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A26     u.s. news
                      Diasabra 19 Juni 2021

                         Declaration of Juneteenth holiday sparks scramble in states

                                                                                                   In  Mississippi,  Democratic  the Legislature. A bill to rec-
                                                                                                   state  Rep.  Bryant  Clark  has  ognize it as a working holiday
                                                                                                   filed bills to make Juneteenth  fell a handful of votes short of
                                                                                                   a  state  holiday  for  about  15  passing this year.
                                                                                                   years. All have stalled.
                                                                                                                                It  was  defeated  by  an  un-
                                                                                                   Clark said Friday that he will  usual coalition of Democrats
                                                                                                   keep  trying.  He  noted  that  who  felt  the  day  should  be
                                                                                                   Mississippi  legislators  took  recognized  as  a  full-fledged
                                                                                                   four  years  to  create  a  state  holiday,  rather  than  a  work-
                                                                                                   holiday  honoring  King  after  ing holiday, and conservative
                                                                                                   the federal holiday was estab-  lawmakers who opposed rec-
                                                                                                   lished.  In  1987,  Mississippi  ognizing the holiday at all.
                                                                                                   legislators  revised  a  holiday
                                                                                                   named for Confederate Gen-   Vaney  Hariri,  a  Black  busi-
                                                                                                   eral  Robert  E.  Lee  that  had  ness  owner  who  organized
                                                                                                   been  in  place  for  decades,  a  march  after  Floyd’s  death,
                                                                                                   creating a joint holiday hon-  said  that  vote  showed  the
                                                                                                   oring both Lee and King.     entrenched attitude of many
                                                                                                                                lawmakers who “would turn
                                                                                                   Two  other  Mississippi  law-  down  a  day  off  rather  than
                                                                                                   makers said Friday that they  celebrate your freedom from
                                                                                                   plan to file a bill to eliminate  pain and captivity.”
            (AP)  —  Congress  and  ing of the federal Juneteenth  and  Florida  issued  their  Ju-  Confederate  Memorial  Day
            President Joe Biden acted  law with the paid holiday on  neteenth  proclamations  Fri-  as a state holiday and replace  Arizona  dragged  its  feet  for
            with  unusual  swiftness  the  books  to  be  celebrated  day.                         it with Juneteenth.          years on Martin Luther King
            this  week  in  approving  in  2021.  The  governors  of                                                            Jr.  Day,  until  it  became  the
            Juneteenth  as  a  national  Washington,  Illinois,  Louisi-  Ohio  state  Sen.  Hearcel  “Sometimes,  progress  is  ex-  only  state  that  did  not  have
            holiday.  That  shifted  the  ana  and  Maine,  by  contrast,  Craig, a Columbus Democrat  tremely  slow,”  said  Clark,  some sort of holiday inspired
            battle to the states, where  all  signed  more  recent  laws  who is Black, said Friday that  a  member  of  the  Legisla-  by the slain civil rights leader.
            the holiday faces a far less  that  were  set  to  kick  in  for  codifying Juneteenth in state  tive  Black  Caucus.  Several
            enthusiastic response.       2022, when June 19 falls on  law  remains  essential.  He  is  communities  in  Mississippi  That long delay cost Arizona
                                         a Sunday, adding to the con-  sponsoring  a  Juneteenth  bill  already hold Juneteenth cel-  a Super Bowl and millions of
            Nearly all states recognize Ju-  fusing rollout.          that  passed the Ohio  Senate  ebrations. One is the capital  dollars  in  tourism  revenue
            neteenth in some fashion, at                              unanimously last session, but  city  of  Jackson,  where  the  from  canceled  conventions
            least on paper. But most have  Louisiana Gov. John Bel Ed-  time ran out for its consider-  population is more than 80%  and  other  events.  It  also  in-
            been  slow  to  move  beyond  wards closed state offices for  ation in the House. Republi-  Black.                  spired  a  boycott  by  singer
            proclamations issued by gov-  a half-day Friday, only a few  cans  control  both  of  Ohio’s                        Stevie Wonder and a protest
            ernors  or  resolutions  passed  days  after  he  signed  June-  legislative chambers.  Minnesota  has  recognized  song by Public Enemy called
            by lawmakers. So far, at least  teenth legislation, and Illinois                       the third Saturday in June as  “By  the  Time  I  Get  to  Ari-
            nine states have designated it  Gov. J.B. Pritzker was among  “My  hope  and  expectation  Juneteenth  since  1996,  but  zona.”
