  ter  care  agencies  it  works  with  not
            couples  as  foster  parents  ...  violates  to discriminate as part of their con-
            the First Amendment.”               tracts. The city asked Catholic Social
                                                Services to change its policy, but the
            Roberts noted that no same-sex cou-  group declined.
            ple has ever asked to work with Cath-
            olic Social Services, which is affiliated  As a result, Philadelphia stopped re-
            with the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.  ferring  additional  children  to  the
            If  that  were  to  happen,  that  couple  agency. Catholic Social Services sued,
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