            in law as an official paid state  governors who changed their  is  that  Ohio  will  choose  to  the statute only obligates the
            holiday — Illinois, Louisiana,  states’ start dates to 2021.  be  a  leader  in  the  quest  to  governor to issue a proclama-  Gov. Bruce Babbitt, a Demo-
            Maine,  Massachusetts,  New                               honor Black history and the  tion  each  year  honoring  the  crat,  issued  an  executive  or-
            Jersey, New York, Texas, Vir-  In another twist, many states  movement  toward  a  more  observance.  That’s  a  com-  der in 1986 declaring Martin
            ginia and Washington. All but  have  laws  that  automatically  equitable world,” Craig said.  mon  situation  in  the  U.S.,  Luther  King  Jr.  Day  a  state
            Texas,  where  the  events  of  recognize all federal holidays  “And that’s not hyperbole. ...  where  the  holiday  is  some-  holiday. Babbitt’s Republican
            the  original  Juneteenth  took  — even those not named in  It concerns not only African-  times  called  Emancipation  successor, Evan Mecham, re-
            place,  acted  after  the  killing  state statute.        Americans but all Americans.  Day.                        scinded the order a year later,
            of George Floyd last year.                                Put  simply,  Black  history  is                          saying  Babbitt  exceeded  his
                                         Such  was  the  case  in  Ohio,  American history.”       Calls by Minnesota Gov. Tim  authority.
            This year alone, legislation to  where Republican Gov. Mike                            Walz, a Democrat, to make it
            make Juneteenth a paid state  DeWine issued a Juneteenth  Georgia law caps the number  an official state holiday have  Mecham’s action led to years
            holiday  died  in  Florida  and  statement late Thursday and  of state holidays at 12, mean-  failed  to  gain  traction  so  far  of  divisive  political  maneu-
            South  Dakota  and  is  stalled  closed  state  offices  in  the  ing  Juneteenth  could  only  in the Minnesota Legislature,  vering,  including  a  ballot
            in Ohio, all states controlled  manner  of  a  hastily  called  be  added  if  another  holiday  the  only  one  in  the  nation  measure that ended in defeat
            by  Republicans.  But  even  school  snow  day.  West  Vir-  was dropped. In other states,  where  Democrats  control  for  King  holiday  supporters,
            in  Maryland,  where  Demo-  ginia  Gov.  Jim  Justice  also  including  Oregon,  whether  one  chamber  and  Republi-  before  Arizona  voters  ulti-
            crats control the Legislature,  declared  Juneteenth  a  state  Juneteenth  becomes  a  paid  cans control the other.  mately approved the holiday
            a Juneteenth bill passed one  holiday  at  a  last-minute  vir-  holiday will depend on union                       in 1992.
            chamber  only  to  die  in  the  tual  press  conference.  The  negotiations.          Hawaii had been one of only
            other.                       governors  of  Connecticut                                three  states  left  not  to  rec-  Warren H. Stewart Sr., pastor
                                                                                                   ognize  the  holiday  at  all.  A  of  the  Institutional  Baptist
            The effort recalls the drawn-                                                          bill  marking  Juneteenth  was  Church  in  Phoenix,  helped
            out  battles  over  recognizing                                                        signed there Wednesday and  lead a grassroots campaign to
            Martin  Luther  King  Jr.  Day,                                                        in  a  second  holdout  state,  establish Arizona’s King holi-
            the last time the federal gov-                                                         North Dakota, in April. Nei-  day. But he said he did not re-
            ernment  designated  a  new                                                            ther created a paid state holi-  joice when Biden signed the
            holiday.  That  legislation,  fi-                                                      day, however.                Juneteenth  law.  He  fears  it
            nally  passed  in  1983,  sched-                                                                                    will  distract  from  legislation
            uled  the  holiday  to  begin                                                          South  Dakota  still  does  not  on vital issues such as voting
            three years later. It set off bit-                                                     officially  recognize  the  holi-  rights and police reform.
            ter debates in the states over                                                         day, but Gov. Kristi Noem has
            whether  to  enact  their  own                                                         issued  a  proclamation  cele-  “I  see  it  as  a  distraction,”
            holidays.                                                                              brating it. The governor does  Stewart  said,  “almost  as  a
                                                                                                   not have the power to make  handout  of  some  candy,  but
            Only  a  handful  of  states                                                           it an official state holiday —  the meat of justice is still go-
            headed into Thursday’s sign-                                                           that  must  be  done  through  ing to be denied.”
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